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Oracle® Clinical Administrator's Guide
Release 5.1

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1 Setting Up User Accounts

This section includes:

1.1 Creating an Administrator User Account

To create an administrator user account with which you can perform all the functions under the Oracle Clinical Admin menu:

  1. Log on to SQL*Plus as SYSTEM and run the Add User script; see "Running the Add User Script".

  2. Add one of the following database roles; see "Granting Additional Database Roles to User Accounts". By default, these roles provide the following menu access:

    • RXC_ADMIN: Provides access to all Admin menu items.

    • RXC_SUPER: Provides access to all menu items.

    • RXC_SUPER_NOGL: Provides access to all menu items except the Global Library.

    • RXC_DES: Provides access to the RDC Administration tool as well as Oracle Clinical Design menu items.

    • RXC_DMGR: Provides access to the RDC Administration tool as well as Oracle Clinical Definition and Conduct menu items.

  3. Add privileges, if required; see "Setting Up PSUB Administrator Users" and "Setting Up Power Users".

1.2 Running the Add User Script

Create a database account for the user in each database instance to which the user connects by running the script ocl_add_user.sql in SQL*Plus.

This section includes:

The Add User script prompts you for directories that users may need. You can set these directories up before or after you enter their names in the script. See "Setting Up Reports Viewing" and "Setting Up Batch Job File Viewing".

Who Needs PSUB?  The script prompts you to for a response as to whether the user needs PSUB privileges. PSUB is required to:

  • Run batch data load

  • Run batch data delete

  • Run batch validation

  • Generate a default, character-based DCM layout

  • Run the following reports: Randomization Report by Treatment, Patient DCI/DCM Matrix, Generate Study Report, Missing and Overdue DCMs, Investigator Corrs & Missing Pgs, Study/Investigator DCM Summary Matrix, Display Treatment Assignments

PSUB is not required to:

  • Perform basic data entry in either Oracle Clinical or RDC

  • Generate graphic layouts and DCI forms

  • Run most reports, including the Patient Data and Audit History reports

1.2.1 Granting Users Access to the ocpsub Account

Users who need to submit PSUB jobs must have the ocpsub account as a proxy database account for PSUB jobs. To give this access, enter the appropriate information in the ocl_add_user.sql script; see "Running the Add User Script".

If you have user accounts you created in Oracle Clinical releases prior to 5.0, you can migrate them to the new PSUB setup by running the migration script oclupg50migrateusers.sql. PSUB users no longer need their own operating system account, and they no longer need an account name beginning with OPS$; see "Running the Migrate Users Script".

You can use ocl_grant_revoke_OCPSUB.sql to add or revoke access to ocpsub at any time; see "Adding or Revoking OCPSUB Access".

Users with access to ocpsub have the PSUB User? field checked in the Oracle Accounts window. The field is read-only.

1.2.2 About the Add User Script

The ocl_add_user.sql script performs the following tasks:

  • Creates an Oracle database account for the user, with the specified password


    If you use SQL*Plus to create a Oracle Clinical database account, do not use the IDENTIFIED EXTERNALLY clause; rather, assign an explicit password.
  • Sets the user's temporary tablespace to "temp" and default tablespace to "users"

  • Grants default Oracle Clinical database roles to the user; you can edit the script to assign additional database roles

  • Grants the RXC_SUPER role for data access to all studies, if specified

  • Grants RXC_RDC and RDC_ACCESS if access to RDC is required

  • Makes the RXCLIN_MOD role a non-default role

  • Creates a record in the Oracle Clinical table ORACLE_ACCOUNTS

  • Creates the setting you specify for PSUB privileges


You can copy and customize this script, or create different versions of it for different types of users. For example, you can change temporary and default tablespaces, provide default values for some parameters instead of entering a value for each user at a prompt. You can add a call to crusrq.sql to create the USER_QUERIES table (see "Setting Up Data Extract Users"). You may want to add a role or profile to enforce password requirements; see "Setting Password Requirements for User Accounts".

However, if you decide to customize the script, it is important not to modify the line: alter user &&ops_id default role all except rxclin_mod;


You can give users additional database roles directly in SQL*Plus; see "Granting Additional Database Roles to User Accounts".

1.2.3 Running the Add User Script

  1. Log on to the operating system.

  2. Set environment variables for the database name and code environment; see "Setting Environment Variables on the Command Line."

