
Extended Stay Summary and Detail (extended_stay_stats with GEN1.FMX)

The Extended Stay Summary and Detail report displays a breakdown of the Room Nights, Occupancy, ADR, and RevPar by length of stay for materialized reservations only.

If the RATES > RATE TIERS application function is set to N, the Length of Stay groupings will be:

The stay is considered extended if the number of nights is greater than four.

If the RATES > RATE TIERS application function is set to Y, the report uses the Lengths of Stay configured by the property in Configuration > Rate Management > Rate Classifications > Rate Tiers. The stay is considered extended starting from Tier2.

A reservation is considered an extended stay when it is for a consecutive number of nights. A reservation is not considered an extended stay unless it is checked in and falls within one of the predetermined threshold values.

The revenue directly posted on a Pseudo room, generated by passer-by or posted in AR is considered under the lowest Length of Stay tier.

Note: A component suite's Average Daily Rate (ADR) calculation is based on the number of physical rooms making up the component suite.

Example 1

The property business date: Jan 31

The date selected for the report: Jan 07

Guest 1: Checked in on Jan 2 – checked out on Jan 30. Although the guest stayed for 28 nights, the reservation is calculated for Tier2 (5-11 nights), because by Jan 07 (selected in the report parameter), it only has 6 nights.

Guest 2: By Jan 07, the guest is staying for 15 nights; the first five nights at Rate Code B and the last 10 nights at Rate Code C. This guest is calculated for Tier3 (12-29 nights).

If the extended stay reservation has routing to a PM reservation, the Room Count and Room Revenue are calculated for the original reservation.

Reservation 1 is considered an extended stay: Jan 01 – Jan 20

Reservation 2 (not PM) is not considered an extended stay: Jan 18 – Jan 20

Reservation 1 has routing to Reservation 2. In this case, starting from Jan 18, Reservation 1 continues to have its Room Count as extended stay, but Room Revenue for these nights goes to Reservation 2. Reservation 2 is not calculated as extended stay.

If from Reservation 2, a routing is created to a PM reservation, the Room Count stays with the original reservations and the Room Revenue stays with Reservation 2.

Selection Criteria

Date. Only dates in the past can be selected.

Room Class. This only includes reservations that are made for a room type that is in the selected room class. This is available when the GENERAL > ROOM CLASS application function is set to Y.

Include Complimentary. When checked (default), room nights with a complimentary room rate are included.

Include House-use. When checked (default), room nights with a House Use room rate are included.

Report Output

The data is grouped by Room Class and includes the following:

Extended Stay Summary

This displays the data for extended stays (over 4 nights or starting from Tier2) only and includes the following: