
BLOCK RANKING Application Setting

Group.  Blocks

Type.  Parameter





Description. Enables Ranking field to be available on business blocks.

Internal Name. RANKING

Property Determination. A Ranking field with an LOV (having configurable values) may be used to indicate the rank (or priority) of a business block. This field will be editable on the business block only for blocks having a status of INQUIRY or NON DEDUCT. Ranking is displayed on the Group Rooms Control screen, Function Diary, and reports as listed below.

Activation / Inactivation Rules. 

Available when Blocks>Business Blocks is set to Y.

Available Values.

Y (Yes)

N (No) Default

Add On Licenses/Country Specifics.


Other Application Settings.


Affected Areas

Menus / Screens / Fields.

Business Block screen Details tab

Group Rooms Control (Ctrl+F5)

Function Diary (Shift+F9)

Configuration>Reservations>Business Blocks>Ranking

Reports & Report Forms.

Business Block Short List

Group Rooms Reservation Sheet


Reservation Config>Business Block Ranking