  3. Change to the RXC_TOOLS directory:

    cd $RXC_TOOLS

  4. Connect to SQL*Plus as system:

    sqlplus system

  5. Run the Add User script:

    start ocl_add_user.sql

    See Table 1-1, "Add User Script Required Parameters" and Table 1-2, "Add User Script Optional Parameters" for a description of the prompts output by the Add User script, valid entries, and examples.

1.2.4 Required Parameters

The following table describes the required Add User script parameters.

Table 1-1 Add User Script Required Parameters

Prompt/Equivalent in Oracle Accounts Window Description Rules and Examples

User ID/Account Name

Defines the login name for the user. Names are not case sensitive.


(Not in the Oracle Accounts window)

Defines the login password for the user. Passwords are not case sensitive. See "Changing the Password for a User".

Last Name

/Last Name

Specifies the user's surname (family name). Names are not case sensitive; names are automatically capitalized.

First Name

First Name

Specifies the user's given name. Names are not case sensitive; names are automatically capitalized.


Will this user submit PSUB jobs?/PSUB User?

Y: Account is granted access to ocpsub to submit PSUB jobs.

N: No action


Does this user need access to all users' jobs?

Y: Account is granted role RXC_VWJOBS. Only administrator users should have this role. See "Setting Up PSUB Administrator Users."

N: No action


Report Server Log Directory

/Report Server Directory

Specifies the designated location for saving output from the Report Server. Required for generating and viewing Patient Data Reports and most Oracle Clinical reports.

You create the directory as part of setting up the Report Server during Oracle Clinical installation.

Must be specified in UNC format.

String length cannot exceed 35 characters.

Grant RXC_Super Menu Role (Y/N)

Not in the Oracle Accounts window

Specifies whether to grant superuser menu privileges to this user. With this privilege, the user can access all Oracle Clinical menus. In general, Oracle recommends that you restrict the RXC_SUPER role to system administrators.

This setting does not correspond to a field in the Oracle Clinical accounts table.

Y — Gives superuser menu privileges to this user.

N — Does not give superuser menu privileges to this user. You should always answer N for non-Oracle Clinical users.

Grant Super-User Status to access all studies (Y/N)

/Super User?

Specifies whether to grant superuser status to this user. With this privilege, the user can access all clinical studies in the database, in both Test and Production modes.

This setting corresponds to the Super User? check box in the Oracle Clinical accounts table. You can change this setting and grant access to programs, projects, and studies in the Oracle Accounts window; see "Granting Data Access to User and Group User Accounts".

Y — Allows this user to access all clinical studies.

N — By default, the user does not have access to any studies. You must explicitly grant access to particular studies, projects, or programs.

Does user require access to RDC (Y/N)

Not in the Oracle Accounts window

Specifies whether this user can log in to and use the RDC Onsite application.

A Y value grants the RDC_ACCESS and RXC_RDC roles to the user. The RDC_ACCESS role lets the user initiate an RDC Onsite session and the RXC_RDC role lets the user enter and modify data (subject to study- and site-level security privileges).

Y — Lets this user access the RDC Onsite application.

N — Denies access to the RDC Onsite application for this user.

1.2.5 Optional Parameters

The following table describes the optional parameters for the Add User script. In addition, you can use the Maintain Oracle Accounts form to manage these optional parameters; see "Maintaining Oracle User and Group User Accounts".

Table 1-2 Add User Script Optional Parameters

Prompt/Equivalent in Oracle Accounts Window Description Rules and Examples

Custom Doc Dir

/Custom Help Directory

Specifies the location of your site-specific context-sensitive HTML help files.


Printer for PSUB

/Default PSUB Printer

The printer to which PSUB print jobs are routed, in uppercase. This response must match the Short Value of an active entry in the PRINT QUEUE NAME Local Codelist.

Required for RDC users only if they run Validate Study or Validate Site.

RXC_PRINTER (This is the default value for the database shipped in the OCL_JOB_PREF Local Codelist.)


/Default PSUB Queue

The designation for the queue in which PSUB batch jobs are executed. This response must match the Short Value of an active entry in the BATCH QUEUE NAME Local Codelist. Must be entered in uppercase.

Required for RDC users only if they run Validate Study or Validate Site.

