3 Using the OUD Plug-In API Reference

For detailed information about Oracle Unified Directory (OUD) Java classes, methods, and related syntax and usage, see the Java API Reference for Oracle Unified Directory. This chapter provides general information about using the OUD Plug-In API.

The chapter contains the following sections:

3.1 OUD Plug-In Configuration

The OUD Plug-In API provides convenient ways to store, retrieve, modify, and validate the plug-in configuration.

3.1.1 Storing OUD Plug-In Configuration

OUD stores plug-in configuration as part of the plug-in configuration entry. The configuration elements are stored in the OUD config.ldif file as key-value pairs. For simplicity, you should use this mechanism. However, the OUD plug-in architecture allows you to use alternative methods, such as an external file, to retrieve the configuration.

The plug-in configuration is represented as a set of key-value pairs in the default configuration model. Key and value are treated as raw strings by the OUD server and the dsconfig command line tools. You can set key-value pairs using the dsconfig tool and the plugin-properties property associated with plug-in workflow elements.

Example 3-1 demonstrates how to add plug-in properties.

Example 3-1 Adding Plug-In Properties

dsconfig set-workflow-element-prop \
          --element-name ExamplePlugin \
          --add plugin-properties:customProperty=localDB1 \
          --hostname host1 \
          --port 4444 \
--trustStorePath install-dir/OUD/config/admin-truststore \
          --bindDN cn=Directory\ Manager \
          --bindPasswordFile ****** \

In Example 3-2 the plug-in ExamplePlugin is configured with a custom property named customProperty. This property is specified as a value of the generic plugin-properties parameter.

Example 3-2 Configuring a Custom Property

$dsconfig get-workflow-element-prop --element-name ExamplePlugin
Property : Value(s)
enabled : true
next-workflow-elements : localDB1
plugin-class : oracle.oud.plugin.example.ExamplePlugin
plugin-properties : customProperty=localDB1

3.1.2 Retrieving OUD Plug-In Configuration

The OUD plug-in configuration is available from the PluginConfiguration instance provided during plug-in initialization. It can be accessed by overriding the initializePlugin method as shown in Example 3-3.

Example 3-3 Overriding initializePlugin to Access the OUD Plug-In Configuration

  public void initializePlugin(PluginConfiguration configuration,PluginContext context) throws PluginException
    // Plugin configuration as a Set of properties
    Set<String> properties = configuration.getProperties();
    String aParameter=null;
    for(String value: properties)
      if ( value.startsWith("customProperty=") )
        aParameter = value.substring(value.indexOf("=")+1);
    // Expected property not found
    if ( aParameter == null )
      throw new PluginException
                (context.getTypeBuilder().newMessage("customProperty missing in configuration."));   
    // Either use the configuration right now or make it persistent using class members.

In this example, the configuration is retrieved from the raw configuration object as a set of properties. Once the properties are read, they can be used immediately and/or stored for later use in members of the Java class that implements the plug-in.

3.1.3 Creating an Automated Parser for Plug-In Properties

OUD provides an alternative method to retrieve plug-in configuration.

To create an automated parser for the plug-in properties:

  1. Create a Java interface that extends the class oracle.oud.plugin.PluginConfiguration.

  2. For each property that you expect to be retrieved, add a getter in the form get<property-name>(). The property-name must match the key of the key-value pair defined in the plugin properties. The case of the name is ignored.

  3. The returned method type must be of a class that provides a static method valueOf(String) - java.lang.String.valueOf(String) matches this assertion.

    The Java interface to parse the plug-in property customProperty looks like the Example 3-4.

    Example 3-4 Parsing a Plug-In Property

    public interface PropertyConfiguration
           extends oracle.oud.plugin.PluginConfiguration
       * Return the value associated to the key 'customProperty'.
       * @return the value associated to the key 'customProperty'.
      String getCustomProperty();

    Then the initialization of the plugin can be rewritten as in the following example:

      public void initializePlugin(final PluginConfiguration configuration,
                                   final PluginContext context)
        throws PluginException
        super.initializePlugin(configuration, context);
        PropertyConfiguration propertyConfiguration = this.getConfiguration(PropertyConfiguration.class);
        String customProperty = propertyConfiguration.getCustomProperty();
        // Perform check...

3.1.4 Making Dynamic OUD Plug-In Configuration Changes

Changes to the plug-in configuration can be caught dynamically by overriding the method handleConfigurationChange(). The new configuration can be retrieved as shown in Example 3-5.

Example 3-5 Retrieving Changed Plug-In Configuration

  public void handleConfigurationChange(final PluginConfiguration configuration)
    throws PluginException
    // The new configuration is stored in the configuration object
    // parse again the plugin configuration
    String aParameter;
    Set<String> properties = configuration.getProperties();
    for(String value: properties)
      if ( value.startsWith("customProperty=") )
        aParameter = value.substring(value.indexOf("=")+1);

The handleConfigurationChange() method is invoked only when the plug-in properties managed by the OUD server are updated. If you decide to store the configuration in an external file, changes to the file content won't be detected dynamically by the mechanism described here.

