
Fidelio Front Office PMS Setup Requirements

Additional Setup to Fidelio V6.20 (x) at the Property Level

  1. In addition to the standard front office databases the following databases required by the V3.x Interface. For the structure of these database please refer to the 6.20 Data Dictionary.

    The following fields need to be added to the following Front Office Databases for the V3.x Interface.

    • CRSNAME_ID Character 30 0
    • ADDTYPE Character 1 0
    • BADDTYPE Character 3 0
    • BSTRASSE1 Character 30 0
    • BSTRASSE2 Character 30 0
    • BORT Character 30 0
    • BPLZ Character 10 0
    • BSTATE Character 3 0
    • BLAND Character 3 0
    • BTELEPHONE Character 20 0
    • PASSPORT Character 20 0
    • GRES2.DBF
    • CRS_SHID Numeric 8 0
    • CS_LEG_NOS Character 12 0
    • CRS_SENT Logical 1 0
    • CRS_SRPID Character 10 0
    • MFDELAY Character 20 0
    • Ensure that GALLOTT.DBF->RESTYPE is a Numeric field with the width = 1, decimal = 0.
  2. Under Hotel Data>Manager>Other License Codes the flowing Parameters must be activated.
    • CIS Integration (ex_cis) must be turned on for Central Profile Lookup to work
    • Central Systems Trigger Module (ex_crsexp)
    • CRIS Central Systems Interface (crs_cris)
  3. The following standard triggers need to be verified and setup in the FSTAMM>MANAGER>Other License Codes>Central System Trigger Module. A new set of triggers needs to be set up for V3. This is what we recommend for the V3 trigger setup.
    • Under Conditional Trigger Setup the following needs to be inserted into the compare fields:

      Note:  These triggers are the suggested triggers by Oracle. You may add to the end of these triggers to better suit the needs of your business. The Interface 3.x may not work properly if you change or insert anything prior to the end of these triggers.

    • Reservation = cmp_resv()+share_num+packages
    • Profile = cmp_prof()+gast->addtype+gast->baddtype+gast- >bstrasse1+gast->bstrasse2+gast->bort+gast->bplz+gast->bstate+gast- >btelephone+gast- >bland+iif(allowmail,'T','F')+iif(allowemail,'T','F')+iif(guestpriv,'T','F')
    • Rate Header Setup = cmp_rathdr()
    • Rate Detail Setup = cmp_ratdet()
    • Rate Avail. Setup = cmp_ratavl()
    • Block Header = cmp_blkhdr()+block->crs_srpid+if(elastic,'T','F')
    • Block Detail = cmp_blkdet()
    • You also need to set a CONDITION = BLOCK->STATUS ='O'
    • History = cmp_hist()
    • Profile Supplements = cmp_prsup()
    • Package Setup = cmp_package()
    • Guest Preference Setup = cmp_prpref()

    All of the categories listed below need to be left blank:

    • Rate Season Setup
    • Rate Category Setup
    • Room Type Setup
    • Department Code Setup
    • User Defined Pick box Setup
    • Market Code Setup
    • Source Code Setup

    Under the Standard Trigger Setup, make the following adjustments:

    • House/Room Type/OOO Status = Y
    • Availability = N
    • Rate Room Type Availability = Y
    • Configuration = N
    • Action Traces = Y

    Under Parameters all entries need to be set to N.

  4. Under Hotel Data>Miscellaneous>Hotel Data>Timeout Lookup set the entry to 30, for Timeout ESC set to 15.
  5. Verify the setup of the Credit Card department codes by going to V6>FSTAMM>Accounting>Department Code and find the department codes for your credit cards. Once you have found the department codes you should enter the department code then enter through all of the fields until you get to a field called Credit/Bank/Debit Card.
    • This field needs to have a 1 (credit card), 2 (bank), 3 (Debit Card) entry.
    • Without the 1, 2, or 3 in that field no or erroneous Credit Card information will be transmitted on reservations.