

This report calculates catering revenues and covers for up to three different statuses over a given date range, and can be grouped by Event Types, Meal Periods, or Market Segments. It can be used as a forecast report when leaving the production date range empty, or as a production report, when defining the required production date range. Revenue Types and Event Types for calculation of Average Check can also be defined. The revenues and covers for last year over the same date range are also shown on the report. When the Page Break check box is selected, revenues are calculated and printed separately for each Sales Manager. A total by revenue group prints at the end of the report.

Selection Criteria

Property. Available when OPS_MHT2 license is active or when OPF_<version number> OPERA Sales Force Administration license is active. Choose the property for which the report should be printed.

Catering Owner: If selected, the report will only print revenue from blocks with the selected catering owners. If left blank and not selected, the report will print for all catering owners. This field works in conjunction with the Page Break check box. When the Page break check box is selected, the revenues for all selected owners are not summarized, but instead owner by owner data is printed with a page break between owners.

Arrival Period (Arrival Start/End Date). The event date range that should be covered in this report.

Production Period (Production Begin/End Date). If only production (creation / updates) of event between a certain date range should be reported on, this date range should be entered here. Otherwise leave blank to report for all production dates.

Group By: Options are:

The groups selected here define the first column on the report and the main grouping for the revenue data.

Status 1 /2 /3. Defines which statuses should be considered in columns of the report. Multiple status codes can be selected for each column and the total for the selected statuses will print in the appropriate column. The same status selection also applies to the data that is reported as total for ‘Same Time Last Year.’

Covers – Event Type. Allows selection of Event Types for which covers should get summarized in all Total lines (all covers print for each detail revenue line and for the revenue group sub-total in the details section).

Avg Check – Rev. Type. Allows selection of Revenue Types that should be calculated for the Total lines. (Average Check is calculated and printed for each detail revenue line.)

Page Break. If selected, the report will print separately for each catering manager (based on the selection made in the Catering Manager LOV), with a page break after each catering manager’s initials. If not selected, the revenue will print a combination of all selected catering managers (if no catering managers are selected, all catering managers will be included in the report).

Print Excl. Forecast Event. Determines how forecast events will be printed: Both/Yes/No. Select this option to either include or exclude certain events. When Both is selected all qualifying events will print. When Yes is selected, only events that have had the Exclude from Forecast Reports flag checked will print (the Exclude from Forecast Reports flag is accessible on the Events Screen Details tab). When No is selected only events that have NOT been marked as Exclude from Forecast Reports will print.


Report Output

Event Date. Data in the report is within this period selected.

Description. The configured catering revenue types descriptions display where you can view the Revenue, Covers, and Average Check for the selection made in the Group By field: by Meal Period, Event Type, or Market Segment for the date range. Displays figures by Status.

Total. Prints a total for all Revenue Types for the appropriate main group. Covers are calculated for the event types selected in the ‘Covers – Event Type’ field. Average Check calculation is based on the revenue types selected in the ‘Avg.Check – Rev.Types’ field.

If there are several revenue types linked to the same revenue group, the revenue group displays underneath the revenue types that are linked to it.

Total Section. Includes Revenue, Covers and Avg. Check. Includes the total Revenue and Covers across all selected statuses per revenue type / revenue group subtotal.

Same Time Last Year Columns. Accumulated for the same statuses for the same date range one year back for Arrival Date Range and Production Date Range (Total revenue across all selected statuses per revenue type / revenue group subtotal, Total Covers across all selected statuses per revenue type / revenue group subtotal, Average Check calculation. Revenue divided by number of covers for each revenue type / revenue group subtotal).

Last Year Actual Columns. Shows the actualized revenues for the same date range one year back for Arrival Date Range and Production Date Range.

Subtotal. A subtotal by revenue group displays after the details of the report. Prints all revenue groups that are represented in the details section. Covers in this section only appear and are calculated for the event types selected in the ‘Covers – Event Type’ field. Average Check calculation in this line should is based on the revenue types selected in the ‘Avg.Check – Rev.Types’ field.

Note: If more than one revenue type of the same revenue group is used for one of the grouping levels, the report shows a sub-total for the revenue group. Please note that covers that belong to the SAME event for different revenue types that belong to the same revenue group, will not be summed up in the cover total of the revenue group. Covers that belong to DIFFERENT events for different revenue types that belong to the same revenue group will be added once for each event to the revenue group sub-total.

- If you have one event LUNCH for 20 attendees with 1000.00 food revenue and 500.00 beverage revenue, the sub-total for the F&B revenue group will show revenue = 1500.00, but covers only 20 (as both the food and the beverage come from the same event).
- If you have two events COCKTAIL (COCKTAIL1 and COCKTAIL2), each with 20 attendees. COCKTAL1 has 1000.00 food revenue, but no beverage revenue. COCKTAIL2 has 500.00 beverage revenue, but no food revenue. The sub-total for the revenue group F&B will still show 1500.00, but in this case, the covers will appear as 40, because they are associated with two different events.

Grand Total. A grand total across all revenue groups.


See Also