RXC_BATCH_QUEUE (This is the default value for the database shipped in the OCL_JOB_PREF Local Codelist.)

Printer for the Report Server

/Default RS Printer

The printer to which print output from a report server job is routed. This response must match the Short Value of an active entry in the PRINT QUEUE NAME Local Codelist. Must be entered in uppercase.

RXC_PRINTER (This is the default value for the database shipped in the OCL_JOB_PREF Local Codelist.)

Report Server

/Default Report Server

Specify a value to override the system default for a specific user. When the user prepares to submit a report request, this response specifies which report server is offered as the default. This response must match the Short Value of an active entry in the REPORT_SERVER Local Codelist.

REPORT_SERVER (This is the default value for the database shipped in the OCL_JOB_PREF Local Codelist.)

Job Set Report Server

/Default Job Set Server

When the user prepares to submit a job set request, this response specifies which report server is offered as the default. This response must match the Short Value of an active entry in the REPORT_SERVER Local Codelist.

Required for RDC users only if they run Validate Study or Validate Site.

REPORT_SERVER (This is the default value for the database shipped in the OCL_JOB_PREF Local Codelist.)

PSUB Scheduler Report Server

/Default PSUB Scheduler Report Server

When the user prepares to submit a scheduled PSUB job request, this response specifies which report server is offered as the default. This response must match the Short Value of an active entry in the REPORT_SERVER Local Codelist.

Required for RDC users only if they run Validate Study or Validate Site.

REPORT_SERVER (This is the default value for the database shipped in the OCL_JOB_PREF Local Codelist.)

1.3 Running the Migrate Users Script

If you have user accounts with PSUB privileges created in Oracle Clinical before Release 5.0, you must migrate them to enable them to continue running PSUB jobs in the current release. Instead of their own operating system account, they now need access to the ocpsub operating system account.

A prefix of OPS$ is no longer required, but the migration script does not remove the OPS$ from existing account names so that the user's audit history is not interrupted.

You can run this script on all OPS$ user accounts or on specified user accounts.

To run the migration script oclupg50migrateusers.sql:

  1. Log on to the operating system.

  2. Set environment variables for the database name and code environment; see "Setting Environment Variables on the Command Line."

  3. Change to the RXC_TOOLS directory:

    cd %RXC_TOOLS%

  4. Connect to SQL*Plus as system:

    sqlplus system

  5. Run the user migration script:


The script has one parameter, accounts. Its possible values are:

  • % runs the script on all existing accounts that begin with the string OP$

  • %name% runs the script on all accounts matching the pattern name, regardless of whether or not there is an OP$ prefix. (You can also use the wildcard % only at the beginning or end of the string: %name or name%.)

  • specific_account_name runs the script on a single account

1.4 Adding or Revoking OCPSUB Access

You can grant or revoke a single user's access to the ocpsub proxy database account at any time by running the ocl_grant_revoke_OCPSUB.sql script.

To run the script ocl_grant_revoke_ocpsub.sql:

  1. Log on to the operating system.

  2. Set environment variables for the database name and code environment; see "Setting Environment Variables on the Command Line."

  3. Change to the RXC_TOOLS directory:

    cd %RXC_TOOLS%

  4. Connect to SQL*Plus as system:

    sqlplus system

  5. Run the script:


The script prompts for:

  • the exact username

  • an indication of whether you want to grant the privilege to the user (enter 1) or revoke it (enter 0).

1.5 Maintaining Oracle User and Group User Accounts

After you create a user with the Add User script, the user account appears in the Oracle Accounts window. Use this window to:

  • Create group user accounts for users who should have access to the same set of studies, programs, or projects in order to assign data access to all the users at the same time1. A user can belong to multiple group user accounts.

  • View and modify settings for individual user accounts


    Do not use this window to create new individual user accounts because you cannot assign database roles to users here. Use the Add User script.

You can access other windows from Oracle Accounts to do the following tasks:

To create a group user account:

  1. From the Data menu, select Insert Record.

  2. Enter values in the fields.

The window contains the following fields:

Account Type If set to Oracle, the record is an individual user account. To create a group user account, set to Group.

Account Name For an individual user account, the user ID; for a group user account, its name.

Last Name Family name or surname of the user with the individual user account; not required for group user accounts.

First Name Given name of the user with the individual user account; not required for group accounts.

