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Oracle® Clinical Application Programming Interface Guide
Release 5.1

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3 Interface Tables and Views

This section contains the following topics:


Oracle Clinical interfaces with your company's applications in the areas of study planning, investigator management, and drug supply. The interface provides tables and modules that support basic requirements in these areas. You can use these Oracle Clinical tables and modules at your site, or you can replace them with tables and modules from your system. Oracle Clinical provides the means for validating responses using your company's own thesaurus system.

The Oracle Clinical tables and modules that are part of the Interface Configuration interface with external applications. The table names begin with OCL_. You can use these Oracle Clinical tables and modules at your own sites; alternatively, you can choose the following methods for your interface:

  • Synonyms to customer tables

  • Views on customer tables

  • Batch/parallel maintenance of the OCL_ tables from customer applications

Mapping can be limited to the tables and columns required by the core Oracle Clinical functionality and does not have to reproduce exactly the Oracle Clinical version of these tables, described in "Table Details".


If you customized the interface then do not maintain these tables with Oracle Clinical functions.

Pay particular attention to performance when you test your modifications. This observation has special importance when views have contributed to the mapping, because they can seriously affect performance. Also, the underlying structure and indexing of the customer application may not be tuned to meet Oracle Clinical access requirements.

The following sections describe the layout and content of each Oracle Clinical table and the required components that a customized interface supports.

Study Planning

Study planning is the process of controlling and managing all studies within a company and across all company locations. The standard procedure is to define studies only at the company location where they are to be conducted or analyzed. Study planning also contains information about studies that are to be run by outside organizations, such as CROs, as well as details of possible future studies.

Oracle Clinical requires that study planning provide:

  • A two-tier hierarchy of studies to which users can be assigned as an alternative to maintaining security by individual user assignments to studies

  • A list of studies that are approved for definition in Oracle Clinical

Table 3-1 Study Planning Tables

Table Description


Master list of all studies


List of regions where each study is to be conducted


List of company departments that can support studies


Upper tier where studies can be grouped and security managed


Lower tier where studies can be grouped and security managed


List of the compounds for which each program is responsible

Drug Supply

A drug supply system interacts with Oracle Clinical in two ways:

  • At the front end of the clinical process, the drug supply system provides a list of drugs formulated for a clinical study.

  • At the back end of the process, the drug supply system takes the randomization generated in the design subsystem of Oracle Clinical and produces from it the packaged and labeled supplies for the study.

Table 3-2 Drug Supply Tables

Table Description


Look-up list of dosage forms


List of active substances (raw chemicals) and formulated products (medications) that a clinical study can use

Investigator Management

An investigator management system is responsible for maintaining a list of the investigators who can work on studies and the records of their assignments to studies.

Table 3-3 Investigator Management Tables

Table Description


List of potential and actual investigators who can work on studies


List of locations where a clinical study can be conducted


List of the assignments of sites to a particular clinical study


List of which investigators have been or are responsible for each study site


The thesaurus, or dictionary, is used to validate responses to questions marked as requiring thesaurus validation. There are two types of dictionaries: Drug Names and Adverse Events.

Interface Procedures to Be Maintained by the Customer

The following procedures maintain referential integrity between Oracle Clinical and another customer application. You must maintain independence between Oracle-supplied code and customer applications, while maintaining referential integrity and complying with site support agreement rules. These requirements are provided for by a set of database procedures that can be maintained and used either by Oracle or by the customer.

The following sections list each test or update separately; in the actual implementation some are merged. Local procedures may differ, but the parameters and procedure names are fixed.

Prevent Study Deletion

Prevents a study from being deleted by checking in related tables in non-Oracle Clinical applications before a clinical study is deleted. Only a return value of OK allows the study to be deleted; anything else means failure.

Param = nStudyId in number(10)

vReturnMsg out Char(60)

Delete Interface Records

Deletes records from the OCL tables used by Oracle Clinical. A return value of DONE means that everything worked correctly; anything else means failure.

