Screen capture shows the Mobile Devices page. The Search box is located in the top right part of the page. Below it is the Action Bar, which from left to right consists of the Status drop-down menu of filter options, the Refresh button, and the Sort drop-down menu of sorting options. Below the Action Bar is the table of search results. The search results table has three columns. From the left to right, the first column lists user names; the second column shows device icons with a gear to indicate managed devices, and device icons without a gear to indicate unmanaged devices, followed by the device model name of each device (for example, iPhone 5s, iPad Mini 2 (WIFI+LTE) Nexus 5, and so on); the third column shows the Workspace device-with-a-key icon followed by a Workspace label, and below that the Workspace alpha-numeric GUID, which is approximately 32 characters long. The search results table shows five rows of results. In this example, four of the records a show managed device paired with a Workspace, and one of the records show an unmanaged device (with the device name grayed out) paired with a Workspace. At the bottom of the table is a link that says Load More Items, followed by text that says 1-5 of 16 items.