3.1.5 Validating Plug-In Configuration

The dsconfig tool does not make any syntaxtical cases about the custom plug-in configuration properties, so the plug-in must validate the configuration at startup or when the configuration is modified dynamically. The plug-in code should raise a PluginException when it cannot recover from an invalid configuration.

The plug-in is automatically disabled when a PluginException is raised during plug-in initialization. Invalid dynamic configuration changes can be rejected by raising a PluginException in the handleConfigurationChange() method.

3.2 Request Handling

A plug-in can intercept any LDAP requests processed by the OUD server by implementing the corresponding callbacks defined by the oracle.oud.RequestManager interface. Each type of LDAP operation corresponds to a handler method. For example, add operations are managed by the handleAdd() method and so on.

Received LDAP requests are processed by the server. Thus modifying the properties of the requests can impact the server regarding performance, integrity, and security.

Each property contained in LDAP requests can be retrieved by getters, and modified by setters.

Each handler takes three parameters that are tied together:

  • The LDAP request that contains all request properties as provided by the workflow element previous to this plug-in

  • The Result handler that is the reference to use to return to the previous workflow element, the result of the LDAP request once processed

  • A context that is a toolbox reference that provides access to various elements of the server such as logging subsystem, creation of plug-in API objects, client connection, abandon of request, and so forth

The bind request takes a fourth parameter that is the version of the LDAP protocol and that is provided for convenience only.The abandon and unbind methods cannot be intercepted. The abandon of a request can be detected using the request's context. The unbind operation means that the client connection will disconnect from the server.

The contract that must respect each plug-in in the process chain is to return the LDAP request in the exact state as it was received. This applies to all implementations of request handler. This is the most important thing that the plug-in does. This is important because although a request already has a result, the request may not be complete.

Consider this example: a plug-in is part of the processing that is performed after a load-balancer. Modifying the requests and giving back the modified request, instead of giving back the request in the state it was received, may make the load-balancer function improperly. Indeed, the request will be modified on the first route, and potentially replayed modified on the second route if the first route fails.

In summary, keep in mind that requests must be submitted in the exact same form as they are received.

3.2.1 Modifying Requests

The following example modifies the scope of a search request. The search scope is changed to BASE_OBJECT, and then restored when the search request has been processed.

  1. To intercept the search requests, override the handleSearch(...) method in the example plug-in. See Example 3-6.

    Example 3-6 Overriding handleSearch(...) to Intercept Search Requests

      public void handleSearch(final RequestContext requestContext,
                               final SearchRequest request,
                               final SearchResultHandler resultHandler)
        throws UnsupportedOperationException {
        System.out.println("plug-in: search received " + request);
        // Store the received search scope.
        SearchScope scopeReceived = request.getScope();
        // Set a base search scope for all search requests
        System.out.println("plug-in: search modified " + request);
        // Forward the request to the next plug-in.
        // Restore the original value to give the request back as received.
  2. Restart the Oracle Unified Directory instance for the JAR file changes to take effect.

    1. Stop the OUD instance.

      UNIX, Linux
      $ cd instance-directory/OUD/bin
      $ stop-ds
      C:\> cd instance-directory\OUD\bat
      C:\> stop-ds
    2. Copy the plug-in JAR file into the lib directory.

      UNIX, Linux
      # cp plugin.jar lib
      C:\> copy plugin.jar lib
    3. Restart OUD instance.

      UNIX, Linux
      # start-ds
      C:\> start-ds
  3. Run the following command:

    UNIX, Linux
    $ ldapsearch --hostname localhost --port 1389 --bindDN "cn=directory manager" --bindPasswordFile /tmp/password --searchScope sub --baseDN "uid=user.1,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" "(objectclass=*)"
    C:\ ldapsearch --hostname localhost --port 1389 --bindDN "cn=directory manager" --bindPasswordFile C:\tmp\password --searchScope sub --baseDN "uid=user.1,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" "(objectclass=*)"
  4. For each command, the log file
    (instance-dir/OUD/logs/server.out on UNIX or Linux, instance-dir\OUD\logs\server.out on Windows)
    should contain information similar to this:

    plug-in: search received SearchRequest(name=uid=user.1,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com, scope=sub, dereferenceAliasesPolicy=never, sizeLimit=0, timeLimit=0, typesOnly=false, filter=(objectClass=*), attributes=[], controls=[]) 
    plug-in: search modified SearchRequest(name=uid=user.1,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com, scope=base, dereferenceAliasesPolicy=never, sizeLimit=0, timeLimit=0, typesOnly=false, filter=(objectClass=*), attributes=[], controls=[]) 


    The request is passed to the next plug-in by calling:

    This is exactly what is done by the default implementation of the AbstractPlugin. The same thing can be achieved by calling the following:


3.2.2 Wrapping Requests

An alternative way of modifying requests is to wrap the original request in a special object named wrapper. A request wrapper is an implementation that offers the same exact Java interface as the request that it wraps, and then forwards all calls performed on methods to the wrapped request.

To modify the value of the properties, override the appropriate method. Example 3-7 demonstrates how to change the scope of search requests.

