1 Getting Started with Oracle Big Data Connectors

This chapter describes the Oracle Big Data Connectors and provides installation instructions.

This chapter contains the following sections:

1.1 About Oracle Big Data Connectors

Oracle Big Data Connectors facilitate data access to data stored in an Apache Hadoop cluster. It can be licensed for use on either Oracle Big Data Appliance or a Hadoop cluster running on commodity hardware.

These are the connectors:

  • Oracle SQL Connector for Hadoop Distributed File System (previously Oracle Direct Connector for HDFS): Enables an Oracle external table to access data stored in Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) files or a table in Apache Hive. The data can remain in HDFS or the Hive table, or it can be loaded into an Oracle database. Oracle SQL Connector for HDFS is a command-line utility that accepts generic command line arguments supported by the org.apache.hadoop.util.Tool interface. It also provides a preprocessor for Oracle external tables.

  • Oracle Loader for Hadoop: Provides an efficient and high-performance loader for fast movement of data from a Hadoop cluster into a table in an Oracle database. Oracle Loader for Hadoop prepartitions the data if necessary and transforms it into a database-ready format. It optionally sorts records by primary key or user-defined columns before loading the data or creating output files. Oracle Loader for Hadoop is a MapReduce application that is invoked as a command-line utility. It accepts the generic command-line options that are supported by the org.apache.hadoop.util.Tool interface.

  • Oracle Data Integrator Application Adapter for Hadoop: Extracts, transforms, and loads data from a Hadoop cluster into tables in an Oracle database, as defined using a graphical user interface.

  • Oracle XQuery for Hadoop: Runs transformations expressed in the XQuery language by translating them into a series of MapReduce jobs, which are executed in parallel on the Hadoop cluster. The input data can be located in a file system accessible through the Hadoop File System API, such as the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), or stored in Oracle NoSQL Database. Oracle XQuery for Hadoop can write the transformation results to HDFS, Oracle NoSQL Database, Apache Solr, or Oracle Database.

  • Oracle R Advanced Analytics for Hadoop: Provides a general computation framework, in which you can use the R language to write your custom logic as mappers or reducers. A collection of R packages provides predictive analytic techniques that run as MapReduce jobs. The code executes in a distributed, parallel manner using the available compute and storage resources on the Hadoop cluster. Oracle R Advanced Analytics for Hadoop includes interfaces to work with Apache Hive tables, the Apache Hadoop compute infrastructure, the local R environment, and Oracle database tables.

Individual connectors may require that software components be installed in Oracle Database and either the Hadoop cluster or an external system set up as a Hadoop client for the cluster. Users may also need additional access privileges in Oracle Database.

See Also:

My Oracle Support Information Center: Big Data Connectors (ID 1487399.2) and its related information centers.

1.2 Big Data Concepts and Technologies

Enterprises are seeing large amounts of data coming from multiple sources. Click-stream data in web logs, GPS tracking information, data from retail operations, sensor data, and multimedia streams are just a few examples of vast amounts of data that can be of tremendous value to an enterprise if analyzed. The unstructured and semi-structured information provided by raw data feeds is of little value in and of itself. The data must be processed to extract information of real value, which can then be stored and managed in the database. Analytics of this data along with the structured data in the database can provide new insights into the data and lead to substantial business benefits.

1.2.1 What is MapReduce?

MapReduce is a parallel programming model for processing data on a distributed system. It can process vast amounts of data quickly and can scale linearly. It is particularly effective as a mechanism for batch processing of unstructured and semi-structured data. MapReduce abstracts lower level operations into computations over a set of keys and values.

A simplified definition of a MapReduce job is the successive alternation of two phases, the map phase and the reduce phase. Each map phase applies a transform function over each record in the input data to produce a set of records expressed as key-value pairs. The output from the map phase is input to the reduce phase. In the reduce phase, the map output records are sorted into key-value sets so that all records in a set have the same key value. A reducer function is applied to all the records in a set and a set of output records are produced as key-value pairs. The map phase is logically run in parallel over each record while the reduce phase is run in parallel over all key values.

1.2.2 What is Apache Hadoop?

Apache Hadoop is the software framework for the development and deployment of data processing jobs based on the MapReduce programming model. At the core, Hadoop provides a reliable shared storage and analysis systemFoot 1 . Analysis is provided by MapReduce. Storage is provided by the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), a shared storage system designed for MapReduce jobs.

The Hadoop ecosystem includes several other projects including Apache Avro, a data serialization system that is used by Oracle Loader for Hadoop.

