
Channel Property Parameters

Use the Channel Property Parameters screen to activate a resort specific conversion parameter or configure a resort specific setting for a channel.

Select Setup>System Configuration>Channels>Channel Property Parameters to access the Channel Property Parameters screen.


Select the Property check box to limit your search to a property. De-select the Property check box to search at a global level.

Choose from the following search criteria and select Search to view a list of available parameters or settings for the channel.

Note: To search at a global level, you need to select only the channel. To search at property level, you must select both a channel and a property.

Channel. Select the down arrow and choose a channel from the list of values.

Property. Select the down arrow and choose a property from the list of values. Note that this field will not be available if you de-select the Property check box.

Parameters. Select to view a list a available parameters for the property channel.

Settings. Select to view a list of available settings for the property channel.

Button Functions

Search. Select to view a list of available parameters or settings for the property channel.

Copy. Select to copy a parameter or setting configuration to another property.

Edit. Select to open the Channel Property Parameters - Edit screen and activate a parameter or configure a setting.

Activating a Parameter or Setting

To activate a parameter or configure a setting, highlight it on the grid and select the Edit button. The Channel Property Parameters - Edit screen opens. To activate a parameter, select the Value down arrow and choose Y. For a setting, select the Value down arrow and choose a value from the list. Select OK to save the configuration.



The following parameters are available:

ALLOW BOOK PRIOR CC EXPIRY DATE - This parameter determines whether or not to allow bookings to made via OWS if the CC EXPIRY DATE is prior to the booking arrival date. The available values are Y and N (active and inactive). If active, then bookings can be made. If not active, then bookings cannot be made.

ALLOW MAKE PAYMENT WITHOUT CREDIT CREDIT NUMBER. When this parameter is active, payments can be made without the credit card details. This is used in situations where the payment settlement is handled by a third party on a website before calling the Opera Web Services and the payment details are sent later. When this parameter is active, the credit card information will not be validated if the information is not provided in the web service request. If credit card details are provided, then the credit card will be validated.

ATTACH PROFILE ROOM FEATURES TO RESERVATION. If this parameter is enabled, the room features attached to the profile will be auto attached to the reservation.

CHANNEL GENERIC ROOM TYPE. Enable mapping of one channel room type to multiple OPERA room types.

CHANNEL INVENTORY. Activate the Channel Level Inventory Functionality.

IGNORE REQUESTED CURRENCY IN RATE RANGE DISPLAY. This parameter applies to regional availability requests. When the request contains only one RPC code, the response will return the requested code in the currency set up in the rate-header/rate-details. If the request contains more than one RPC code, the response will return the rate-range in the resort currency of the hotel and exclude any rate that is loaded in a currency that is not the resort currency. If another rate range currency is set up in the property level application settings, RATE RANGE CURRENCY CODE, then the response will be returned in this currency.

INCLUDE PACKAGE PRICE IN ROOM TOTAL IN GENERAL AVAIL RESPONSE FOR BLOCKS. Include package amount in the room total in general availability response for blocks.

LOG RESERVATION REGRETS. When the parameter is set to Y, availability calls to the channel will log reservation regret information. When the parameter is set to N, availability calls to the channel will not log reservation regret information. If the Turnaway parameter for a property is set to Y, the default value for LOG RESERVATION REGRETS will be Y. Otherwise, the default value will be N.

ONLINE CC AUTHORIZATION. Activating this parameter enables online credit card authorizations. For GDS and ODS channel types, this parameter appears when the global OEDS application parameter "ENABLE CC SECURITY CODE FOR GDS" application parameter is active.

OVERRIDE AR SETTLEMENT VISIBLE ON FOLIO. If this parameter is enabled, Direct Bill payments will be returned in an InvoiceRequest call even if the OPERA Application Parameters are set to not show the transaction on the guest folio.

OVERRIDE RATES CLOSED DUE TO RANKING. Activating this parameter enables booking rate codes closed due to rank restriction. For example, if a guest’s profile has a player ranking of 5, he or she will only see rate codes configured for rankings 5 or higher. However, if this parameter is active, all rate code rankings will be returned to the guest.

