
Setup Conversion Codes

Go to Interface Configuration>Conversion Codes. From here you can activate the conversion tables that should be used for this interface. Global Conversion codes are used for OXI_HUB interfaces with ORS. Property Conversion codes are used for OXI_HUB interface with ORS and for OXI's with a local PMS

Global Conversion Codes in OXI_HUB

A few conversion codes will be activated and populated through the OXI_HUB installation wizard, as they contain the same values for all interfaces and are never changing. These conversions are set at global level and the respective codes are Reservation Status, Reservation Action Types, Profile Types, and Guest Preference Types. All other conversions can be set at global or property-specific level.

We recommend the setup of global conversions for all properties at once, which will save a lot of configuration time. Once global conversions are entered you can check with the Validation Utility whether all selected global conversion entries apply to all properties that belong to this interface. If the validation report returns discrepant properties that do not use the codes entered at a global level, you can enter property-specific conversions particular for these properties.

For first time activation of the conversion table select the Show Inactive check box. Highlight the conversions that will be used and select the Activate button. To deactivate a conversion code, uncheck the Show Inactive box, highlight a conversion code, and press Inactivate.

Warning! Be careful that you are positioned on the screen with the Show Inactive flag UNCHECKED before you start entering conversion values.

You can find out if you are in Global mode by checking the toolbar on top of the screen – it should read Global Defaults for the Interface OXI-OPERA. Further, global default values are shown in red. Refer to the following topics for more details:

Conversion Codes for Properties in OXI_HUB

You can find out if you are in Property mode by checking the toolbar on top of the screen it should read; Conversion Codes for the Interface OXI-OPERA and Property NAME, OXI- V6, OXI-V6 etc. Further, Property default values are shown in black text.

Example:  Screen of Conversion codes by Property level.

Property Conversion Screen Additional Fields

Show Global Codes. When checked this allows you to show global and property conversions together in one display in order to compare if duplications have been done at the property level. Delete any duplications as this will be unnecessary. The global values will be marked in red text for better visual distinction.

It is only necessary to setup Property level conversions if the Global values do not have this value and it is necessary for data reporting. See, Global Conversion, for detailed information regarding Search Filter, Global & Property toggle buttons and keys.

Conversion Codes for OXI

Go to Interface Configuration>Conversion Codes. From here you can activate the conversion tables that should be used for this interface. A few conversion codes will be activated and populated through the OXI installation wizard, as they contain the same values for all interfaces and are never changing. These conversion codes are reservation status, reservation action types, profile types, and guest preference types.  

For first time activation of the conversion table select the Show Inactive check box. Highlight the conversions that will be used and select the Activate button. To deactivate a conversion code, uncheck the Show Inactive box, highlight a conversion code, and press Inactivate.

Warning! Be careful that you are positioned on the screen with the Show Inactive flag UNCHECKED before you start entering conversion values.

See Also