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Oracle® Fusion Middleware REST API Reference for the Oracle Access Management Access Portal Service

Part Number E52131-01
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1 Entity Relationships and Permissions

This chapter describes the relationships between the data entities implemented by the Access Portal Service as well as permissions required to perform operations on those entities.

1.1 Entity Relationships

The Access Portal Service implements the following relationships between the application policy and other policy entities, as illustrated below:

Surrounding text describes image001.png.

The Access Portal Service implements the Credential_ApplicationPolicy relationship, which allows exactly one application policy to be assigned to each credential at any given time. A credential entity cannot exist without an associated application policy, as illustrated below.

Surrounding text describes image002.png.

The Access Portal Service implements the following relationships between the user entity and other entities:

Surrounding text describes image003.png.

1.2 Entity Permissions

When either the Access Portal Service REST service or Logon Manager create the user wallet, the wallet's ACL is configured to allow that user to read, search, write, and compare entities within the wallet. These permissions are configured at the wallet level and inheritable by all objects stored within the wallet.

Each ACL for a policy entity contains the following keys policies ACL consist of two keys:

The Enterprise Single Sign-On Suite Administrative Console can perform the following operations on the provisioning keys in the policy:

The Enterprise Single Sign-On Suite Administrative Console operates on repository data in the user context, which allows us to allow the directory to filter and handle the rights for the AT_Security and ProvisioningRights keys.

The Access Portal Service REST service operates on repository data within the administrator context, preventing the use of the directory to filter and handle AT_Security rights. Because of this, the ProvisioningRights right must be maintained for the CO to allow create, update, and delete operations; no special rights are required for the read operation.

The Access Portal REST service can perform the following operations for AT_Security:

An ACL is configured for each individual policy entity. For example, a policy can be limited to read, write, search, and compare operations executed by members of a particular group - this would effectively limit access to that policy to only members of that user group.