
EQC Configuration

Refer to the following image and the table below for information on configuring EQC:

EQC Configuration

Field Name


Resv. Fetch Interval (min)

Enter the interval that the business event fetches reservations.

Resv. Time Out On Error (min)

Enter the time (in minutes) that the message times out in the event of an error during the reservation.

BE Fetch Interval (min)

Enter the interval (in minutes) that the business event retrieves reservation and availability information.

BE Time Out On Error (min)

Enter the time (in minutes) that the business event times out in the event of an error.

Max BE Retry Count

Enter the maximum retry count for business events.

Expedia Authentication User ID

Enter the Expedia authentication user ID.

Expedia Authentication Pwd

Enter the Expedia authentication password.

Log File Size (MB)

Enter the size of the log file in MB. This will be stored as Bytes in the config file.

When you have entered all of the information, select the Next > button.

See Also