Screen capture shows the App Catalog on an iPhone. At the top of the page is a heading that says Catalog. Below the heading is a Search text box. Below the Search box is a single column with four apps listed. To the left of each app entry is the icon for that particular app. The app name is displayed in bold type. Above each name in small, standard type is a heading that says Business. Below the name in small, standard type is the app description. The app in the first row is the White Pages app, which has a description that reads "White Pages App." On the right side of the app row is a button that says Update. This is the only app that has the Update button. One row down is the Web App app. This app does not have a description. A > symbol is shown on the right side of the app row. One row down is the Oracle Expenses app, which has a description that reads "Oracle Fusion Expenses." A > symbol is shown on the right side of the app row. In the bottom row is the BriefCase app, which has a description that reads "BriefCase Enterprise." Again, a > symbol is shown on the right side of the app row.