Super User? If checked, the user or group user account has superuser status and can see data in all studies on the database. If not checked, the user or group user account can see data only for studies to which they are explicitly allowed access; see "Granting Data Access to User and Group User Accounts".

PSUB User? A checkbox column indicating whether or not a user is able to submit PSUB jobs. The user cannot edit the checkbox. The value is set by ocl_add_user.sql.

Report Server Directory Location for log and output files from Oracle Clinical reports jobs; see "Setting Up Reports Directories".


The location designation for any report server log directory, whether directory path or UNC, cannot exceed 35 characters

Custom Help Directory Location of company-specific context-sensitive html files, if any.

Default PSUB Printer The printer to which PSUB print jobs are routed, in uppercase. This response must match the Short Value of an active entry in the PRINT QUEUE NAME local reference codelist.

Default RS Printer The printer to which print output from a report server job is routed. This response must match the Short Value of an active entry in the PRINT QUEUE NAME local reference codelist. Must be entered in uppercase.

Default PSUB Queue The designation for the queue in which PSUB batch jobs are executed. This response must match the Short Value of an active entry in the BATCH_QUEUE_NAME local reference codelist. Must be entered in uppercase.

Default Report Server When the user prepares to submit a report request, this response specifies which report server is offered as the default. This response must match the Short Value of an active entry in the REPORT_SERVER local reference codelist.

Default Job Set Report Server When the user prepares to submit a job set request, this response specifies which report server is offered as the default. This response must match the Short Value of an active entry in the REPORT_SERVER local reference codelist. See "Using Job Sets to Control Execution Order" for information on job sets.

Default PSUB Scheduler Report Server When the user prepares to submit a scheduled PSUB job request, this response specifies which report server is offered as the default. This response must match the Short Value of an active entry in the REPORT_SERVER local reference codelist.


The location designation for any report server log directory, whether directory path or UNC, cannot exceed 35 characters.

1.5.1 Adding a User to a Group User Account

You can add all the users who should have access to the same set of studies, programs, or projects to the same group user account and assign data access to all the users at the same time through the group user account. An individual user can belong to multiple group user accounts.

To add a user to a user group:

  1. Navigate to Admin, Users, and then Oracle Accounts. The system opens the Oracle Accounts window.

  2. Query for the individual user you want to add to a user group.

  3. Click Group Membership. The system displays the Group Membership window.

  4. From the Group Membership field's list of values, select the group to which you want to assign the user. To assign the user to multiple user groups, use multiple rows.

  5. Save your work.

1.6 Granting Data Access to User and Group User Accounts

You must explicitly give users access to study data, either by granting them Superuser status, which allows access to all studies, or explicitly granting access to specific studies or groups of studies (programs and projects). For RDC users, you can use either the Oracle Accounts window or the Study and Site Security windows; see "Granting Data Access to RDC Users".

To allow an Oracle Clinical or RDC user—even a user who will work exclusively in RDC—to view study data, you must grant study or superuser access in Oracle Clinical. You can grant data access to a user or group user account in several ways:

  • Grant access to data in all studies by granting the user or group user account superuser status, either in the Oracle Accounts window or, for individual users, when you run the Add User script.

  • If the user or group user accounts does not have superuser status, you can grant access to data in one or more studies, either to one study at a time or to all studies in a program or project.

You can grant data access at several levels:

See also "Superuser and Study Access Interaction" and "Revoking User Access".

1.6.1 Granting Data Access to Programs and Projects

Assigning program or project access to a user or group user account enables either the individual user or the set of users in the group to have access to all studies associated with the program or project.

  1. Navigate to Admin, Users, and then select Oracle Accounts. The system opens the Oracle Accounts window.

  2. Query for the account with which you want to work.


    You cannot assign project or program access to a user or user group whose Super User? flag is checked. That account already has access to all programs and projects.
  3. Click Programs/Projects. The Programs window displays.

  4. In the Program field, from the list of values select the name of the program to which you want the user or user group to have access.

  5. In the Project field, from the list of values select the program to which the user will have access. If the user should have access to all projects within a program, enter a percent sign (%) in the project field.

    To assign multiple programs to the account, or multiple (but not all) projects within a program, use multiple rows. There is no limit to the number of programs to which the user can have access.