Example 3-7 Changing the Scope of Search Results

  public void handleSearch(final RequestContext requestContext,
                           final SearchRequest request,
                           final SearchResultHandler resultHandler)
    throws UnsupportedOperationException {
    SearchRequest newRequest = new SearchRequestWrapper(request)
      public SearchScope getScope()
        // Change the scope of this request.
        return SearchScope.BASE_OBJECT;
    // Forward the request to the next plug-in.

This alternative has the advantage of letting the wrapped request remain untouched. Thus, there is no need to restore the scope property as this one was not changed.

However, if you use of this alternative, you may encounter problems. The wrapped request does not know about its outbound wrapper. If processing is performed at the level of the wrapped request, and this processing involves properties that are redefined at the level of the wrapper, then those properties will be ignored. The wrapped request only has access to its own properties.

A wrapper is provided for all types of requests in the package oracle.oud.requests.

3.2.3 Forwarding Requests

In most situations, plug-ins intercept requests, do some processing, then forward the request to the next workflow in the chain. In the vast majority of case, there is exactly one next workflow element. In this case, the request can be passed to the next element by invoking the corresponding method of the super instance.

In the case of a leaf plug-in, all request handlers implemented by oracle.oud.AbstractPlugin must be overridden, and a result must be returned as described in the next section.

In some specific cases, a plug-in may be followed by several workflow elements. The plug-in implementation must determine which workflow element the request must be forwarded to. The list of next workflow elements can be retrieved from the PluginConfiguration instance through the getNextPlugins() method. Then the request is forwarded to the appropriate workflow element by directly invoking the appropriate method as shown in Example 3-8.

Example 3-8 Forwarding Requests

  public void handleBind(final RequestContext requestContext,
                         final int version,
                         final BindRequest request,
                         ResultHandler resultHandler)
    throws UnsupportedOperationException
    // Get the original bind DN from the bind request
    DN originalDn = request.getName();
    // Transform the bind DN according to custom algorithm
    DN newDn = transformDN(originalDn);
    BindRequestWrapper wrapper = new BindRequestWrapper(request);
    // Update the wrapper object
    // Retrieve the list of next plugins and figure out which one to use
    List<Plugin> nextPlugins = this.getConfiguration().getNextPlugins();
    // Pass the request to the appropriate plugin (assume the first one here)

3.2.4 Returning Results

In some cases, a plug-in may intercept a request and return results by themselves instead of forwarding the request to the next workflow element of the chain.

A result object instance can be created using the newResult() method of the oracle.oud.plugin.PluginContext.TypeBuilder class. Then this result can be returned to the plug-in caller by invoking the handleResult() or handleErrorResult() method from the resultHandler object passed as an argument of the handler methods. Example 3-9 illustrates how to intercept bind requests and return an Invalid Credentials error.

Example 3-9 Intercepting Bind Requests and Returning Invalid Credentials Error

  public void handleBind(final RequestContext requestContext,
                         final int version,
                         final BindRequest request,
                         ResultHandler resultHandler)
    throws UnsupportedOperationException
    // Get the original bind DN from the bind request
    DN originalDn = request.getName();
    // Apply custom logic to decide whether access is granted or not
    // Assume invalid credentials
    // Create a Result object
    Result error = getPluginContext().getTypeBuilder().newResult(ResultCode.INVALID_CREDENTIALS);
    // Return it to the plugin caller

Similarly, LDAP entries can be created using the newSearchResultEntry() method of the oracle.oud.plugin.PluginContext.TypeBuilder class. Then this entry can be returned to the plug-in caller by invoking the handleSearchResultEntry() or handleErrorResult() method from the searchResultHandler object passed as an argument of the handleSearch() method.

3.3 Response Handling

Plug-ins that need to intercept responses must explicitly register their interest by providing their own ResultHandler instance before submitting the request to the next workflow element. The handleResult() method of the ResultHandler is invoked upon successful completion of the operation with the corresponding Result instance passed in argument. Conversely, the handleErrorResult() of the ResultHandler is invoked when an error occurred.

The custom ResultHandler implementation can examine the result and modify it, but it is responsible for invoking the appropriate method (handleResult() or handleErrorResult()) of the original ErrorHandler to pass the result to the calling workflow element. For simplicity, you should implement custom ResultHandler as a specialization of the DefaultResultHandler objectclass. By default, results and errors are passed to the workflow element upstream in the chain, and only the appropriate methods need to be overridden by the plug-in implementation.

Similarly, SearchResultHandler must be used for search operations, to intercept both final search result and search entries. The handleEntry() method is invoked every time an LDAP entry is returned by the next workflow elements. The custom SearchResultHandler implementation must invoke the handleEntry() method of the original SearchResultHandler to send the entry up the chain.

In the Example 3-10, the plug-in intercepts bind failure only.

