
Posting Social Media Messages

To post a message to a social network

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Posting a Message to a Social Network Page

  1. From the OCMM Home screen, go to Setup>System Configuration>Property>Social Media Integration.
  2. On the Social Media Integration screen, select the New button.
  3. Select the Social Network down arrow and choose Facebook.

    Note: Only Facebook is currently supported.

  4. In the Post to Page field, enter the name of the page you wish to post the message to.
  5. In the Post to Email, enter the email address of the Facebook page you will post to.
  6. Select OK to save the configuration.
  7. Return to the OCMM Home screen and go to Miscellaneous>Social Media Integration.
  8. On the Social Media Posting screen, select the New button.
  9. Complete the following fields:

    Social Network

    Select the down arrow and choose Facebook.

    Post Code

    Enter a value for the post code.

    Post Message

    Enter or paste the message you want to post to the social network page.

    Post to Page

    Select the down arrow and choose the page you configured from the Social Media Integration screen. An email address for the page will automatically populate into the Post to Email field.

  10. Select Post to post your message.

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Posting a Message to a Social Network Page