
Change Credit Card Encryption Key

Select Utilities>Change CC Encrypt Key to access this utility.

This utility allows OPERA users with appropriate permissions to change the encryption key that is used to secure customer credit card data. This utility should be used with extreme caution.

The following permissions are required to run this utility:

Following are the general steps in using this utility. Please request the separate documentation when obtaining the utility password from Technical Support.

1. Enter the utility password and click next.

Credit Card Encryption Key Utility 1

2. If there is a validation error, reenter utility password and select next to continue.

Validation Error Screen

3. New encryption key is entered in 4 parts. At your option, 4 key segments may be entered by individual key custodians. Click next to continue.

Key Assembly Process Screen

4. If phase 1 of re-encryption process is successful, you will see the following screen:

Re-encryption Complete Screen

5. If there was an exception raised during the previous run of the re-encryption system, reenter password and click next to restart the re-encryption process.

Restart Change Credit Card Encryption Key Screen.jpg