Example 3-10 Intercepting Bind Failure

  public void handleBind(final RequestContext requestContext,
                         final int version,
                         final BindRequest request,
                         ResultHandler resultHandler)
    throws UnsupportedOperationException
    // Create a new ResultHandler to intercept bind result
    CustomResultHandler customBindHandler = new CustomResultHandler(resultHandler);
    // Pass the request to the next plug-in with the custom ResultHandler
// implementation of a custom ResultHandler to intercept errors
private class CustomResultHandler
          extends DefaultResultHandler
    public CustomResultHandler(ResultHandler resultHandler)
    public void handleErrorResult(Result error)
        // Invoked when Bind fails
        // Examine the result and implement some logic
        // Pass the result up the chain

Example 3-11 intercepts search entries and the final search results.

Example 3-11 Intercepting Search Entries and Final Search Results

    public void handleSearch(final RequestContext requestContext,
                                   final SearchRequest request,
                                   SearchResultHandler resultHandler)
       throws UnsupportedOperationException
           // Create a new SearchResultHandler to intercept search entries 
           // and result
           CustomSearchResultHandler customHandler = new CustomSearchResultHandler(resultHandler);
// Pass the request to the next plug-in with the custom ResultHandler
// implementation of a custom SearchResultHandler to intercept entries and errors
private class CustomSearchResultHandler
extends DefaultSearchResultHandler

 public CustomSearchResultHandler(SearchResultHandler resultHandler)
 public void handleErrorResult(Result error)
 // Invoked when Search fails
 // Examine the result and implement some logic
 // Pass the result up the chain
 public void handleResult(Result result)
 // Invoked when Search complete
 // Examine the result and implement some logic
 // Pass the result up the chain
 public boolean handleEntry(SearchResultEntry entry)
 // Invoked for every search entry to be returned
 // Examine the result and implement some logic
 // Pass the entry up the chain
 return super.handleEntry(entry);

3.4 Results Handling

Request results are returned using objects called a result handler. All LDAP operations share the same kind of result except the search operation. The search operation has additional results that are entries and references. An LDAP operation is composed of a pair: a request and a result-handler. The request is used to access the properties of the request. The result handler is used to post the result of the request that has been processed to the previous plug-in.

3.4.1 Ignoring Results

In Example 3-12, the result handler provided by the previous plug-in is passed directly to the next plug-in. The consequence is that the results returned by the next plug-in will be passed directly from the next plug-in to the previous plug-in, skipping the plug-in itself. The only way to detect that the request was processed is by returning from the handlerSearch(...) call.

Example 3-12 Returning handlerSearch(...) to Detect That Request Was Processed

  public void handleSearch(final RequestContext requestContext,
                           final SearchRequest request,
                           final SearchResultHandler resultHandler)
    throws UnsupportedOperationException
    // Pass the resultHandler reference received from the previous plug-in to
    // the next plug-in. This implies that the next plug-in will post the
    // result of the search request directly to the previous plug-in.
    // The search request was processed by next plug-in.

3.4.2 Intercepting Search Failures

To intercept results returned by a subsequent plug-in, the plug-in must provide its own result handler.

A result handler defines two methods:

  • handleResult(Result) called by the next plug-in when the request was successful

  • handleErrorResult(Result) called by the next plug-in when the request was unsuccessful

A search result handler defines two additional methods. These methods must return True to specify that the next plug-in can still return other entries or references, or False to indicate to the next plug-in that no more entries or references are expected. For example, no more entries or references are expected when the size limit reached.

  • handleEntry(SearchResultEntry) returned by the next plug-in when an entry is returned

  • handleReference(DN, SearchResultReference) returned by the next plug-in when a reference is returned

The OUD plug-in API provides a default implementation named oracle.oud.plugin.DefaultResultHandler for implementing result handlers. This Java class wraps a result handler (in most cases the result handler provided by the previous plug-in) and by default forwards the received result to the wrapped result handler. To capture a result, a plug-in must override the kind of result it is interested in. A similar default implementation exists for search result handler: oracle.oud.plugin.DefaultSearchResultHandler.

Example 3-13 shows how to log the result in case the request is unsuccessful.

Example 3-13 Logging Results in Case a Request is Unsuccessful

 public class EchoErrorResultHandler
         extends DefaultResultHandler
    public EchoErrorResultHandler(ResultHandler resultHandler)
    public void handleErrorResult(Result error)
      // Echo the result of the request.
      System.out.println("plug-in: error result " + error);
      // Let the default behavior forward the result to the wrapped result
      // handler

Example 3-14 illustrates how to make search operations print out the results in case the request is not successful.

Example 3-14 Making Search Operations Print Results

  public void handleSearch(final RequestContext requestContext,
                           final SearchRequest request,
                           final SearchResultHandler resultHandler)
    throws UnsupportedOperationException
    // The result handler passed to the next plug-in will echo the result in
    // case the request was not successful. 
                      new EchoErrorResultHandler(resultHandler));
    // The search request was processed by next plug-in.

Notice the following:

  • The result handler is not associated to the request. It is up to the developer to maintain the association by keeping a reference to the request inside the implementation of the result handler.

  • A new instance of the custom result handler is required for each instance of received request.

  1. To log the failures of search requests, change the example plug-in as shown above.

  2. Restart the Oracle Unified Directory instance for the JAR file changes to take effect.

    1. Stop the OUD instance.

      UNIX, Linux
      $ cd instance-directory/OUD/bin
      $ stop-ds
      C:\> cd instance-directory\OUD\bat
      C:\> stop-ds
    2. Copy the plug-in JAR file into the lib directory.