  6. Save your work.

1.6.2 Granting Data Access to a Study

To assign study data access to a user or user group:

  1. Navigate to Admin, Users, and then Oracle Accounts. The system opens the Maintain Oracle Accounts window.

  2. Query for the account with which you want to work.


    You cannot assign study access to a user or user group whose Super User flag is checked. That account already has access to all studies.
  3. Click Studies. The Studies window displays.

  4. In the Study field, from the list of values select a study to which you want the user or user group to have access. To assign multiple studies to the account, use multiple rows. There is no limit to the number of studies you can specify.

  5. Save your work.


    If a user creates a new study and does not have access to it through the project and/or program it belongs to, the system automatically gives the user access to the study he or she has just created.

1.6.3 Superuser and Study Access Interaction

You cannot assign project or program access to a user or user group whose Super User? flag is checked. That account already has access to all programs and projects.

However, if you assign access to programs, projects, or studies to a user whose Super User? flag is not checked, and then check that user's Super User? flag, the superuser status overrides the existing specific privileges, but the existing privileges are still displayed in the Projects, Programs, and Studies windows.

If an RDC user has superuser status in the Oracle Accounts window and has access to only a subset of RDC studies in the Study Security window, the superuser status overrides the study-specific privileges and the user has access to all studies. However, you can use the Study Security window to limit the type of access to a particular study. See the Oracle Clinical Remote Data Capture Onsite Administrator's Guide for information.

1.6.4 Revoking User Access


If a user has both superuser status and access to specific studies defined, you must revoke the superuser status before you can revoke his/her access to a specific study.

When you revoke access to a program, you revoke access to all projects within that program.

To revoke a user's study, user group, project, or program access:

  1. Navigate to Admin, Users, and then select Oracle Accounts. The system displays the Oracle Accounts window.

  2. Query for the account with which you want to work.

  3. Click either Studies, Programs/Projects, or Group Membership.

  4. Select the study, program/project combination, or user group from which you want to remove the user.

  5. From the Data menu, select Delete Record.

  6. Save your work.

1.7 Granting Data Access to RDC Users

This section includes:

1.7.1 Granting Automatic Access in RDC to Studies Granted in Oracle Clinical

You can use a reference codelist setting to determine whether users who have access to data for a particular study in Oracle Clinical automatically have access to the study in RDC.

In the OCL_STATE local reference codelist, set the DMGR RDC ACCESS short value as follows:

  • When set to YES, a user with no study privileges defined for RDC but with study access defined in Oracle Clinical is automatically given RDC Onsite access to the study as well, in both Test and Production modes. The user has all RDC privileges except APPROVE and VERIFY. UPD_LOCK_OC, an Oracle Clinical-specific privilege, is also excluded. You can restrict such a user's access to RDC Onsite by limiting privileges at the study or site level; see the Oracle Clinical Remote Data Capture Onsite Administrator's Guide for more information.

  • When set to NO, a user granted access to a study in Oracle Clinical does not automatically have access to that study in RDC Onsite. You can use the Study Security form to assign specific privileges to the user; see the Oracle Clinical Remote Data Capture Onsite Administrator's Guide for more information.

Users with the Super User? flag selected in the Oracle Accounts form in Oracle Clinical have access to all studies in both Oracle Clinical and RDC, and in both Test and Production modes.

1.7.2 Configuring Study and Site Security Privileges

You can give RDC users specific privileges for particular studies and sites in the Study and Site Security windows, which are included in both Oracle Clinical and in the RDC Onsite Administrator's Tool; see also "Configuring Discrepancy Management in Oracle Clinical Remote Data Capture Onsite Administrator's Guide.

1.7.3 Changing the Default Access to DCIs

RDC Onsite includes a predefined set of user roles. By default, these roles have UNRESTRICTED access to all DCIs (Data Collection Instruments, which become CRFs). You can change the default access for any role to RESTRICTED, then further define which DCIs (within the user's study/site access) can be accessed by that user's role.

  • Users assigned to a role with UNRESTRICTED access to DCIs can access any DCI in RDC Onsite unless access has been denied to a particular DCI in a particular study through the DCI Access window in the Oracle Clinical Definition menu; see Oracle Clinical Creating a Study for study-level information.

  • Users assigned to a role with RESTRICTED access to DCIs cannot access any DCIs in RDC Onsite unless access has been granted to a particular DCI in a particular study.