OWS CALENDAR CACHE. When set to Y, if cache is valid, price and restrictions will be read from the calendar cache table. This parameter does not support the calendar mode “NONE” and also does not support FetchCalendar requests when using Block codes.

OWS GOOLGE CALENDAR MAX NIGHTS STAY. To access, select the Setting radio button, and Search. This parameter setting allows Google to request availability for a maximum number of nights. The value should not exceed the value set in this parameter. If no parameter is set, the default is 7 nights. The maximum number of nights allowed is 50 nights. This applies to the calendar availability for a Google request.

OWS_REGIONAL_CACHE. When set to Y, if cache is valid, price and restrictions will be read from the regional cache table. Activating this parameter enables faster response times for calls that return many resorts.

OWS UPDATE PROFILE FOR RESERVATION. When parameter value is set to Y, it will update profile attached with reservation during modify booking from OWS Webservices if request has existing profile id with new profile address, phone, email. When Value is set to N profile attached with reservation will not be updated when profile id is in the request.

PREFERENCE COMMENTS OVERLAY. When this parameter is enabled, the external channel must provide a full overlay of the comments,specials,preferences,features and memberships associated with the reservation.

PUSH DYNAMIC RATES TO ADS. When this parameter is enabled, the property will be able to send Dynamic Base and Advanced Dynamic Base Rate update messages to the ADS Channel as part of the ARI Rate update message.

REQUESTED LANGUAGE CODE FOR GDS. Return the translated descriptions of channel rates, rooms, guarantee information, policies, marketing and error texts in the language code that is sent in the RLC element (Requested Language Code)of availability and booking requests from the GDS. If there is no translation configured for the language code sent, the response will default to the English description.

RESERVATION STATUS WINDOW. If changes are made to a new reservation within the time period specified in this parameter, the Reservation Status will be returned as "Reserved" instead of "Changed" in the FetchBooking, FetchSummary, and FutureBookingSummary responses. The default value is 10 minutes.

RETURN EXPECTED CHARGES IN REGIONAL AVAILABILITY EXTENDED. Enabling this parameter will return the expected charges for the minimum and maximum rates in the Regional Availability Extended response.


The following settings are available:

ADS MAX RATEROOM COMBINATIONS LIMIT. (Value defined must be between 1-500) This parameter setting will control the total number of rate and room combinations allowed during channel rate room distribution when PUSH DYNAMIC RATES PARAMETER is enabled. The Channel user will not be able to distribute rate room more than the value of this parameter set here.

If the setting is 100, the property can select multiple rates for a total allowed rate and room combination of 100. If the channel rates have 15 rate-room combinations each, the property will not be able to select more than 6 rates (the rate-room total will be 90.) If a 7th rate is selected, a message will display to indicate the number of allowed rate-room combinations has been exceeded.

CHANNEL GENERIC ROOM TYPE SELECTION. When set to SEQUENCE, room category order will be sequence set in channel management. When set to MaxAvail, room category order will be available rooms for room type. When set to MaxAvailPercentage, room category order will be percentage rooms available for room type.

CONFIRMATION EMAIL FROM. This parameter can be used to set the sender email address for the confirmation letter.

MASTER ALLOCATION BLOCK ID. Master Allocation Block ID to be used when creating a block through OWS.

MAXIMUM NUMBER OF ROOMS PER BLOCK. Maximum number of rooms that can be allocated when creating a Block/Allotment through web.

MINIMUM NUMBER OF ROOMS PER BLOCK. Minimum number of rooms that can be allocated when creating a Block/Allotment through web.

OWS CALENDAR MODE. This parameter offers a selection of two different modes for the fetch calendar functionality. The following modes are offered on one multiple selection screen. Please ensure that multiple modes are not selected.

Rate Code - Select a single rate code to use for the calendar functionality or make a multiple selection to have all rate codes returned in the response. when making multiple selection of rate codes, only a maximum of 25 rate codes will be processed for the calendar availability function. This mode must not be combined with NONE mode.

LOWEST - The rates will be returned from the lowest to the highest in the response for rates setup in this parameter. This mode must be combined with any single or multiple rate codes.