      UNIX, Linux
      # cp plugin.jar lib
      C:\> copy plugin.jar lib
    3. Restart OUD instance.

      UNIX, Linux
      # start-ds
      C:\> start-ds
  3. Run the following command to search for a user that does not exist.

    UNIX, Linux
    ldapsearch --hostname localhost --port 1389 --bindDN "cn=directory manager" --bindPasswordFile /tmp/password --searchScope sub --baseDN "uid=user.unknown,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" "(objectclass=*)"
    the command displays
    SEARCH operation failed 
    Result Code:  32 (No Such Entry) 
    Additional Information:  The search base entry 'uid=user.unknown,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com' does not exist 
    Matched DN:  ou=people,dc=example,dc=com 
    ldapsearch --hostname localhost --port 1389 --bindDN "cn=directory manager" --bindPasswordFile C:\tmp\password  --searchScope sub --baseDN "uid=user.unknown,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" "(objectclass=*)"
    the command displays
    SEARCH operation failed 
    Result Code:  32 (No Such Entry) 
    Additional Information:  The search base entry 'uid=user.unknown,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com' does not exist 
    Matched DN:  ou=people,dc=example,dc=com 

    For each command, the log file
    (instance-dir/OUD/logs/server.out on UNIX, Linux or instance-dir\OUD\logs\server.out on Windows)
    should contain information similar to the following:

    plug-in: error result Result(resultCode="No Such Entry", matchedDN="ou=people,dc=example,dc=com", diagnosticMessage="The search base entry 'uid=user.unknown,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com' does not exist", referrals=null, controls=[]) 

3.4.3 Counting Returned Entries

Example 3-15 counts the number of entries returned by search requests, and then logs it. The EntryCounterResultHandler increments a counter each time the handleEntry(...) method is called.

Example 3-15 Counting Entries Returned by Search Requests

  public class EntryCounterResultHandler
         extends DefaultSearchResultHandler
    // The number of search result entries returned by this search result
    // handler.
    private int entriesCount;
    public EntryCounterResultHandler(SearchResultHandler resultHandler)
    public boolean handleEntry(SearchResultEntry entry)
      return super.handleEntry(entry);
    public int getEntriesCount()
      return this.entriesCount;

The search request handler is modified to pass a result handler that counts returned entries for each search request processed. Once the request processed by the next plug-in, the number of returned entries is logged.

Example 3-16 Modifying the Search Request Handler

  public void handleSearch(final RequestContext requestContext,
                           final SearchRequest request,
                           final SearchResultHandler resultHandler)
    throws UnsupportedOperationException
    EntryCounterResultHandler counter =
                                   new EntryCounterResultHandler(resultHandler);
    // The result handler passed to the next plug-in will count the number of
    // entries returned by the next plug-in.
    // The search request was processed by next plug-in.
    System.out.println(String.format("plug-in: request %s returned %d entries",

To log the number of returned entries of search requests:

  1. Change the example plug-in as shown in Example 3-16 above.

  2. Restart the Oracle Unified Directory instance for the JAR file changes to take effect.

    1. Stop the OUD instance.

      UNIX, Linux
      $ cd instance-directory/OUD/bin
      $ stop-ds
      C:\> cd instance-directory\OUD\bat
      C:\> stop-ds
    2. Copy the plug-in JAR file into the lib directory.

      UNIX, Linux
      # cp plugin.jar lib
      C:\> copy plugin.jar lib
    3. Restart OUD instance.

      UNIX, Linux
      # start-ds
      C:\> start-ds
  3. Run the following command to display all users registered:

    UNIX, Linux
    ldapsearch --hostname localhost --port 1389 --bindDN "cn=directory manager" --bindPasswordFile /tmp/password --searchScope sub --baseDN "ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" "(objectclass=*)"
    ldapsearch --hostname localhost --port 1389 --bindDN "cn=directory manager" --bindPasswordFile C:\tmp\password --searchScope sub --baseDN "ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" "(objectclass=*)"

For each command, the log file
(instance-dir/OUD/logs/server.out on UNIX or Linux, instance-dir\OUD\logs\server.out on Windows)
should contain information similar to this:

plug-in: request SearchRequest(name=ou=people,dc=example,dc=com, scope=sub, dereferenceAliasesPolicy=never, sizeLimit=0, timeLimit=0, typesOnly=false, filter=(objectClass=*), attributes=[], controls=[]) returned 51 entries 
the number of returned entries corresponds to the 50 users plus the entry ou=people,dc=example,dc=com

3.5 Filter Processing

Sometimes applications need to interact with filters contained in search requests. This interaction is specified by a mechanism based on the visitor design pattern and defined by the Java interface oracle.oud.types.FilterVisitor<R,P>.

The LDAP protocol specifies ten types of filters: and, or, not, equalityMatch, substrings, greaterOrEqual, lessOrEqual, present, approxMatch and extensibleMatch.

The filter visitor defines a handler for each type of filter: visitAndFilter(...), visitOrFilter(...) and so on.