You may want to create custom database roles specifically for the purpose of restricting access to certain DCIs to smaller groups of people (see "Creating Custom Database Roles" for more information and an example). If you do, you must add the new role in the Maintain DCI Access by Role window and specify a default access of RESTRICTED or UNRESTRICTED for it.


If you create a new user role but do not specify a default value for DCI access, users assigned to that role cannot log in to RDC Onsite. You must define the default access to DCIs for every user role you plan to assign.

If you assign a user to more than one role, and those roles have conflicting DCI access, the user cannot log it to RDC Onsite.

Before you can change the default DCI access for a user, the user role must exist (must be valid). You cannot change the default DCI access if the user role does not exist.

To define the DCI access for a user role:

  1. Open Oracle Clinical.

  2. Navigate to Admin and then select Users and Roles.

  3. Select Default DCI Access by Role.

    Alternatively, you can select one of the following menu options depending upon your administrator privileges and current task:

    • Select Test Default DCI Access to try out DCI access before implementing the feature in a live study.

    • Select Query Default DCI Access by Role if you only want to view the current settings but make no changes.

  4. Enter a valid user role in the User Role field. You can:

    • Type the name of a valid user role into the field.

    • Click the List of Values button, and then select a user role from the list. The list includes all the user roles currently defined in the installation reference codelist.

  5. Enter the default DCI access for the selected user role. Valid entries are:

    • UNRESTRICTED — Allows study/site access to all DCIs unless otherwise restricted in the DCI Access form for the study.

    • RESTRICTED — Does not allow access to any DCIs unless you specify exceptions in the DCI Access form for the study.

    You can type a valid entry directly into the field. Alternatively, you can click the List of Values button, and then select from the list.

  6. Continue to enter each user role and the type of DCI access allowed.

  7. Save your changes.

For each record in the Maintain Default DCI Access by Role form, Oracle Clinical creates and maintain an audit trail.

Upon initial entry to the form, Oracle Clinical populates the form with all the user roles defined in the reference codelist. For each user role, the Default DCI Access field is set to UNRESTRICTED. You must add any new user roles that you create.

1.8 Granting Additional Database Roles to User Accounts

This section includes:

The Add User script grants the minimum database roles required for a user to access Oracle Clinical and, if you specify that RDC access is required, RDC.

  • Oracle Clinical default database roles: CONNECT, RESOURCE, RXCLIN_READ, RXC_ANY, AND OCL_ACCESS

  • RDC default database roles: RXC_RDC and RDC_ACCESS

Users require additional database roles to do meaningful work in either Oracle Clinical or RDC. If you want a user to have read-only access, grant them RXC_ANY only.

To grant one or more database roles to a user:

  1. Log in to SQL*Plus as SYSTEM.

  2. Grant a role to a user:

    grant database_role to user_name

    For example: grant rxc_site to BSMITH

1.8.1 Additional Database Roles for RDC Users

You must explicitly grant every RDC Onsite user at least one database role. You can use the predefined database roles listed in the following table, selecting the role that matches the user's job function, or define additional database roles if you need to further fine-tune security privileges; see "Creating and Modifying Database Roles".

These database roles are mapped to user roles in the USER_GROUP_ROLES installation reference codelist. Those user roles are used to define security privileges and to customize various aspects of the user interface. See Chapter 3, "Configuring Discrepancy Management" for more information.

Table 1-3 Default Database Roles Defined for RDC Users

Database Role Typical User Profile


Data manager


Data manager


Clinical Research Associate (CRA)


Site user, study coordinator, or other person at the remote site responsible for entering patient data


Investigator at the remote site who can approve CRFs

1.8.2 Additional Database Roles for Oracle Clinical Users

The database roles assigned to a user determine which tasks a user can perform by controlling which menu paths the user can see in the user interface—for example, Study Design, Data Entry, or Administration—and within those areas, finer distinctions such as whether the user can make changes or only view existing data. Oracle Clinical includes many predefined database roles for this purpose. You can also define your own database roles; see Chapter 2, "Oracle Clinical Menu-Based Security" for more information.

The roles in the following table apply to the Oracle Clinical discrepancy management system as well as to RDC. Give one of the above roles to each user who has one of the corresponding job functions and who will be working with discrepancies in Oracle Clinical's Maintain Discrepancy Database window.

