.NET API Reference for Oracle Identity Connector Framework 11.1.2

The ConnectorFacade type exposes the following members.


Public methodAddAttributeValues (Inherited from UpdateApiOp.)
Public methodAuthenticate (Inherited from AuthenticationApiOp.)
Public methodCreate (Inherited from CreateApiOp.)
Public methodDelete (Inherited from DeleteApiOp.)
Public methodGetLatestSyncToken (Inherited from SyncApiOp.)
Public methodGetObject (Inherited from GetApiOp.)
Public methodGetOperation
Public methodRemoveAttributeValues (Inherited from UpdateApiOp.)
Public methodResolveUsername (Inherited from ResolveUsernameApiOp.)
Public methodRunScriptOnConnector (Inherited from ScriptOnConnectorApiOp.)
Public methodRunScriptOnResource (Inherited from ScriptOnResourceApiOp.)
Public methodSchema (Inherited from SchemaApiOp.)
Public methodSearch (Inherited from SearchApiOp.)
Public methodSync (Inherited from SyncApiOp.)
Public methodTest (Inherited from TestApiOp.)
Public methodUpdate (Inherited from UpdateApiOp.)
Public methodValidate (Inherited from ValidateApiOp.)

See Also