Param = nStudyId in number(10)

vReturnMsg out Char(60)

Delete Local Records

Deletes clinical study-related records from non-Oracle Clinical tables when a clinical study is deleted. A return value of DONE means that everything worked correctly; anything else means failure.

Param = nStudyId in number(10)

vReturnMsg out Char(60)

Prevent Region Deletion

Checks if a region can be deleted based on local usage. A return value of DONE means that everything worked correctly; anything else means failure.

Param = nRegionId in number(10)

vRegionCode in char(7)

vReturnMsg out Char(60)

Update Region Code

Applies a cascade update when a region code is changed.

Param = vOldRegionCode in varchar2(7)

vNewRegionCode in varchar2(7)

vReturnMsg out varchar2(60)

Treatment Pattern Deletion Check

Checks if a treatment pattern can be deleted based on local usage. A return value of DONE means that everything worked correctly; anything else means failure.

Param = nTreatPattId in number(10)

vReturnMsg out char(60)

Treatment Assignment Deletion Check

Checks if a treatment assignment can be deleted based on local usage. A return value of DONE means everything worked correctly; anything else means failure.

Param = nTreatAssNum in number(10)

vStartCode in char(10)

vreturnMsg out char(60)

Get the Value of a Study Site Code

Supplies the value of a STUDY_SITE code.

Param = vStudySite in varchar2 (10)

nStudyId in number(10)

vSiteCode in varchar2(10)

nSiteId in number(10)

vTestProd in varchar2(1)

vReturnStudySite out varchar2(10)

Validate a Study Site Code

Validates a STUDY_SITE code. A return value of OK means the value is acceptable.

Param = vStudyCode in varchar2(10)

nStudyId in number(10)

vSiteCode in varchar2(10)

nSiteId in number(10)

vTestProd in varchar2(1)

vStudySite in varchar2(10)

vReturnMsg out varchar2(60)

Check That a Study Site Code Can Be Changed

Checks whether a STUDY_SITE code can be changed.

Param = vStudyCode in varchar2(10)

nStudyId in number(10)

vSiteCode in varchar2(10)

nSiteId in number(10)

vTestProd in varchar2 1)

vOldStudySite in varchar2(10)

vNewStudySite in varchar2(10)

vReturnMsg out varchar2(60)

Table Details

The following tables show the structure of the interface tables for Oracle Clinical, grouped by subsystem. The columns indicated as NOT NULL are mandatory for Oracle Clinical functionality. The other columns may not be used at all, or may be used in a display-only report or screen.

Drug Supply System

There are two drug supply tables, OCL_DOSAGE_FORMS and OCL_PRODUCT_MASTERS.


This is a list of the forms in which drugs can be manufactured. It adds a description to the dosage form code held on OCL_PRODUCT_MASTERS.

Parameter Datatype, Null? Description
DOFO_ID NUMBER(10), NOT NULL Unique ID for the dosage form
DOSAGE_FORM_CODE VARCHAR2(7), NOT NULL User-understood code for the dosage form


This is a list of two types of material. The ACT SUB (active substances) materials are base chemicals that can be assigned to programs. The FORMULATED materials are formulated drug supplies (for example, 250 mg pill of a drug) from which treatment regimens can be defined.

Parameter Datatype, Null? Description
PM_ID NUMBER(10), NOT NULL Unique ID for the product master
PRODUCT_NAME VARCHAR2(70), NOT NULL User-understood name for the product master
PM_TYPE_CODE VARCHAR2(10), NOT NULL ACTIVE SUB—raw compounds to which programs can be linked

FORMULATED—formulated drugs used in treatment regimens

CREATION_TS DATE, NOT NULL Date and time the record was created
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2(30), NOT NULL User ID of the person who created the record
ACTIVE_SUBSTANCE_PM_ID NUMBER(10) Product Master ID of the active substance in a formulated product (Null for active substances themselves)
DOFO_ID NUMBER(10) ID of the dosage form for formulated products (Null for active substances)
CODE VARCHAR2(10) Code for the active substance itself or for the active substance in a formulated product
SUBCODE VARCHAR2(10) Subcode for the active substance itself or for the active substance in a formulated product
MODIFICATION_TS DATE Date and time the record was last modified
MODIFIED_BY VARCHAR2(30) User ID of the person who last modified the record

Investigator Management System

There are four investigator management system tables, OCL_INVESTIGATORS, OCL_SITES, OCL_STUDY_SITES, and OCL_STUDY_SITE_ROLES.