When a filter is parsed, the types of filters that compose the filter to parse are identified. The visitor methods associated to the identified types are called in sequence.

The FilterVisitor<R,P> takes two parameters:

  • <R> is the returned type of each visitor handler.

  • <P> is a parameter that can be provided to each visitor handler.

Example 3-17 provides an implementation of the FilterVisitor that checks the presence of an attribute in the filter to parse. An attribute is present in a filter if it is associated to the value * such as objectclass=*.In that case, <R> corresponds to the result of the evaluation. <R> is defined as a Boolean that has the value TRUE if the attribute is present in the filter to parse, and FALSE if the attribute is absent. <P> is the parameter and corresponds to a String that defines which attribute must to be checked.If the filter to parse is objectclass=*, then calling the visitor with the parameter objectclass will return TRUE. Other values will return FALSE.

Visitors that are composed of sub-filters (and, or and not) forward the check by visiting all the sub-filters they are composed of.

In Example 3-17, for illustration purposes, the relevant visitors also log some information.

Example 3-17 Checking the Presence of an Attribute in a Filter to Parse

private class PresenceOfFilterVisitor
          implements FilterVisitor<Boolean,
    public Boolean visitAndFilter(final String presenceName,
                                  final List<Filter> subFilters)
      System.out.println("plug-in: visit AND with " + subFilters);
      boolean result = false;
      // Iterate through all sub filters with this filter visitor.
      for(Filter subFilter: subFilters)
        result = subFilter.accept(this, presenceName);
        if ( result )
      return result ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
    public Boolean visitApproxMatchFilter(final String presenceName,
                                          final String attributeDescription,
                                          final ByteString assertionValue)
      return Boolean.FALSE;
    public Boolean visitEqualityMatchFilter(final String presenceName,
                                            final String attributeDescription,
                                            final ByteString assertionValue)
      System.out.println("plug-in: visit EQUAL with " + attributeDescription + "=" + assertionValue);
      return Boolean.FALSE;
    public Boolean visitExtensibleMatchFilter(final String presenceName,
                                              final String matchingRule,
                                              final String attributeDescription,
                                              final ByteString assertionValue,
                                              final boolean dnAttributes)
      return Boolean.FALSE;
    public Boolean visitGreaterOrEqualFilter(final String presenceName,
                                             final String attributeDescription,
                                             final ByteString assertionValue)
      return Boolean.FALSE;
    public Boolean visitLessOrEqualFilter(final String presenceName,
                                          final String attributeDescription,
                                          final ByteString assertionValue)
      return Boolean.FALSE;
    public Boolean visitNotFilter(final String presenceName,
                                  final Filter subFilter)
      System.out.println("plug-in: visit NOT with " + subFilter);
      // Visit the associated filter with this filter visitor.
      return subFilter.accept(this, presenceName);
    public Boolean visitOrFilter(final String presenceName,
                                 final List<Filter> subFilters)
      System.out.println("plug-in: visit OR with " + subFilters);
      boolean result = false;
      // Iterate through all sub filters with this filter visitor.
      for(Filter subFilter: subFilters)
        result = subFilter.accept(this, presenceName);
        if ( result )
return result ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
    public Boolean visitPresentFilter(final String presenceName,
                                      final String attributeDescription)
      System.out.println("plug-in: visit Presence with '" + attributeDescription + "'");
      return presenceName.equalsIgnoreCase(attributeDescription) ? Boolean.TRUE
                                                                 : Boolean.FALSE;
    public Boolean visitSubstringsFilter(final String presenceName,
                                         final String attributeDescription,
                                         final ByteString initialSubstring,
                                         final List<ByteString> anySubstrings,
                                         final ByteString finalSubstring)
      return Boolean.FALSE;
    public Boolean visitUnrecognizedFilter(final String presenceName,
                                           final byte filterTag,
                                           final ByteString filterBytes)
      return Boolean.FALSE;

Example 3-18 verifies and logs the presence of objectclass=* in a search request filter processed by the plug-in.

Example 3-18 Verifying and Logging the Presence of objectclass=*

  public void handleSearch(final RequestContext requestContext,
                           final SearchRequest request,
                           final SearchResultHandler resultHandler)
    throws UnsupportedOperationException
    Filter filter = request.getFilter();
    System.out.println("plug-in: visitor returned "
                       + filter.accept(new PresenceOfFilterVisitor(),
    // Pass the resultHandler reference received from the previous plug-in to
    // the next plug-in. This implies that the next plug-in will post the
    // result of the search request directly to the previous plug-in.
    // The search request was processed by next plug-in.

To verify and log the presence of objectclass=* in a search request filter processed by the plug-in:

  1. Change the example plug-in as shown in Example 3-18 above.

  2. Restart the Oracle Unified Directory instance for the JAR file changes to take effect.

    1. Stop the OUD instance.

      UNIX, Linux
      $ cd instance-directory/OUD/bin
      $ stop-ds
      C:\> cd instance-directory\OUD\bat
      C:\> stop-ds
    2. Copy the plug-in JAR file into the lib directory.

      UNIX, Linux
      # cp plugin.jar lib
      C:\> copy plugin.jar lib
    3. Restart OUD instance.

