Screen capture shows the MDM Default Invite template. At the top of this page are the following three buttons: Add New Language, Remove, and Edit. Below the buttons are a row of tabs with the names of various languages. English is selected. Other language options visible in the screen capture include: Arabic, Chinese (China), Chinese (Taiwan), Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French. Arrow buttons are available at either end of the row of tabs. Clicking the right scroll arrow scrolls the language tabs to the right. Next to the right scroll arrow is a down arrow. Instead of scrolling, you can click the down arrow to view additional language choices in a drop-down menu. The contents of the English tab include a heading (Device Registration Invitation) and the following text:

Hello ${recipient_name},

Welcome to the mobility program. Please follow the steps below to install and activate the Secure Workspace on your device.
1. These steps need to be taken from your mobile device. If you are not viewing this email on the mobile device you are trying to activate then please forward it to that device.
2. Download & Install
     Click iOS Oracle Secure Workspace to download the app on your iOS device.
     Note: If the above URL does not work, Please copy and paste the below URL into your browser.
     Click Android Oracle Secure Workspace to download the app on your Android device.
3. Once fully installed, Click Configure Workspace to configure your Oracle Secure Workspace automatically.
  Note: If the above URL does not work, Configure the Oracle Secure Workspace using following Configuration URL.
4. When presented with the Request Certificate page please enter your username, 
 passcode, new PIN, and confirm new PIN.
  (this passcode is only valid for ${tip_expiration_time} mins after this
   invitation was sent)
Congratulations, you now can successfully use your Oracle Secure Workspace. If you run into any problems during the steps above please call the Support Line.
Mobility Program