6 Device Configurations Help

Mobile Device Configurations allow Systems Administrators to pre-configure e-mail, calendar, Wi-Fi, and VPN settings. Systems Administrators can then assign Device Configurations to policies so that they can be made available to users based on their role assignments.

6.1 Device Configurations Page

Use the Device Configurations page to:

  • Search for one or more device configurations.

  • View device configuration information.

  • Add a new E-mail, VPN, calendar, or Wi-Fi configuration, or delete an existing configuration. (Systems Administrators only.)

The following topics are covered:

Device Configuration Search

The Device Configuration Search View page is arranged in the following sections:

Command Bar and Search

Search for configurations by name, description, or type, then use the Sort menu to reorder the search results.

Element Description


Type your search criteria.


Click Refresh to update the screen with any changes made on the (back-end) server.


Choose from the following:
  • Name - Sort search results alphabetically by configuration name.

  • Last Updated - Sort search results chronologically so that the most recently updated records display at the top.


Click Add to create a new E-mail, VPN, Calendar, or Wi-Fi Device Configuration.

Table of Configurations (Search Results)

This section of the Device Configurations page lists configurations that meet the search criteria. Click a configuration record to open or close additional details.

Element Description

E-mail device configuration icon

Indicates an E-mail configuration.

VPN device configuration icon

Indicates a VPN configuration.

Calendar device configuration icon

Indicates a calendar configuration.

Wifi device configuration icon

Indicates a Wi-Fi configuration.


The name assigned to the configuration. Click the name to expand the device configuration record and display additional details; click again to hide the details. Systems Administrators can use the expanded device configuration record to edit the policy.


A short description to help you or another administrator identify this configuration in the future.


One of the following configuration types: E-mail, VPN, Calendar, or Wi-Fi.

Add E-mail (Edit E-mail) Configuration

Use this page to create a new E-mail configuration, or to edit or view an existing configuration.

Basic Properties

Element Description


The name of this device configuration.


A short description to help you or another administrator identify this configuration in the future.

Account Type

Choose one of the following from the menu:
  • POP - Post Office Protocol server.

  • IMAP - Internet Message Access Protocol server.

Incoming Mail Server Settings

Mail Server - Enter the name of the mail server, for example: imap.example.com

Port - Enter the port number that the incoming mail server is listening on.

Use SSL - Select if the configuration should use SSL/TLS to connect to the mail server.

Authentication Type - Choose one of the following from the menu:

  • Password - The mail server requires a password.

  • None - The mail server does not require a password.

Outgoing Mail Server Settings

Mail Server - Enter the name of the mail server, for example: smtp.example.com

Port - Enter the port number that the outgoing mail server is listening on.

Use SSL - Select if the configuration should use HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) to connect to the mail server.

Authentication Type - Choose one of the following from the menu:

  • Password - The mail server requires a password.

  • None - The mail server does not require a password.

Add VPN (Edit VPN) Configuration

Use this page to create a new VPN (virtual private network) configuration, or to edit or view an existing configuration.

Basic Properties

Element Description


The name of this device configuration that will display in the Mobile Security Manager console.

User Defined Name

The VPN configuration name that will be displayed on the end user's device.

VPN Type

Choose one of the following from the menu:
  • L2TP - Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol

  • PPTP - Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol

  • IPSec - Internet Protocol Security


A short description to help you or another administrator identify this configuration in the future.

Primary Overridden

Specifies whether to send all traffic through the VPN interface. If selected, all network traffic is sent through the VPN.

Add Calendar (Edit Calendar) Configuration

Use this page to create a new calendar configuration, or to edit or view an existing configuration. This page is arranged in the following sections:

Basic Properties

Element Description


The name of this device configuration.


A short description to help you or another administrator identify this configuration in the future.

Calendar Properties

Element Description


Type the calendar server host name.


Enter the calendar server port number.

SSL Enabled

Select this option if the calendar server requires an SSL connection.The configuration will use SSL/TLS to connect to the calendar server.

Account Description

A brief description that will be displayed on the end user's device.

Add Wi-Fi (Edit Wi-Fi) Configuration

Use this page to create a new Wi-Fi configuration, or to edit or view an existing configuration. This page is arranged in the following sections:

Basic Properties

Element Description


Enter a unique name for this Wi-Fi configuration.

Service Set Identifier (SSID)

The identifier of the Wi-Fi network to connect to.

Encryption Type

The encryption type enabled on the Wi-Fi network to connection to.

Auto Join Enabled

Select this option if you want mobile devices to automatically connect to the Wi-Fi network without prompting users.


A short description to help you or another administrator identify this Wi-Fi configuration in the future.

Hidden Network

Select if the Wi-Fi network to connect to runs in hidden mode (does not broadcast an SSID).


The authentication protocols supported by the Wi-Fi network that this configuration will connect to.

Proxy Settings

Element Description

Proxy Type

Selects whether a proxy server should be used for the Wi-Fi network and if so whether the proxy server should be specified manually or picked up from a proxy auto-configuration (PAC) file.

Proxy Server

If required, type the name of the proxy server.

Proxy Server Port

If required, type the proxy server port number.

Encryption Settings

Choose from the provided options to configure the Wi-Fi network's encryption settings. Refer to the manufacturer's documentation for details.

"Managing Device Configurations" in Administering Oracle Mobile Security Suite