      UNIX, Linux
      # start-ds
      C:\> start-ds
  3. Run the following command to display all users registered:

    UNIX, Linux
    ldapsearch --hostname localhost --port 1389 --bindDN "cn=directory manager" --bindPasswordFile /tmp/password --searchScope sub --baseDN "ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" "(objectclass=*)"
    ldapsearch --hostname localhost --port 1389 --bindDN "cn=directory manager" --bindPasswordFile C:\tmp\password --searchScope sub --baseDN "ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" "(objectclass=*)"

    For each command, the log file
    (instance-dir/OUD/logs/server.out on UNIX or Linux, instance-dir/OUD/logs/server.out on Windows)
    should contain similar to the following:

    plug-in: visit Presence with 'objectClass' plug-in: visitor returned true 

Running the command with different filters shows how the visitor mechanism works. Searching with the filter &(|(!(uid=user.1))) logs the following:

plugin: visit AND with [(|(!(uid=user.1)))] 
        plugin: visit OR with [(!(uid=user.1))] 
        plugin: visit NOT with (uid=user.1) 
        plugin: visit EQUAL with uid=user.1 
        plugin: visitor returned false 

3.6 Internal Operations

The API provides methods to make LDAP-like calls into the OUD.

Internal LDAP requests are internal in the sense that they are not initiated directly by external requests from clients, but internally by plug-ins. Use internal request calls when your plug-in needs OUD to perform an operation for which no client request exists. For instance, a plug-in can do a search request to the user entry to retrieve additional credentials upon reception of a bind request from a client.

oracle.oud.plugin.RequestManager callbacks are invoked for every operation processed by OUD, including internal operation. In many cases, plug-ins apply to operations directly initiated by a client application only. It is possible to make distinction between internal operation and regular operation by calling the isInternal() method on the request object.

3.6.1 Creating Internal Requests

Internal LDAP requests are created through the oracle.oud.plugin RequestBuilder objectclass. A reference to a requestBuilder can be retrieved from a RequestContext associated with a request received from a client application through the getRequestBuilder() method.

The user credentials used to performed an internal operation is specified at creation time. In general, internal operations are performed within the current a security context, with the credentials of the user which triggered the plug-in. In some situations, internal operations require privileged access. For instance, an internal search performed before handing a bind request will be performed as anonymous because at that point of time, the current user is not authenticated yet.

To create a privilege request, use a privilege RequestBuilder with the call requestContext.getRequestBuilder(true). Only requests created from this builder can be performed with privileges of root.otherwise, and get a default requestBuilder through requestContext.getRequestBuilder(false).

3.6.2 Invoking Internal Requests

The OUD plug-in API provides two ways to invoke internal requests. In the first mode, the plug-in makes calls within the current plug-in workflow by invoking the appropriate subsequent workflow element configured in the chain if any. In the second mode, the plug-in makes LDAP-like calls into the OUD as though they were coming from an end client. Each call offers the ability to let the router select appropriate workflow for the operation.

Results from internal requests can be retrieved using result handlers, as described in Section 3.4, "Results Handling." Mode 1

The next workflow elements of a plug-in can be retrieved from the plug-in configuration through the call configuration.getNextPlugins(). The name of these plug-ins can be retrieved using the getName() method. After retrieving the name, you can select which workflow element the request must be sent to in the situation where there are more than one next workflow element configured. For instance, a plug-in providing a load-balancing service would probably have several subsequent workflow elements configured. Once the internal request is instantiated, and the target workflow element is located, the request can be submitted via the appropriate handler method.

Example 3-19, "Invoking a Plug-In's Subsequent Workflow Elements" requires the server schema to be modified to accept the attribute customTimeStamp. The plug-in uses an internal modify operation to store the login time in the user entry attribute customTimeStamp.

Notice that a privilege request builder getRequestBuilder(true) must be used because at that point of the processing, the bind is not yet completed. So the user is considered to be anonymous.

Example 3-19 Invoking a Plug-In's Subsequent Workflow Elements

public void handleBind(final RequestContext requestContext,
                         final int version,
                         final BindRequest request,
                         ResultHandler resultHandler)
    throws UnsupportedOperationException
        // Get a privileged request builder
        RequestBuilder myRequestBuilder = requestContext.getRequestBuilder(true);
        // Create a new modify request using that builder
        // Target LDAP entry is the user about to be authenticated
        ModifyRequest addTimestampModifyRequest = myRequestBuilder.newModifyRequest(request.getName());
        // Populate the modification object
                "customTimeStamp", System.currentTimeMillis()) ;
        // Create a ResultHandler to catch the result of the modify operation
        ResultHandler modifyResultHandler = new CustomModifyResultHandler(resultHandler);
        // submit the request to the next workflow element                              
                addTimestampModifyRequest, modifyResultHandler);
  } Mode 2

In this mode, the request is performed through an internal request manager object. This object can be obtained from a RequestContext through the method getInternalRequestManager(). Then the request can be submitted through the appropriate handler method.

