
BYPASS CASHIER LOGIN Application Setting

Group.  Cashiering

Type.  Parameter

Application.  PMS

                     ORS (Global)

Description.  Bypass Cashier login after the first successful login for the user session.


Property Determination. When this parameter is active, users do not have to login as their cashier once their cashier has been open for the session.

Activation / Inactivation Rules. 


Available Values.

Y- Yes

N- No

Add On Licenses/Country Specifics.


Other Application Settings.


Affected Areas

Menus / Screens / Fields.

Reservations > Options > Billing

Cashiering > Billing

Cashiering > Fast Post

Cashiering > Cashier Functions

Currency Exchange

General Cashier

Petty Cash

Check Exchange

Deposit Cancellation

Cashier Reports

Batch Posting

Batch Folios

Cashiering > Close Cashier

Cashiering > Passerby

Cashiering > Quick Checkout

Cashiering > Credit Cards > Settlements

Comp Accounting > Comp Journal

AR > Account Maintenance

AR > Transfer FO Data

AR > Credit Cards

AR > AR Research

Control F4 Reservation Dashboard > View Charges

Reports & Report Forms.




Other Areas.
