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Oracle® Clinical Getting Started
Release 5.1

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2 Logging into Oracle Clinical

This section contains the following topics:

Logging In

A session starts when you log into Oracle Clinical and ends when you log off. When you log in, you establish a connection between your browser and an Oracle Clinical Web Server. The Web Server moves information between you and the Oracle Clinical database. Follow these steps to start a session:

  1. Open the Oracle Clinical launch page in your Web browser. Your system administrator can supply the hyperlink. By default, if you're connecting to a computer named oc1 and your intranet's link named, the link looks like this:

  2. Click Login. You might be prompted to download and install a required browser plug-in. If so, install the plug-in, then return to these instructions.

    Clicking the Login button triggers a series of activities in the background. First, a small window opens. If you close this window you disrupt your connection to parts of the application, so don't close it until you end your Oracle Clinical session. Next, login dialog box is displayed.

  3. Complete the login dialog box fields according to the information supplied by your system administrator. Note that the characters ops$ precede your username.

  4. Click Connect. An Oracle Clinical session opens, displaying the Navigation window.

Troubleshooting Login

This section gives a brief analysis of some of the problems that can occur when you log in.

I do not remember my password or do not have an account.

See your system administrator.

After entering username, password, and database name, I get an error message.

Note that you are adding the characters ops$ before your user identification. If so, see your system administrator.

When I try to open a second session from the launch page, the window for the first session becomes blank.

You cannot start more than one Oracle Clinical session from the same computer.

Can I log onto Oracle Clinical from different computers?

If you log onto Oracle Clinical as the same user from different computers, you can run multiple sessions of Oracle Clinical, as long as all of the sessions are either in test or production mode. If you try to start a new session that is not in the same mode, the new session fails. The sessions can connect to the same database.

I closed my Oracle Clinical browser window because it froze. However, when I try to log in again, the same frozen screen appears.

Your browser is loading the frozen page from its cache. Follow these instructions to empty the Internet Explorer cache:

  1. From the Internet Explorer menu bar, select Tools and then select Internet Options.

  2. Select the General tab.

  3. In the Temporary Internet files panel, click Delete files. You can set the browser so that you avoid this problem in the future, but at the expense of always downloading every page you visit on the Web. To prevent ever loading a cached page follow these instructions:

    1. Click Settings.

    2. Choose the Every visit to the page option.

    3. Click OK.

  4. Close the Internet Options dialog box and try to log on.