
2C Monitor Web Parameters

Refer to the following image and the table below for information on entering 2C Monitor Web Parameters.



Menu items to be displayed on 2C Monitor

Select the menu items you want displayed on the 2C Monitor. Your options are:

Service Monitor - Shows the status of the services that make up the GWIZ application.

Type B In Queue - Indicates whether or not the Type B messages have been picked-up by OPERA.

Type B Out Queue - Indicates whether or not messages are being sent out by OPERA.

Performance Email Configuration - Allows a user to configure e-mail addresses to alert them of specific scenarios.

BookingLimit Status - Displays the booking limit status information.

AVH Status - Creates and sends restriction messages for the four GDS hosts. This allows for business continuity in case connectivity is lost between the GDS host and the OPERA database.

Performance Counter - Measures performance.

Performance Monitor - Monitors the process time.

Reservation Fail - Lists all bookings that were not processed via Type B (Type B rejects).  

Ping Status - Displays the Ping Status information.

ErrorNotif Status - Used to monitor messages for the ADS interface. It allows a user to search for messages with a status of "error" or "warning" and investigate what the issue is. Rate Status - The ACK and NACK responses received from the ADS partner are logged for rate update messages.

2C Service Machine

This is applicable for the Pegasus interface only. Enter the entire machine name.

When you have entered all of the information, select the Next > button.

See Also