Each request is subject to routing to the appropriate workflow, so an internal request initiated by a plug-in within a given workflow may be routed to the same workflow. There are situations where a plug-in can intercept requests it generated by itself. To prevent unexpected recursive loops in the internal operation processing, it is possible to attach an additional attachment (contextual information) to an internal operation when it is submitted. This attachment can be retrieved and checked by the proxy upon reception of a new request to detect loops and take the appropriate action. Attachments can be managed via the AttachmentHolder interface implemented by the Request objects.

Example 3-20 searches for the customTimeStamp attribute in the entry of a user before a modification. A modify request is created with the current user credentials and submitted through the internal request manager as if it was coming from an end client. For clarity, exception handling was removed from the code example.

Example 3-20 Using the Internal Request Manager to Perform Internal Operations

public void handleModify(final RequestContext requestContext,
                         final ModifyRequest request,
                         ResultHandler resultHandler)
    throws UnsupportedOperationException
        // Get a standard request builder
        RequestBuilder myRequestBuilder = requestContext.getRequestBuilder(false);
        // Create a new search request using that builder
        // Target LDAP entry is the user about to be modified
        SearchRequest getLastTimestampRequest = myRequestBuilder.newSearchRequest(
                request.getName(), SearchScope.BASE_OBJECT, 
        // Create a ResultHandler to catch the result of the search operation
        SearchResultHandler searchResultHandler = new CustomSearchResultHandler(resultHandler);
        // submit the request via the internal request manager                          
                getLastTimestampRequest, searchResultHandler);

Example 3-21 shows how to deal with loops. The first time a search request is received by the plug-in, it has no attachment with name nbLoops. The plug-in flags the request with an attachment (name=nbLoops, value=1), then rebalance the request to the internal request manager. The search request will eventually come back to the plug-in. The second time the plug-in gets the attachment, increment the value to 2 and set the attainment to the request. Then rebalance it to the internal request manager. The third time, since the value (2) is greater or equal to MAX_LOOPS, the plug-in will send the request to the next Workflow element (with method super.handleSearch(...)

Example 3-21 Attachment Handling: Dealing with Loops

// Let search requests loop 2 times within the internal request manager, 
// before sending them to next WorkflowElement 
public static final int MAX_LOOPS = 2;
  public void handleSearch(RequestContext requestContext, 
                                          SearchRequest request, 
                                          SearchResultHandler resultHandler)
      throws UnsupportedOperationException 
    String name = "nbLoops";
    Integer nbLoops = 0;
    Set<String> attachmentNames = request.getAttachmentNames();
    // Get "nbLoops" attachment value, if ound in the request
    if (attachmentNames.contains(name)) 
      nbLoops = (Integer) request.getAttachment(name);
    // if we reach max number of loops...
    if (nbLoops >= MAX_LOOPS) 
      // ...remove attachment
      // forward request to next WorkflowElement
    } else 
      // increment nbLoops value
      // set attachment nbLoops new value
      request.setAttachment(name, nbLoops);
      // log request (as internal op) + attachment value
      Logger logger = requestContext.getLogger();
      HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
      map.put("nbLoops", Integer.toString(nbLoops));
      logger.logSearchRequestIntermediateMessage(request, map);
      // re-balance tge search request via the internal request manager

3.7 Error Handling

Plug-in implementation can raise the subclass of PluginException when unexpected error conditions occur. The behavior of the server depends on when the exception is raised. When raised during LDAP operation processing, a LDAP error 80 "Internal Error" is returned to the client application. When raised during plug-in initialization, the plug-in is disabled.

3.8 Logging and Debugging

Uncaught exceptions generated within the plug-in API are logged in the OUD debug log with the Warning level.

The standard output of the plug-in is redirected to the log file (instance-dir/OUD/logs/debug on UNIX or Linux, instance-dir\OUD\logs\debug on Windows) present in the OUD directory server instance hosting the plug-in.

During plug-in development you can enable the debug log using the following dsconfig command:

dsconfig set-log-publisher-prop \ --publisher-name "File-Based Debug Logger" \ --set default-debug-level:warning \ --set enabled:true

The plug-in implementation can log a message in the OUD access, error, or debug log using the oracle.oud.plugin.RequestContext.Logger interface.

3.8.1 To Debug the Plug-In When Servicing a Client Request

  1. Export OPENDS_JAVA_ARGS with the value of start-ds.java-args taken from instance-directory/config/java.properties plus -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=,server=y,suspend=n

  2. Restart the OUD instance.

    This will open the debug port 8888.

  3. Attach to the OUD process on port 8888, and debug the plug-in through an IDE.

3.8.2 To Debug Plug-In Initialization

  1. Export OPENDS_JAVA_ARGS with the value of start-ds.java-args taken from instance-directory/config/java.properties plus -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=,server=y,suspend=y

  2. Restart the OUD instance.

    This will open the debug port 8888.

  3. At this point, you must attach three times to the OUD process on port 8888 before you can debug the plug-in initialization code (using the pluginInitialization() method).

You should export OPENDS_JAVA_ARGS rather than modify the java.properties file. Exporting OPENDS_JAVA_ARGS does not require you to change the OUD instance configuration files, posing no risk to exporting the debug JVM args in production.