Cloudera's Distribution including Apache Hadoop (CDH) is installed on Oracle Big Data Appliance. You can use Oracle Big Data Connectors on a Hadoop cluster running CDH or the equivalent Apache Hadoop components, as described in the setup instructions in this chapter.

See Also:

  • For conceptual information about the Hadoop technologies, the following third-party publication:

    Hadoop: The Definitive Guide, Third Edition by Tom White (O'Reilly Media Inc., 2012, ISBN: 978-1449311520).

  • For information about Cloudera's Distribution including Apache Hadoop (CDH5), the Oracle Cloudera website at


  • For information about Apache Hadoop, the website at


1.3 Downloading the Oracle Big Data Connectors Software

You can download Oracle Big Data Connectors from Oracle Technology Network or Oracle Software Delivery Cloud.

To download from Oracle Technology Network: 

  1. Use any browser to visit this website:


  2. Click the name of each connector to download a zip file containing the installation files.

To download from Oracle Software Delivery Cloud: 

  1. Use any browser to visit this website:


  2. Accept the Terms and Restrictions to see the Media Pack Search page.

  3. Select the search terms:

    Select a Product Pack: Oracle Database

    Platform: Linux x86-64

  4. Click Go to display a list of product packs.

  5. Select Oracle Big Data Connectors Media Pack for Linux x86-64 (B65965-0x), and then click Continue.

  6. Click Download for each connector to download a zip file containing the installation files.

1.4 Oracle SQL Connector for Hadoop Distributed File System Setup

You install and configure Oracle SQL Connector for Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) on the system where Oracle Database runs. If Hive tables are used as the data source, then you must also install and run Oracle SQL Connector for HDFS on a Hadoop client where users access Hive.

Oracle SQL Connector for HDFS is installed already on Oracle Big Data Appliance if it was configured for Oracle Big Data Connectors. This installation supports users who connect directly to Oracle Big Data Appliance to run their jobs.

This section contains the following topics:

1.4.1 Software Requirements

Oracle SQL Connector for HDFS requires the following software:

On the Hadoop cluster: 

  • Cloudera's Distribution including Apache Hadoop version 4 (CDH4) or version 5 (CDH5), Apache Hadoop 1.0 (formerly 0.20.2), or Apache Hadoop 1.1.1

  • Java Development Kit (JDK) 1.6_08 or later. Consult the distributor of your Hadoop software (Cloudera or Apache) for the recommended version.

  • Hive 0.7.1, 0.8.1, 0.9.0, 0.10.0, or 0.12.0 (required for Hive table access, otherwise optional)

This software is already installed on Oracle Big Data Appliance.

On the Oracle Database system and Hadoop client systems: 

  • Oracle Database 12c, Oracle Database 11g release 2 ( or later), or Oracle Database 10g release 2 ( for Linux.

  • To support the Oracle Data Pump file format in Oracle Database release or, an Oracle Database one-off patch. To download this patch, go to http://support.oracle.com and search for bug 14557588.

    Release and later releases do not require this patch.

  • The same version of Hadoop as your Hadoop cluster: CDH4, CDH5, Apache Hadoop 1.0, or Apache Hadoop 1.1.1.

    If you have a secure Hadoop cluster configured with Kerberos, then the Hadoop client on the database system must be set up to access a secure cluster. See "Using Oracle SQL Connector for HDFS on a Secure Hadoop Cluster."

  • The same version of JDK as your Hadoop cluster.

1.4.2 Installing and Configuring a Hadoop Client on the Oracle Database System

Oracle SQL Connector for HDFS works as a Hadoop client. You must install Hadoop on the Oracle Database system and minimally configure it for Hadoop client use only. You do not need to perform a full configuration of Hadoop on the Oracle Database system to run MapReduce jobs for Oracle SQL Connector for HDFS.

For Oracle RAC systems including Oracle Exadata Database Machine, you must install and configure Oracle SQL Connector for HDFS using identical paths on all systems running Oracle instances.

You can optionally set up additional Hadoop client systems by following these instructions.

To configure the Oracle Database system as a Hadoop client: 

  1. Install and configure the same version of CDH or Apache Hadoop on the Oracle Database system as on the Hadoop cluster. If you are using Oracle Big Data Appliance, then complete the procedures for providing remote client access in the Oracle Big Data Appliance Software User's Guide. Otherwise, follow the installation instructions provided by the distributor (Cloudera or Apache).


