
AR Account Maintenance

To access the Account Maintenance screen, highlight the account record in the AR Account Search screen search results grid (or, to access multiple accounts, mark the accounts you wish to open with an X in the X column). Then select the Select button. The Account Maintenance screen appears. Select the tabs along the bottom of the screen to access the individual accounts selected from the AR Account Search screen.

Note: The following system behavior is employed for security reasons when working with this screen: Assume that the Account Maintenance screen is opened by user 1 (who has a valid cashier ID). User 1 then logs out using the F8 Quick Key from the Account Maintenance screen. Further assume that user 2 (who does not have a valid cashier ID) logs in to continue from where user 1 left off. All previously opened screens will be immediately closed and user 2 will be required to start any activity from the beginning.

The account number and account name are shown above the grid in large blue type so that you can be certain which account you are viewing and managing.

The view-only Account Balance field shows the total open amount for all invoices belonging to  this account.

The view-only Total Selected field beneath the grid shows the total open amount for all selected invoices (i.e., for all invoices marked with an X in the X column).

If a Fixed Rate applies to the account, then a Fixed Rate indicator lamp is displayed in the bottom left portion of the screen and this lamp can be clicked on to display the Fixed Rate screen.

AR Account Screen Search Criteria

Use the following search criteria to filter the invoice list in the search results grid.

From Date/To Date. Enter the range of dates for the invoices you wish to find.

Folio No. The full folio number or the first part of the folio number you wish to find.

Invoice No. The full invoice number or the first part of the invoice number you wish to find.

Statement No. Available when the AR>Statement Numbering application parameter is set to Y. Enter the system-assigned statement number associated with the invoice(s) you wish to find.

Fiscal Bill No. Available when the Cashiering> Fiscal Folio Printing and Cashiering>Display Fiscal Bill Number application parameters are set to Y. Enter the fiscal bill number of the folio you wish to find.

All/Open. Select the radio button that indicates the type of invoices you wish to find:

All. Display all invoices regardless of whether they are open invoices (those having a non-zero balance) or zero balance invoices; also display all payments.

Open. Display only open invoices (those having a non-zero balance).

Payments Only. Select this check box to display only payments applied to the account.

Unbilled. Available when the AR>Statement Numbering application parameter is set to Y. Select this check box to display only those invoices that do not have a statement number associated with them.

Printed. Available when the AR>AR Invoices Printed Check Mark application parameter is set to Y. Select this check box to search only for invoices that have been included as line items on successfully printed statements.

Not Printed. Available when the AR>AR Invoices Printed Check Mark application parameter is set to Y. Select this check box to search only for invoices that have not been included as line items on successfully printed statements.

AR Account Details

Select the Details button to see a view-only summary of the AR account details. On the left, the account name and address are shown. In the center, the account number, account type and account contact information are provided. (This information can be edited on the Setup Account screen.) To the right is a breakdown of the account balance by each of the aging periods set up for your property. (See Aging for details.) The account number and  total account balance are shown just above the search results grid.  

Account Maintenance Function Buttons

Mark an X in the X column to choose the invoices to apply those functions to that apply to multiple invoices (such as Compress and Unlink). You may use the All and None buttons to select all invoices or to un-select all invoices.

The search results grid shows the activity (invoices and payments) for the account. Function buttons along the right edge of the screen can be applied to the invoices and payments you select from the grid.

New. Add a new invoice to the AR account. (User must be granted the AR>Post user permission to access this option.)

Note: When the OPV_<version number> OPERA Vacation Ownership System license and the Ownership>Auto Invoice Creation application function and Ownership>Period Invoice Days application setting are active, invoices can be  automatically created during the night audit process for larger properties or owners with multiple rooms.

Edit. Display the Edit Postings screen for the invoice or payment highlighted in the search results grid. This screen shows the details of the invoice or payment, and allows you to edit the reference and supplement information. From the Edit Postings screen you may also access the profile to which the invoice or payment is attached. (This button is not available for closed invoices.) (User must be granted the AR>Post user permission to access this option.)

Invoice. Display the Invoice Details screen. View and manage the invoice details for one or more invoices selected in the search results grid. From the Invoice Details screen you may add new postings to the invoice, edit transaction details, adjust postings based on transaction codes, print the invoice, or access the profile to which the AR account is attached. When the Profiles>Restrict Profile Name Change After Folio Creation application parameter is set to Y, the Profile name cannot be modified/edited after a folio or invoice has been generated for the Payee and/or Guest. Note that the Profile on the Invoice details screen cannot be changed by accessing the profile details screen and selecting another profile from the search section.