1.9 Setting Up Data Extract Users

Oracle Clinical users who need to generate Data Extract views and write macros need a table in their individual user's schema that provides a location to save the SQL code the user creates using data extract functions.

Oracle provides a script, crusrq.sql, that creates a table called USER_QUERIES in an individual user's schema. Run the script for each user who will write data extract functions.

To create this table:

  1. Change directories to the RXC_INSTALL directory.

  2. Run this command:

    sqlplus @crusrq

Alternatively, you can modify the Add User script to create the USER_QUERIES table automatically by adding these lines:

connect &&ops_id/&&pwd

1.10 Setting Up PSUB Administrator Users

You can give a user the role RXC_VWJOBS to allow him or her to:

  • View all users' jobs

  • View the output from those jobs.

  • Stop any job.

You can use either of the following scripts to grant this role to a user:

  • ocl_add_user

  • ocl_grant_revoke_rxc_vwjobs.sql (This script can also be used to revoke the role.)

1.11 Setting Up Power Users

Most end users do not require additions to a login script for Oracle Clinical purposes. Only power users who want to run opa_setup from the command line (to condition their environment to point to a particular database, or a code environment, or both), must add commands to a login script on that machine to configure their environments.

A power user might use opa_setup to set environment variables for such tasks as:

  • Running client applications other than Oracle Clinical (such as SQL*Plus, SAS, or a reporting program) against an Oracle Clinical database

  • Installing patches to Oracle Clinical server code or databases

  • Running Oracle Clinical administrative SQL scripts

For users who will perform these tasks, commands must be added to the login scripts that:

  • Define RXC_LOG

  • Add SAS

  • Add source (on C shell).

1.11.1 UNIX

Bourne/Korn shell Edit the user's .profile file. In the following example, SAS_home is the directory where the SAS executable is located.

# Include OPA directories
PATH=$PATH:/opa_home/bin:/sas_home; export PATH
# Define RXC_LOG for command line utilities
RXC_LOG=$HOME/log; export RXC_LOG

C shell Edit the user's .cshrc file. For example:

# Include OPA directories 
set path=( $path /opa_home/bin /sas_home ) 
# Define RXC_LOG for command line utilities 
setenv RXC_LOG $HOME/log 
# Create alias for opa_setup 
source /opa_home/bin/copa_setup_alias

1.11.2 Windows

No changes to a login script are required. To run opa_setup, ensure that opapps_home/bin is in the PATH environment variable.

1.12 Changing Passwords

Changing passwords depends on whether they are for a schema, a role, or for a user.

This section includes:


Passwords cannot contain these characters: { | } @ ;

1.12.1 Changing the Password for a User

Users can change their own database passwords either in SQL*Plus or with the Oracle Clinical menu by choosing Admin, then Users, and then Database Password.

In the Oracle Database Password window:

  1. Type your password in Enter Password text box.

  2. Type it again in the Confirm Password text box.

  3. Click OK.

Administrators can change the password for an Oracle Clinical user in SQL*Plus as usual:

  1. In SQL*Plus, connect to the database as the SYSTEM user.

  2. Reset the password for the user:

    alter user user identified by user_password;

1.12.2 Changing the Password for a Schema or Role Using the SET_PWD Utility

The following table lists the Oracle Clinical database objects that are protected by encrypted passwords stored in two locations:

  • An Oracle dictionary table

  • An Oracle Clinical passwords table

Use the SET_PWD utility to change the passwords for these accounts, encrypt the new password and store it in both locations:

Log in to SQL*Plus and enter:

set_pwd account/account_pwd

where account is the name of the schema or role from Table 1-4, "Password-Protected Database Objects".


The Oracle Database DEFAULT profile, which applies to all users by default, including these internal roles and schemas, enforces password requirements including an expiration period. You must proactively change their passwords before they expire, or parts of the system will stop working.

In rare cases you may want to change the password of the Wallet itself. See the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide. You must then change the passwords for the accounts.

Table 1-4 Password-Protected Database Objects

Name Type Description



Required for TMS Reports. See "Synchronizing Passwords in the WebLogic Admin Server".



Required for the TMS Browser. See "Synchronizing Passwords in the WebLogic Admin Server".



Required for RDC Onsite. See "Synchronizing Passwords in the WebLogic Admin Server".



