
Oracle Business Intelligence Applications is a comprehensive suite of prebuilt solutions that delivers pervasive intelligence across an organization, empowering users at all levels — from front line operational users to senior management - with the key information they need to maximize effectiveness. Intuitive and role-based, these solutions transform and integrate data from a range of enterprise sources and corporate data warehouses into actionable insight that enables more effective actions, decisions, and processes.

Oracle BI Applications is built on Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition (Oracle BI EE), a comprehensive set of enterprise business intelligence tools and infrastructure, including a scalable and efficient query and analysis server, an ad-hoc query and analysis tool, interactive dashboards, proactive intelligence and alerts, and an enterprise reporting engine.


This document is intended for managers and implementers of Oracle BI Applications.

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Related Documents

The Oracle Business Intelligence Applications documentation library contains the complete set of BI Applications documents.

See the Oracle Business Intelligence Applications documentation library at


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