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Table of Contents

CORBA Client Application Development Concepts
Overview of Client Applications
OMG IDL-to-C++ Mapping
OMG IDL-to-Java Mapping
OMG IDL-to-COM Mapping
Static and Dynamic Invocation
Client Stubs
Interface Repository
Environmental Objects
Bootstrap Object
Factories and the FactoryFinder Object
Naming Conventions and Oracle Tuxedo Extensions to the FactoryFinder Object
Interface Repository Object
SecurityCurrent Object
TransactionCurrent Object
NotificationService and Tobj_SimpleEventsService Objects
NameService Object
Creating CORBA Client Applications
Summary of the Development Process for CORBA C++ Client Applications
Step 1: Obtaining the OMG IDL File
Step 2: Selecting the Invocation Type
Step 3: Compiling the OMG IDL File
Step 4: Writing the CORBA Client Application
Initializing the ORB
Establishing Communication with the Oracle Tuxedo Domain
Resolving Initial References to the FactoryFinder Object
Using the FactoryFinder Object to Get a Factory
Using a Factory to Get a CORBA Object
Step 5: Building the CORBA Client Application
Server Applications Acting as Client Applications
Using Java2 Applets
Using the Dynamic Invocation Interface
When to Use DII
DII Concepts
Request Objects
Options for Sending Requests
Options for Receiving the Results of Requests
Summary of the Development Process for DII
Step 1: Loading the CORBA Interfaces into the Interface Repository
Step 2: Obtaining the Object Reference for the CORBA Object
Step 3: Creating a Request Object
Using the CORBA::Object::_request Member Function
Using the CORBA::Object::create_request Member Function
Step 4: Sending a DII Request and Retrieving the Results
Synchronous Requests
Deferred Synchronous Requests
Oneway Requests
Multiple Requests
Step 5: Deleting the Request
Step 6: Using the Interface Repository with DII
Handling Exceptions
CORBA Exception Handling Concepts
CORBA System Exceptions
CORBA C++ Client Applications
Handling System Exceptions
User Exceptions

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