
State Codes

State (or province) information may be used when specifying mailing addresses as part of OPERA profiles. States are also used when creating districts — geographical designations that provide flexibility in reporting, data collection, and marketing campaigns. (See Districts for details.)

Select Configuration > Profiles > Geographical Data > States to access the State Codes screen. Use this screen to add and edit state codes for countries for which states or provinces are configured. In order to configure states, you must have already configured the country to which the states belong.

Note: Australia, Canada, Germany, Japan, Spain, and United States are preconfigured with state/province and postal code information via OPERA SID data.

Search Criteria

Enter any of the following options and select the Search button to locate a particular state or states.

Country. Enter country code.

State. Enter the state code.

Search Results Grid

The State Codes screen shows the following information:

Country. Code for the country where the state is located.

State. State code.

Description. Description of the state.

Seq. Sequence number that controls the position of the state in listings.

Adding and Editing States

To create a new state, select the New button from the State Codes screen. To edit an existing state, highlight your choice and select the Edit button. The State Codes- New or State Codes - Edit screen appears.

Provide the following information and select the OK button.

Country. Select the down arrow to choose the country where the state is located. This field may not be edited once the state information is saved.

State. Enter the state code. This field may not be edited once the state information is saved.

Description. Description of the state.

Display Seq. Number that controls the position of the state code in listings. Codes that do not have a sequence number assigned appear in alphabetical order following codes that have a sequence number.

See Also