    Do not start Hadoop on the Oracle Database system. If it is running, then Oracle SQL Connector for HDFS attempts to use it instead of the Hadoop cluster. Oracle SQL Connector for HDFS just uses the Hadoop JAR files and the configuration files from the Hadoop cluster on the Oracle Database system.
  2. If your cluster is secured with Kerberos, then you must configure the Oracle system to permit Kerberos authentication. See "Using Oracle SQL Connector for HDFS on a Secure Hadoop Cluster."

  3. Ensure that Oracle Database has access to HDFS:

    1. Log in to the system where Oracle Database is running by using the Oracle Database account.

    2. Open a Bash shell and enter this command:

      hdfs dfs -ls /user

      You might need to add the directory containing the Hadoop executable file to the PATH environment variable. The default path for CDH is /usr/bin.

      You should see the same list of directories that you see when you run the hdfs dfs command directly on the Hadoop cluster. If not, then first ensure that the Hadoop cluster is up and running. If the problem persists, then you must correct the Hadoop client configuration so that Oracle Database has access to the Hadoop cluster file system.

  4. For an Oracle RAC system, repeat this procedure for every Oracle instance.

The Hadoop client is now ready for use. No other Hadoop configuration steps are needed.

1.4.3 Installing Oracle SQL Connector for HDFS

Follow this procedure to install Oracle SQL Connector for HDFS on the Oracle Database system. In addition, you can install Oracle SQL Connector for HDFS on any system configured as a Hadoop client.

To install Oracle SQL Connector for HDFS: 

  1. Download the zip file to a directory on the system where Oracle Database runs.

  2. Unpack the content of oraosch-version.zip.

    $ unzip oraosch-3.0.0.zip
    Archive:  oraosch-3.0.0.zip
     extracting: orahdfs-3.0.0.zip
      inflating: README.txt
  3. Unpack orahdfs-version.zip into a permanent directory:

    $ unzip orahdfs-3.0.0.zip
    unzip orahdfs-3.0.0.zip
    Archive:  orahdfs-3.0.0.zip
       creating: orahdfs-3.0.0/
       creating: orahdfs-3.0.0/log/
       creating: orahdfs-3.0.0/examples/
       creating: orahdfs-3.0.0/examples/sql/
      inflating: orahdfs-3.0.0/examples/sql/mkhive_unionall_view.sql
       creating: orahdfs-3.0.0/doc/
      inflating: orahdfs-3.0.0/doc/README.txt
       creating: orahdfs-3.0.0/jlib/
      inflating: orahdfs-3.0.0/jlib/osdt_cert.jar
      inflating: orahdfs-3.0.0/jlib/oraclepki.jar
      inflating: orahdfs-3.0.0/jlib/osdt_core.jar
      inflating: orahdfs-3.0.0/jlib/ojdbc6.jar
      inflating: orahdfs-3.0.0/jlib/orahdfs.jar
      inflating: orahdfs-3.0.0/jlib/ora-hadoop-common.jar
       creating: orahdfs-3.0.0/bin/
      inflating: orahdfs-3.0.0/bin/hdfs_stream

    The unzipped files have the structure shown in Example 1-1.

  4. Open the orahdfs-3.0.0/bin/hdfs_stream Bash shell script in a text editor, and make the changes indicated by the comments in the script, if necessary

    The hdfs_stream script does not inherit any environment variable settings, and so they are set in the script if Oracle SQL Connector for HDFS needs them:

    • PATH: If the hadoop script is not in /usr/bin:bin (the path initially set in hdfs_stream), then add the Hadoop bin directory, such as /usr/lib/hadoop/bin.

    • JAVA_HOME: If Hadoop does not detect Java, then set this variable to the Java installation directory. For example, /usr/bin/java.

    See the comments in the script for more information about these environment variables.

    The hdfs_stream script is the preprocessor for the Oracle Database external table created by Oracle SQL Connector for HDFS.

  5. If your cluster is secured with Kerberos, then obtain a Kerberos ticket:

    > kinit
    > password
  6. Run hdfs_stream from the Oracle SQL Connector for HDFS /bin directory. You should see this usage information:

    $ ./hdfs_stream
    Usage: hdfs_stream locationFile

    If you do not see the usage statement, then ensure that the operating system user that Oracle Database is running under (such as oracle) has the following permissions:

    • Read and execute permissions on the hdfs_stream script:

      $ ls -l OSCH_HOME/bin/hdfs_stream
      -rwxr-xr-x 1 oracle oinstall Nov 27 15:51 hdfs_stream
    • Read permission on orahdfs.jar.