This is a master list of investigators who can be assigned to a study.

Parameter Datatype, Null? Description
INVESTIGATOR_ID NUMBER(10,0), NOT NULL ID of an investigator record
INVESTIGATOR VARCHAR2(10),NOT NULL Code for the investigator as recognized by the user
TITLE VARCHAR2(4), NULL Title for the investigator
INITIALS VARCHAR2(4), NULL Initials of the investigator
FIRST_NAME VARCHAR2(15),NOT NULL First name of the investigator
LAST_NAME VARCHAR2(20),NOT NULL Last name of the investigator
ACTIVE_FLAG VARCHAR2(1), NOT NULL Y = Investigator is available to work on new studies

N = Investigator not assignable to new studies

CREATED_BY VARCHAR2(30),NOT NULL User ID of the person who created the record
CREATION_TS DATE, NOT NULL Date and time the record was created
PHONE_NUMBER VARCHAR2(25),NOT NULL Phone number of the investigator
COUNTRY VARCHAR2(7), NULL Region code of the country in which the investigator lives
STATE VARCHAR2(7), NULL Region code of the state/province/county, etc. where the investigator lives
CITY VARCHAR2(25),NULL Name of the city where the investigator lives
ADDRESS_NAME VARCHAR2(40),NULL Name to start the investigator's address
ADDRESS_LINE_1 VARCHAR2(40),NULL First line of the investigator's address
ADDRESS_LINE_2 VARCHAR2(40), NULL Second line of the investigator's address
ADDRESS_LINE_3 VARCHAR2(40), NULL Third line of the investigator's address
POSTAL_CODE VARCHAR2(15),NULL Postal or ZIP code for the investigator
MODIFIED_BY VARCHAR2(30), NULL User ID of the person who last modified the record
MODIFICATION_TS DATE, NULL Date and time the record was last modified


This is a list of sites where a study can be performed.

Parameter Datatype, Null? Description
SITE_ID NUMBER(10,0), NOT NULL ID for the site
SITE VARCHAR2(10), NOT NULL Code for the site as recognized by the user
ACTIVE_FLAG VARCHAR2(1), NOT NULL Y = Site is available for work on new studies

N = Site not assignable to new studies

CREATED_BY VARCHAR2(30), NOT NULL User ID of the person who created the record
CREATION_TS DATE, NOT NULL Date and time the record was created
PHONE_NUMBER VARCHAR2(25), NOT NULL Phone number for the site
NAME VARCHAR2(60), NOT NULL, Name to start the site's address
COUNTRY VARCHAR2(7), NOT NULL Region code of the country where the site is located
STATE VARCHAR2(7), NOT NULL Region code of the state/province/county, etc. where the site is located
CITY VARCHAR2(25), NOT NULL City where the site is located
ADDRESS_LINE_1 VARCHAR2(40), NOT NULL First line of the site's address
ADDRESS_LINE_2 VARCHAR2(40), NULL Second line of the site's address
ADDRESS_LINE_3 VARCHAR2(40), NULL Third line of the site's address
POSTAL_CODE VARCHAR2(15), NOT NULL Postal or ZIP code of the site
MODIFICATION_TS DATE, NULL Date and time the record was last modified
MODIFIED_BY VARCHAR2(30), NULL User ID of the person who last modified the record


This is a record of the assignments of a site to a study. The Oracle model assigns sites to a study and then patients to a site for the use of the investigator currently responsible for managing the site. The OCL_STUDY_SITES table is the linchpin around which the assignment of patients and investigators is maintained.

