
TOUR SERIES Application Setting

Group.  Blocks

Type.  Function

Application.  PMS


                     ORS (Global)

Description.  Activate Tour Series Functionality

Property Determination. The tour series option helps you duplicate a particular block reservation, which recurs on a regular basis. Tour Series would be used in such scenarios such as having a contract with a travel agency to book rooms for a tour series where the group will need thirty rooms from Monday through Wednesday every two weeks for the entire year.

Activation / Inactivation Rules. 


Available Values.

Y (Yes)

N (No)

Add On Licenses/Country Specifics.


Other Application Settings.


Affected Areas

Menus / Screens / Fields.

Reservations>Blocks>Business Block>Options

Reservations>Blocks>Quick Business Block>Options

Reports & Report Forms.




Other Areas.
