
Membership User Defined Status

The User Defined Status Codes can be created and applied to membership statements for purposes such as user review or final approval before sending the statements to customers. Once created, the status codes can also be used for searching and viewing statement detail information. This is available when OPR <version number> OCIS license code is active.

To configure membership user defined statuses, select Configuration>Profiles>Memberships>User Status. The ORS - User Defined Status screen appears.

User Defined Status


The ORS - User Defined Status screen shows the membership status codes that have been configured. The screen provides the following information.

Code. The user status code.

Description. A short description of the user status code.

Seq. A sequence number that determines the position of this status code in the drop down list of values that appear in the Membership Statement Details screens.


Move Up. To move up an existing User Defined Status Code so it appears higher in the list of values, select the Move Up button.

Move Down. To move down an existing User Defined Status Code so it appears lower in the list of values, select the Move Down button.

New. Select this button to create a new user defined status code and description. The User Defined Status - Add screen appears.

Edit. Select this button to edit an existing user defined description or sequence. The User Defined Status - Edit screen appears.

Delete. To delete a user status code, highlight your choice and select the Delete button.

Creating and Editing User Defined Status

To create a new user status code, select the New button. To edit an existing user defined status code, highlight your choice on the ORS - User Defined Status screen and select the Edit button. The User Defined Status - New or Edit screen appears.

This description (and code) displays in a list of values where you can filter your search criteria in the Membership Statement Details screen. This information also appears in a list of values where users can assign or change the status of a statement through the Membership Statement Details - Edit Fields screen.

Provide the following information when creating or editing a user defined code and select OK.

Code. The user defined status code. Each code must be unique. (You cannot edit an existing code.)

Description. A short description of the user defined status code.

Display Sequence. The display sequence number for this user defined status code in LOVs. If no sequence number is assigned, the code will display in alphabetical order following any codes that have a display sequence number assigned. Users can also change this sequence for existing Status Codes using the Move Up and Move Down buttons on the User Defined Status screen.

See Also