Parameter Datatype, Null? Description
SITE_ID NUMBER(10,0), NOT NULL ID of the site assigned to the study
CLINICAL_STUDY_ID NUMBER(10,0), NOT NULL ID of the study to which the site has been assigned
DATA_FREEZE_FLAG VARCHAR2(1), NOT NULL Y = All data for the site is frozen

N = Data for site can be changed

CREATED_BY VARCHAR2(30), NOT NULL User ID of the person who created the record
CREATION_TS DATE, NOT NULL Date and time the record was created
OK_TO_SHIP_FLAG VARCHAR2(1), NOT NULL Y = Site is approved to receive drug supplies

N = Site is awaiting approval

START_DATE DATE, NULL Date the site was first assigned to the study
END_DATE DATE, NULL Date the site was closed
MODIFIED_BY VARCHAR2(30), NULL User ID of the person who last modified the record.
MODIFICATION_TS DATE, NULL Date and time the record was last modified


This is a record of the assignment of an investigator to a site in a study. Only one investigator can be responsible for a site within a study at a time.

Parameter Datatype, Null? Description
CLINICAL_STUDY_ID NUMBER(10,0), NOT NULL ID of the study to which the site has been assigned
SITE_ID NUMBER(10,0), NOT NULL ID of the site assigned to the study
INVESTIGATOR_ID NUMBER(10,0), NOT NULL ID of the investigator assigned to the site
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2(30), NOT NULL User ID of the person who created the record
CREATION_TS DATE, NOT NULL Date and time the record was created
CURRENT_FLAG VARCHAR2(1), NOT NULL Y = This is the investigator currently responsible for the site

N = This is a historic assignment

START_DATE DATE, NOT NULL Date the assignment started
NUMBER_OF_PATIENTS_REQUIRED NUMBER(10,0), NULL Number of patients the investigator is targeted with recruiting at this site
CONTRACT_DATE DATE, NULL Date the investigator's contract was signed
EXPECTED_ENROLLMENT_RATE NUMBER(5,2), NULL Number of patients the investigator is expected to recruit each month
TERMINATION_DATE DATE, NULL Date the investigator stopped being responsible for the site.
DISCONTINUATION_LETTER_DATE DATE, NULL Date the investigator's termination letter was sent
MODIFICATION_TS DATE, NULL Date and time the record was last modified
MODIFIED_BY VARCHAR2(30), NULL User ID of the person who last modified the record

Study Planning



This table contains a list of organizations within the company that manage or sponsor studies. A study must be assigned to one of these organizations.

Parameter Datatype, Null? Description
ORGANIZATION_ UNIT_ID NUMBER(10), NOT NULL Unique ID for the organization unit
CODE VARCHAR2(3), NOT NULL Code for the organization unit as recognized by the user
NAME VARCHAR2(60), NULL Name for the organization unit
DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2(70), NOT NULL Description of the organization unit
START_DATE DATE, NOT NULL Date the organization unit became active
END_DATE DATE, NULL Date the organization unit was retired
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2(30), NOT NULL User ID of the person who created the record
CREATION_TS DATE, NOT NULL Date and time the record was created
MODIFIED_BY VARCHAR2(30), NULL User ID of the person who last modified the record.
MODIFICATION_TS DATE, NULL Date and time the record was last modified.


Programs are the upper tier in the studies hierarchy. They group the studies within a particular compound, which could include multiple indications and formulations of the compound across all locations where studies are being performed.

Parameter Datatype, Null? Description
PROGRAM_CODE VARCHAR2(15), NOT NULL User code for the program
DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2(70), NOT NULL Description of the program
ACTIVE_FLAG VARCHAR2(1), NOT NULL Y = Program is still active

N = Program is for historical use only

CREATED_BY VARCHAR2(30), NOT NULL User ID of the person who created the record
CREATION_TS DATE, NOT NULL Date and time the record was created
MODIFIED_BY VARCHAR2(30), NULL User ID of the person who last modified the record
MODIFICATION_TS DATE, NULL Date and time the record was last modified


Projects are the lower tier in the studies hierarchy. They group studies in a program into some customer-determined groups. Typical groups could split studies by indications or formulations of the compound, and possibly by locations or regions.

