Screen capture shows the Default Policy open for editing, with the Apps and Configuration tab visible. The Specify Apps and Configuration details for this policy check box is selected. One line down, following the Selected Roles label, is text that says "Employees." The Apps section is next. Below the heading Apps, is a row of commands: View, Add, Remove, and Search and Add Apps. Below that, this screen capture shows one app record. The app record has four fields and two check boxes with labels arranged horizontally across the page. The app icon is shown at the far left. The fields are App Name, Description, Containerized, and Platform. App Name is a text field that says "White Pages" in this image. A search icon follows the text field. Description is a read-only field that says "White Pages App." Containerized is a read-only field set to "No." Platform is a read-only field set to iOS. A check box labelled Install on Homepage is not selected. A check box labelled Upgrade Alert is selected.