Configuring the Data Servers

Use this procedure to perform post-import configurations.

  1. Log in to ODI Studio using the BI Applications Administrator user.
  2. Configure the BIAPPS_DW data server:
    1. In ODI Studio, navigate to Topology, Physical Architecture, Oracle, BIAPPS_DW.
    2. On the Definition tab, in the Connection area, enter this information:
      Field Description


      User name of the <prefix>_DW schema user.


      Password for the <prefix>_DW schema user.

    3. On the JDBC tab, enter the JDBC URL for the <prefix>_DW schema.

      For example: jdbc:oracle:thin:@myhost:1521/orcl

    4. In the Physical Architecture pane, expand the BIAPPS_DW data server and double-click BIAPPS_DW.BIAPPS_DW.
    5. Enter the DW schema user for both Schema(Schema) and Schema(Work) fields.
  3. Configure the BIAPPS_BIACOMP data server:
    1. In ODI Studio, navigate to Topology, Physical Architecture, Oracle, BIAPPS_BAICOMP.
    2. On the Definition tab, in the Connection area, enter this information:
      Field Description


      User name of the <prefix>_BIACM_IO schema user.


      Password for the <prefix>_BIACM_IO schema user.

    3. On the JDBC tab, enter the JDBC URL for BIACM_IO (the same as that for <prefix>_BIACOMP).

      For example: jdbc:oracle:thin:@myhost:1521/orcl

    4. In the Physical Architecture pane, expand the BIAPPS_BIACOMP data server and choose the Physical Schema under it, and double-click BIAPPS_DW.BIAPPS_DW.
    5. Enter <prefix>_BIACM_IO user for both Schema(Schema) and Schema(Work) fields.