

Group.  Reservations

Type.  Parameters


ORS (Central)



Description. Refresh rates for extension dates only when extending the stay period on an existing reservation.


Property Determination. When this application parameter is activated and a change is made to a reservation by either bringing the arrival date forward or extending the departure date, a rate refresh will only occur on the additional nights. If entirely new dates have been selected or a second action is done that would affect the rate calculation (i.e. number of adults), all nights of the reservation will be refreshed.

Activation / Inactivation Rules. 


Available Values.

Y - Yes

N - No

Add On Licenses/Country Specifics.


Other Application Settings.


Affected Areas

Menus / Screens / Fields.

Reservation screen

Room Plan

Reports & Report Forms.






Example 1
STND Rate Code
01/01/13 - 01/10/13 = $100.00 (+2nd Adult - $10.00)
01/11/13 - 01/21/13 = $150.00
01/22/13 - 01/31/13 = $175.00

Reservation created for Guest, John for 01/07/13 - 01/09/13 for STND Rate Code ($100.00)

In Configuration, STND Rate Code updated to $125.00 for dates 01/01/13 - 01/09/13.

Guest, John reservation updated from 2 nights to 5 nights (now Departure on 01/12/13). When viewing the reservation, the Rate field is displayed in Yellow and the Daily Details are displayed as followed:

01/07/13 $100.00
01/08/13 $100.00
01/09/13 $150.00
01/10/13 $150.00
01/11/13 $150.00

Result: Rates do not refresh for the first 2 nights, only the nights that were extended for the reservation.

Now the Arrival Date is changed to 01/05/13 and the number of nights to 7. Now the Daily Details are displayed as follows:

01/05/13 $125.00
01/06/13 $125.00
01/07/13 $100.00
01/08/13 $100.00
01/09/13 $150.00
01/10/13 $150.00
01/11/13 $150.00

Result: Rates do not refresh for the original 2 nights, only the nights that were extended for the reservation (Arrival & Departure).
Example 2
STND Rate Code
01/01/13 - 01/10/13 = $100.00 (+2nd Adult - $10.00)
01/11/13 - 01/21/13 = $150.00
01/22/13 - 01/31/13 = $175.00

Reservation created for Guest, John for 01/23/13 - 01/25/13 (2 nights) for STND Rate Code ($175.00) for Room 1000.

In Configuration, STND Rate Code updated to $200.00 for 01/22/13 - 01/31/13.

On the Room Plan for 01/23/13, extend the reservation departure date to 01/26/13 by using drag and drop. The Daily Details are displayed as follows:

01/23/13 $175.00
01/24/13 $175.00
01/25/13 $200.00

Result: Only the extended departure date (01/25/13) has the rate refreshed.

Now the Arrival date of the reservation is updated to 01/06/13.
Result: All nights of the reservation are refreshed as the reservation now has all new dates for the stay. The reservation now has a rate amount of $100.00.

Example 3
STND Rate Code
01/01/13 - 01/10/13 = $100.00 (+2nd Adult - $10.00)
01/11/13 - 01/21/13 = $150.00
01/22/13 - 01/31/13 = $175.00

Reservation created for Guest, John for 01/25/13 - 01/27/13 for STND Rate Code ($175.00). Share Reservation for Doe, John for 01/25/13 - 01/27/13 fir STND Rate Code ($175.00).

In Configuration, STND Rate Code updated to $225.00 for 01/22/13 - 01/31/13.

Departure Date for Guest, John is updated to 01/29/13 and answered Yes to update the departure date for Doe, John share reservation. Daily Details are displayed as follows:

01/25/13 $175.00
01/26/13 $175.00
01/27/13 $225.00
01/28/13 $225.00

Result: The original reservation nights are not refreshed, only the dates that the departure date was extended by (01/27/13 & 01/28/13).