      $ ls -l OSCH_HOME/jlib/orahdfs.jar
      -rwxr-xr-x 1 oracle oinstall Nov 27 15:51 orahdfs.jar

    If you do not see these permissions, then enter a chmod command to fix them, for example:

    $ chmod 755 OSCH_HOME/bin/hdfs_stream

    In the previous commands, OSCH_HOME represents the Oracle SQL Connector for HDFS home directory.

  7. For an Oracle RAC system, repeat the previous steps for every Oracle instance, using identical path locations.

  8. Log in to Oracle Database and create a database directory for the orahdfs-version/bin directory where hdfs_stream resides. For Oracle RAC systems, this directory must be on a shared disk that all Oracle instances can access.

    In this example, Oracle SQL Connector for HDFS is installed in /etc:

    SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY osch_bin_path AS '/etc/orahdfs-3.0.0/bin';
  9. To support access to Hive tables:

    1. Ensure that the system is configured as a Hive client.

    2. Add the Hive JAR files and the Hive conf directory to the HADOOP_CLASSPATH environment variable. To avoid JAR conflicts among the various Hadoop products, Oracle recommends that you set HADOOP_CLASSPATH in your local shell initialization script instead of making a global change to HADOOP_CLASSPATH.

The unzipped files have the structure shown in Example 1-1.

Example 1-1 Structure of the orahdfs Directory


Figure 1-1 illustrates shows the flow of data and the components locations.

Figure 1-1 Oracle SQL Connector for HDFS Installation for HDFS and Data Pump Files

Description of Figure 1-1 follows
Description of "Figure 1-1 Oracle SQL Connector for HDFS Installation for HDFS and Data Pump Files"

1.4.4 Granting User Privileges in Oracle Database

Oracle Database users require these privileges when using Oracle SQL Connector for HDFS to create external tables:




  • EXECUTE on the UTL_FILE PL/SQL package

  • READ and EXECUTE on the OSCH_BIN_PATH directory created during the installation of Oracle SQL Connector for HDFS. Do not grant write access to anyone. Grant EXECUTE only to those who intend to use Oracle SQL Connector for HDFS.

  • READ and WRITE on a database directory for storing external tables, or the CREATE ANY DIRECTORY system privilege. For Oracle RAC systems, this directory must be on a shared disk that all Oracle instances can access.

  • A tablespace and quota for copying data into the Oracle database. Optional.

Example 1-2 shows the SQL commands granting these privileges to HDFSUSER.

Example 1-2 Granting Users Access to Oracle SQL Connector for HDFS

CONNECT / AS sysdba;
GRANT EXECUTE ON sys.utl_file TO hdfsuser;
GRANT READ, EXECUTE ON DIRECTORY osch_bin_path TO hdfsuser;
GRANT READ, WRITE ON DIRECTORY external_table_dir TO hdfsuser;


To query an external table that uses Oracle SQL Connector for HDFS, users only need the SELECT privilege on the table.

1.4.5 Setting Up User Accounts on the Oracle Database System

To create external tables for HDFS and Data Pump format files, users can log in to either the Oracle Database system or another system set up as a Hadoop client.

You can set up an account on these systems the same as you would for any other operating system user. HADOOP_CLASSPATH must include path/orahdfs-3.0.0/jlib/*. You can add this setting to the shell profile as part of this installation procedure, or users can set it themselves. The following example alters HADOOP_CLASSPATH in the Bash shell where Oracle SQL Connector for HDFS is installed in /usr/bin:

export HADOOP_CLASSPATH="$HADOOP_CLASSPATH:/usr/bin/orahdfs-3.0.0/jlib/*"

1.4.6 Using Oracle SQL Connector for HDFS on a Secure Hadoop Cluster

When users access an external table that was created using Oracle SQL Connector for HDFS, the external table acts like a Hadoop client running on the system where the Oracle database is running. It uses the identity of the operating system user where Oracle is installed.

A secure Hadoop cluster has Kerberos installed and configured to authenticate client activity. You must configure Oracle SQL Connector for HDFS for use with a Hadoop cluster secured by Kerberos.

For a user to authenticate using kinit:

  • A Hadoop administrator must register the operating system user (such as oracle) and password in the Key Distribution Center (KDC) for the cluster.

  • A system administrator for the Oracle Database system must configure /etc/krb5.conf and add a domain definition that refers to the KDC managed by the secure cluster.

