

Group.  General

Type.  Setting



Description. Time in minutes to unlock the account after the account is locked.


Property Determination. After the default number of invalid login attempts (default = 6) the user will be locked out of the application for the number of minutes specified by this setting, after which the account will be automatically unlocked and the user may attempt to login once again. If no Default Time to Unlock Account is specified, the account will need to be re-activated from the Edit User screen by a user with Supervisor privileges.

Technical Note: Each failed login attempt increments the value of the internal counter (application$_user.login_attempts) until the number of allowed failed attempts specified by the Invalid Password Attempts application setting is reached. (This setting is normally hidden.) After a successful login following allowed failed attempts, however, the value of this counter does not get reset until the number of minutes defined in General>Default Time to Unlock Account application setting has passed. Here is an example:

Invalid Password Attempts is set to 3.

Default Time to Unlock Account is set to 5.

User MW01 makes 2 failed login attempts at 4:00 PM. On the third attempt he is successful. His invalid attempts counter is set at 2.

He logs out at 4:02 and makes one unsuccessful login attempt. The invalid attempts counter, still at 2, is incremented to 3; therefore, user MW01 is locked out.

After 5 minutes, user MW01's invalid attempts counter is reset to 0. He attempts to login with the correct user ID and password and is successful. His invalid attempts counter remains at 0.

Activation / Inactivation Rules. 


Available Values.

Number scale starting with 0.

Add On Licenses/Country Specifics.


Other Application Settings.


Affected Areas

Menus / Screens / Fields.

Edit User screen (Setup>User Configuration>Users)

Reports & Report Forms.



This setting is available only to users with Supervisor privileges.

Other Areas.
