
Features/Restaurants Tab

The Features/Restaurants options allow you to configure the features (pool, jacuzzi, tennis courts, golf course, spa facility) and restaurants/POS for your property. Select New to create new property features and restaurants, Edit to change property features and restaurants, and Delete to remove features and restaurants from the lists. The Features/Restaurant tab will be visible for those properties with the Multi-Property Cross Reservations add-on license code OPP MHT2 (Multi-Property Cross Reservations) activated.

In OCIS or PMS, you can configure a POS that will be used in the OCIS Passerby Rec Upload web service. When this web service is called, it will receive the POS Code and post the passerby transaction record into OCIS or PMS. The passerby transaction can originate from a non-PMS system, such as a POS (Point of Sale) system. See Configuration of the Passerby Location (Point of Sale) in OCIS for more information. Also, refer to the "OCIS Passerby Rec Upload Service Specification" document on the Oracle website for more information on this web service.


X. An X in this column indicated that this feature has been selected for editing, copying or to be deleted.

Code. A unique code for the feature or restaurant.

Name. Name associated with the specified feature (e.g., Translation Equipment).

Type. The type of feature (general or meeting).

Comments. Additional information for this feature.

Hours. The operating hours for this feature.

Price. A dollar amount price range for this feature.

Begin Date. The date the feature is scheduled to become active.

End Date. The date the feature is scheduled to become inactive.

Restaurants & POS

X. An X in this column indicates that this Restaurant/POS has been selected for editing, copying or deletion.

Code. A unique code for the restaurant or POS.

Name. The name associated with the specified Restaurant or POS (e.g., Translation Equipment).

Comments. Additional information for this restaurant or POS.

Category. The category that suits the restaurant/POS selected. Select either Restaurant or Point of Sale.

Type. The type of Restaurant/POS (Casual Dining, Fine Dining, etc.).

Hours. The operating hours for this restaurant/POS.

Price. A dollar amount price range for this restaurant or POS.

Begin Date. The date the restaurant/POS is scheduled to become active.

End Date. The date the restaurant/POS is scheduled to become inactive.

See Also

Configuration of the Passerby Location (Point of Sale) in OCIS