Payment. Make a payment on one or more selected invoice(s). Apply credit to the account at large, to one or more specific invoices, or to the oldest invoices. The Payment button is active only when there is an open amount on at least one of the invoices you choose. (User must be granted the AR>Post user permission to access this option.)

Compress. To combine two or more invoices into one invoice, mark the invoices you wish to combine with an X in the X column and select Compress. You might use this feature, for example, to combine several invoices that are for small amounts. Once an invoice is compressed, you may not post additional charges to the invoice or make adjustments to the transactions on the invoice.

Note: When a property has no Country Mode and Configuration Mode specified, Generic Mode for example, and no records selected on the grid, the Compress button is not available. Only when there are two records or more selected, and none of the records is a child invoice record, then the Compress button will be available.

Unlink. Available when the AR>Statement Numbering application parameter is set to Y. The selected invoice (or, if multiple invoices are selected, all the chosen invoices) must be associated with a statement number in order for this button to be available. Disassociate the selected invoice(s) from the statement with which they are associated.

Options. Display the Account Posting Options menu.

When the General> Enhanced Options Management application parameter is set to Y you have another way of quickly accessing options. You can press Ctrl+T to display the blue Option field.

To view all the available options in alphabetical order, scroll through the options list by selecting the Up and Down arrow keys. Press Enter to select the displayed option and open the corresponding option screen.

Or, instead of scrolling through the options list, type the first three letters of the desired option. The corresponding options screen appears. (For example, type c-a-n for Cancel.)

You may also enter the first letter of the desired option and all options beginning with that letter will appear in alphabetical order as you scroll. To scroll, use the arrow keys or repeatedly press the beginning letter key. For example, if you typed a-a-a-a you might scroll through the options of Accompanying, Add on, Agent/Company, Alerts. Press Enter to open the desired option.

AR Account Screen Fields

Invoices and/or payments are displayed based on your search criteria. The following information is available in the search results grid:

X. An X in this column indicates that the record is selected for an AR account maintenance function. Click in the X column to select the record. Or you may select the record by highlighting it and selecting the spacebar. If you are choosing only one record for a function, you may simply highlight the record without placing an X in this column.

+. A plus sign (+) in this column indicates that two or more invoices have been compressed. Click the + to display the individual invoices. When you do so, the + changes to a -. Click the - to "roll up" the display of individual invoices. (See Compress Invoices for details.)

Date. Date when the invoice was created or the payment was made.

Name. For invoices, the name that appears on the folio; for payments, the payment method. Payments are prefixed by an asterisk for easy identification. In addition, the asterisk makes it possible for you to click on the Name column heading to display all payment entries followed by all invoice entries for easy review.

Folio No. Folio number of the folio covered by this invoice. A folio number will not appear for compressed invoices, for payments, or for old balances.

Invoice No. Invoice number assigned by OPERA when the folio is transferred to AR or when a new invoice is created in AR. Payments do not have an invoice number assigned.

Statement Number. Available when the AR>Statement Numbering application parameter is set to Y. The most recent system- assigned statement number associated with this invoice.

Note: The sample_statement_numbering report form must be used when implementing the AR Statement Numbering feature. Use of this form for statement printing is required in order for OPERA to assign sequential numbers to statements and to properly display statement numbers in the Statement field on the Account Maintenance screen.

Fiscal Bill No. Available when the Cashiering> Fiscal Folio Printing and Cashiering>Display Fiscal Bill Number application parameters are set to Y. The fiscal bill number of the folio.

Amount. Amount of the invoice or payment.

Open. Balance remaining on the invoice (amount minus paid).

Paid. Total amount paid. (This amount encompasses all payments against this invoice.) For invoices, this is a negative number. For payments, this is a positive number.

Currency. For invoices, the code for the Preferred Currency selected for the profile to which the account is attached. For payments, the code for the currency in which the payment was made.

Adjusted. An X in this field indicates that this invoice or payment was adjusted. See Adjust Postings for details.

Transferred. An X in this field indicates that the invoice or payment has been transferred to another account. Use the Edit option from the right- click Quick Menu to display the Edit Postings screen. The Invoice Reference field on the Edit Postings screen shows the account to which the invoice was transferred. (See Transfer for details.)

Age. The age of the invoice in days.

Note: When multiple invoices are compressed, the age shown applies to the compressed invoice. Once invoices are compressed, age information is no longer tracked for the individual invoices.

Supplement. Additional information regarding the invoice or payment.

Reference. Invoice or payment reference information. For payments, the credit card number used for the payment. A POS check number may also appear here.

Note: When the user permission, Reservations>Credit Card Information View, is granted to a user and the credit card has not been purged, the user can view the credit card numbers by double-clicking on the credit number in the Reference column.

Red Indicator lamps can be displayed at the bottom of the screen, if the AR account meets certain criteria. For example, if a Fixed Charge applies to the selected account, then a Fixed Charge lamp is displayed. See Indicator Lamps for details.

Right-Click Quick Menu Options

You can right-click on any entry in the AR Account screen search results grid to display the Quick Menu. This feature allows you quick access to the most used AR Account functions.

Edit. To display the Edit Postings screen for the invoice or payment highlighted in the search results grid, select this option. This screen shows the details of the invoice or payment, and allows you to edit the reference and supplement information. From the Edit Postings screen you may also access the profile to which the invoice or payment attached. The Edit option has the same function as the Edit button. (This option is not available for closed invoices.)

Uncompress. To un-combine two or more invoices that have been compressed into one invoice, highlight the compressed invoice and select Uncompress. You may only uncompress an invoice on the same business date on which it was compressed. Thereafter, the details are still available in view-only mode, but the invoice cannot be uncompressed. (See Compress Invoices, below, for details.)

Unapply. To unapply one or more payments made to an invoice on today's business date, highlight the invoice to which the payment(s) were applied and select this option. Payment may then be applied to another invoice.  (See Apply Payment, below, for details.)

Reverse Payment. To "undo," or reverse, a payment that has been applied to the account on today's business date, highlight the payment you wish to reverse and select this option. A reverse posting transaction will be added to the account. (See Apply Payment, below, for details.) Reversing a payment voids the payment so that is does not show as having been posted. This option is not available if a payment has not been applied to the account.

First. Scroll the grid to display and highlight the first entry in the AR Account screen search results grid.

Last. Scroll the grid to display and highlight the last entry in the AR Account screen search results grid.

Note: An AR account may be flagged for some reason (see Flagging an AR Account for details). If you attempt to create a new invoice for a flagged account, or if you attempt to edit an invoice belonging to a flagged account, the following message appears: "Account <name> has been flagged <description>. Do you wish to continue?" Respond Yes to continue. Respond No if you do not wish to proceed with the invoice. How flagged accounts are handled is determined by your property.

Button Functions

Search. Searches for the AR Account based on the search criteria entered.

Details. Display a view-only summary of the AR account details.

New. Adds a new Invoice to the AR Account. See Add New Invoice to AR Account for details.

Edit. Edit postings on the highlighted Invoice. See AR Edit Postings for details.

Invoice. Select to View the highlighted Invoice and Manage of any of its details. See View Invoices and Manage Invoice Details for details.

Payment. Apply a payment to the AR Account. See AR Applying Payments for details.

Compress. Combines two or more invoices into one invoice. See Compress Invoices for details.

Options. Select to view the AR Options for the AR Account. See AR Options for details.

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A Note About Terminology

The distinction between a folio number, a bill number, and an invoice number requires some explanation.

The piece of paper a guest receives upon checkout is often referred to as a folio. This folio has a unique number on it that is commonly known as the folio number. OPERA assigns this number automatically to the folio upon generation and this number will be different for each folio generated for the guest's stay (depending on the Cashiering>Fixed Bill Number application parameters).

What the OPERA user calls a folio number is, internally for OPERA, a bill number (or more correctly, the BILL_NO). This is because "folio number" has a special meaning, internally, for OPERA. Internally, a FOLIO_NO is a unique number assigned to the financial transactions for a given reservation. The FOLIO_NO is assigned at check-in and it remains the same for every financial transaction belonging to the reservation throughout the duration of the stay. The FOLIO_NO is used for internal tracking purposes and users never see or need to know it.

Finally, the term "invoice number" (specifically, the AR invoice number) refers to the unique identifier assigned by OPERA to cover one or more guest folios that are transferred to an AR account. This number is the same for users and for OPERA's internal processes, where it is called an INVOICE_NO.

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Show Me

Applying Two Unallocated Payments to an Invoice

See Also