Required for randomization.



Required for some PSUB jobs.



Required for some PSUB jobs.



Required for randomization.



Required for randomization.



Required for AIA web services.



Required for Data Extract.



Required for Procedure generation.



Required for replication.



Used by security packages.

1.12.3 Synchronizing Passwords in the WebLogic Admin Server

The passwords for the following application middle tier accounts:



  • OPS$TMSBROWSER (if you have TMS integrated with Oracle Clinical)

must be changed to the same value in two places:

1.12.4 Auditing Passwords

Oracle recommends that you turn on the auditing system for roles. For information on the AUDIT command, see the Oracle SQL Reference manual.

To track failed attempts to create, alter, drop, or set a role, issue the following statement:

audit role by access whenever not successful

1.12.5 Changing the Password for the OCPSUB or RXC_DISC_REP Account

The passwords for OCPSUB and RXC_DISC_REP are stored in Oracle Wallets on the database. You cannot use the set_pwd utility to change these passwords. Instead, do the following:

  1. Log on as opapps.

  2. Set environment variables for the database name and code environment; see "Setting Environment Variables on the Command Line."

  3. Open an MS-DOS window.

  4. Set the server environment; see "Setting Environment Variables on the Command Line."

  5. Enter the following command, where wallet_location is the full path to the wallet:

    mkstore -wrl wallet_location - modifyCredential tns_names_entry OCPSUB_or_RXC_DISC_REP  new_password
  6. The system prompts you for the wallet password.

1.13 Setting Password Requirements for User Accounts

Oracle Database software includes profiles through which you can enforce password requirements, including the DEFAULT profile that applies to all users by default.

1.13.1 Default Behavior

The DEFAULT profile, which applies to all users by default in an Oracle Database installation, includes the following password-related requirements in Release 11gR2:

  • Password life time = 180 days

  • Password grace time = 7 days

  • Password reuse time and password reuse max = Unlimited

  • Failed login attempts = 10


    In Oracle Clinical and RDC Onsite, the default Failed Login Attempts setting of 10 is effectively 5. This is because Oracle Clinical uses proxy connections and tries the internal connection twice for each user attempt before locking the account due to an incorrect password.
  • Password lock time = 1 day

If these settings are acceptable, you can do nothing and they will apply to all accounts. However, be sure to update internal account passwords; see "Synchronizing Passwords in the WebLogic Admin Server".

For more information, see in the Oracle® Database Security Guide 11g Release 2 (11.2).

1.13.2 Creating a Profile

To change the default settings, you can create a new profile for this purpose and assign it to all users. Use the CREATE PROFILE command to define a profile to specify your password policy.

Example 1-1 shows the SQL statements that create the OCL_USER_PROF profile and define the following password policies:

  • Password life time — Sets the number of days the same password can be used for authentication to 60 days.

  • Password grace time — Sets the time between expiration and lockout to 10 days.

  • Password reuse time and password reuse max — Indicates that the user can never reuse a password.

  • Failed login attempts


    Set the number of failed login attempts to two times the number of failed attempts that you really want to allow. This is because Oracle Clinical uses proxy connections and tries the internal connection two times for each user attempt before locking the account due to an incorrect password.

    So in this example, FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS is set to 6, but this effectively results in 3 failed user attempts resulting in locking the account.

  • Password lock time — Locks the account for 2 days if there are 3 failed login attempts.

For additional information, see the Oracle Database 2 Day + Security Guide 11g Release 2 (11.2) at

Example 1-1 Creating a Profile for Password Management


1.13.3 Assigning a Profile to Users

Assign the profile to users:

  • For new users, you can add a line in the ocl_add_user.sql to assign the password enforcing profile as you create each user account.

  • For existing PSUB users, you can add the same line to oclupg50migrateusers.sql to give all of them the profile at the same time that you migrate their account to the new PSUB requirements.

  • For other existing PSUB users, assign the profile individually or work with Oracle Support to develop a script to migrate them to the new profile.

The SQL statement required to assign a profile to a user is:

alter user user_name profile profile_name;

Example 1-2 Assigning a Role to Users

alter user jjsmith profile ocl_user_prof;

1.13.4 Getting More Information

For more information about how to use password management and protection, see in the Oracle® Database Security Guide 11g Release 2 (11.2).