Screen capture shows the Workspace tab, which is the fifth page in the Create Policy configuration flow. At the top of the page is the Create Policy header, followed by a progress bar and four buttons. The progress bar shows a sequence of five positions. From left to right they are Roles, Enrollment, Device, Workspace, and Apps and Configuration. The Workspace position is filled in to indicate the current position in the flow. To the left of the progress bar is a Back button, which moves the position marker back on the progress bar and loads the Device page. To the right of the progress bar are three buttons: Cancel, Finish, and Next. Next moves the position marker forward on the progress bar and loads the Apps and Configuration page.

Below the progress bar is the Workspace form. Below the Workspace heading is a label that says Selected Roles. No roles are shown. On the right side of the page is a check box with a check mark that says "Specify Workspace details for this policy." The rest of the form is organized into four sections: Authentication, Workspace/Apps, Application Settings, and Time Access/Geo Access. The form elements in each section are described in the Help Reference for Oracle Mobile Security Suite Consoles.