Parameter Datatype, Null? Description
PROJECT_CODE VARCHAR2(15), NOT NULL Code for the project
DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2(70), NOT NULL Description of the project
START_DATE DATE, NOT NULL Date the project started
END_DATE DATE, NULL Date the project ended
PROGRAM_CODE VARCHAR2(15), NOT NULL Code of the program to which the project belongs
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2(30), NOT NULL User ID of the person who created the record
CREATION_TS DATE, NOT NULL Date and time the record was created
MODIFIED_BY VARCHAR2(30), NULL User ID of the person who last modified the record
MODIFICATION_TS DATE, NULL Date and time the record was last modified


This lists type ACT SUB (active substance) product masters, assigned to programs.

Parameter Datatype, Null? Description
PROGRAM_CODE VARCHAR2(15), NOT NULL Code of the program concerned
PM_ID NUMBER(10,0), NOT NULL ID of the product master assigned
PRIMARY_RS_COMPOUND_FLAG VARCHAR2(1), NOT NULL Y = Main compound of the program

N = Other compounds assigned to the program

CREATED_BY VARCHAR2(30),NOT NULL User ID of the person who created the record
CREATION_TS DATE, NOT NULL Date and time the record was created
MODIFIED_BY VARCHAR2(30), NULL User ID of the person who last modified the record
MODIFICATION_TS DATE, NULL Date and time the record was last modified


This table lists all studies within a set of instances that share data — all studies ever performed, currently being performed, or might be performed in the future. A study must exist in this table before it can be designed in Oracle Clinical.

Parameter Datatype, Null? Description
TASK_ID NUMBER(10), NOT NULL Unique ID for the planned study
STUDY VARCHAR2(15), NOT NULL User-recognized code of the study
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2(30), NOT NULL User ID of the person who created the record
CREATION_TS DATE, NOT NULL Date and time the record was created
ORGANIZATION_UNIT_ID NUMBER(10), NOT NULL, Code of the organization sponsoring the study
PROJECT_CODE VARCHAR2(15), NOT NULL Code of the project to which the study belongs
PROGRAM_CODE VARCHAR2(15), NOT NULL Code of the program that owns the project to which the study belongs
TITLE VARCHAR2(255), NULL Title for the study
INVESTIGATORS_PLANNED NUMBER(10), NULL Planned number of investigators in the study
EXPTL_DESIGN_TYPE_CODE VARCHAR2(5), NULL Type of design being used in the study
REGION_ID NUMBER(10), NULL ID of the master region for the study
CLINICAL_PHASE VARCHAR2(5), NULL Clinical phase of the study
MODIFIED_BY VARCHAR2(30), NULL User ID of the person who last modified the record
MODIFICATION_TS DATE, NULL Date and time the record was last modified


This table lists the regions where a study is to be performed. One region must be flagged as the master region— the one displayed in the heads of some reports.

Parameter Datatype, Null? Description
STUDY_REGION_ID NUMBER(10), NOT NULL, ID for the study region record
TASK_ID NUMBER(10), NOT NULL ID of the study concerned
REGION_ID NUMBER(10), NOT NULL, ID of the region concerned
REGION_CODE VARCHAR2(7), NOT NULL Code of the region concerned
REGULATORY_ FLAG VARCHAR2(1), NOT NULL Y = Region is being used for regulatory reasons

N = Region is not being used for regulatory reasons

MARKETING_FLAG VARCHAR2(1), NOT NULL Y = Region is being used for marketing reasons

N = Region is not being used for marketing reasons

REPORTING_REGION_FLAG VARCHAR2(1), NOT NULL Y = Region is the main reporting region

N = Region is not the main reporting region

CREATED_BY VARCHAR2(30),NOT NULL User ID of the person who created the record
CREATION_TS DATE, NOT NULL Date and time the record was created
MODIFIED_BY VARCHAR2(30), NULL User ID of the person who last modified the record
MODIFICATION_TS DATE, NULL Date and time the record was last modified