
Rate Code Refresh

The Rate Code Refresh functionality is used to quickly and easily update the modified characteristics on reservations, helping to ensure that the system performs the functions appropriate to the Rate Codes during the reservation stay. The RATEMGT CONFIG > RATE CODE NEW/EDIT permission must be granted to have access to this functionality.

To refresh certain attributes of the Rate Code, select Configuration > Rate Management > Rate Classifications > Rate Codes. On the Rate Setup screen, click the Refresh button.

On the Refresh Reservation Attributes screen, select the attributes of the Rate Code to be refreshed:

Click OK and then on the Refresh Reservations screen, select the reservations to be refreshed:

Click OK to refresh the selected reservations. If any reservations are open by other users, they are not updated. After a refresh, a prompt appears to print a report of reservations that were unsuccessfully refreshed. See the topic Rate Code Refresh (rate_code_refresh_bi with GEN4.Fmx) for details.

All changes to reservations due to the Rate Refresh are included in the Update Reservation User Activity Log.