These steps enable the operating system user to authenticate with the kinit utility before submitting Oracle SQL Connector for HDFS jobs. The kinit utility typically uses a Kerberos keytab file for authentication without an interactive prompt for a password.

The system should run kinit on a regular basis, before letting the Kerberos ticket expire, to enable Oracle SQL Connector for HDFS to authenticate transparently. Use cron or a similar utility to run kinit. For example, if Kerberos tickets expire every two weeks, then set up a cron job to renew the ticket weekly.

Be sure to schedule the cron job to run when Oracle SQL Connector for HDFS is not actively being used.

Do not call kinit within the Oracle SQL Connector for HDFS preprocessor script (hdfs_stream), because it could trigger a high volume of concurrent calls to kinit and create internal Kerberos caching errors.


Oracle Big Data Appliance configures Kerberos security automatically as a configuration option. For details about setting up client systems for a secure Oracle Big Data Appliance cluster, see Oracle Big Data Appliance Software User's Guide.

1.5 Oracle Loader for Hadoop Setup

Follow the instructions in these sections for setting up Oracle Loader for Hadoop:

1.5.1 Software Requirements

Oracle Loader for Hadoop requires the following software:

  • A target database system running one of the following:

    • Oracle Database 12c

    • Oracle Database 11g release 2 (

    • Oracle Database 11g release 2 (

    • Oracle Database 11g release 2 ( with required patch

    • Oracle Database 10g release 2 (


    To use Oracle Loader for Hadoop with Oracle Database 11g release 2 (, you must first apply a one-off patch that addresses bug number 11897896. To access this patch, go to http://support.oracle.com and search for the bug number.
  • Cloudera's Distribution including Apache Hadoop version 4 (CDH4) or version 5 (CDH5), Apache Hadoop 1.0 (formerly 0.20.2), or Apache Hadoop 1.1.1.

  • Apache Hive 0.7.1, 0.8.1, 0.9.0, 0.10.0, or 0.12.0 if you are loading data from Hive tables.

1.5.2 Installing Oracle Loader for Hadoop

Oracle Loader for Hadoop is packaged with the Oracle Database 11g release 2 client libraries and Oracle Instant Client libraries for connecting to Oracle Database or

To install Oracle Loader for Hadoop: 

  1. Unpack the content of oraloader-version.x86_64.zip into a directory on your Hadoop cluster or on a system configured as a Hadoop client. This archive contains two archives:

    • oraloader-version-h1.x86_64.zip: Use with Apache Hadoop 1.x

    • oraloader-version-h2.x86_64.zip: Use with CDH4 or CDH5

  2. Unzip the appropriate archive into a directory on your Hadoop cluster.

    A directory named oraloader-version-hn is created with the following subdirectories:

  3. Create a variable named OLH_HOME and set it to the installation directory.

  4. Add the following paths to the HADOOP_CLASSPATH variable:

    • For all installations:

    • To support data loads from Hive tables:


      See "Specifying Hive Input Format JAR Files."

    • To read data from Oracle NoSQL Database Release 2:


1.5.3 Providing Support for Offline Database Mode

In a typical installation, Oracle Loader for Hadoop can connect to the Oracle Database system from the Hadoop cluster or a Hadoop client. If this connection is impossible—for example, the systems are located on distinct networks—then you can use Oracle Loader for Hadoop in offline database mode. See "About the Modes of Operation."

To support offline database mode, you must install Oracle Loader for Hadoop on two systems:

  • The Hadoop cluster or a system set up as a Hadoop client, as described in "Installing Oracle Loader for Hadoop."

  • The Oracle Database system or a system with network access to Oracle Database, as described in the following procedure.

To support Oracle Loader for Hadoop in offline database mode: 

  1. Unpack the content of oraloader-version.zip into a directory on the Oracle Database system or a system with network access to Oracle Database.

  2. Unzip the same version of the software as you installed on the Hadoop cluster, for either CDH4 or CDH5.

  3. Create a variable named OLH_HOME and set it to the installation directory. This example uses the Bash shell syntax:

    $ export OLH_HOME="/usr/bin/oraloader-3.0.0-h2/"
  4. Add the Oracle Loader for Hadoop JAR files to the CLASSPATH environment variable. This example uses the Bash shell syntax:

    $ export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$OLH_HOME/jlib/*

1.5.4 Using Oracle Loader for Hadoop on a Secure Hadoop Cluster

A secure Hadoop cluster has Kerberos installed and configured to authenticate client activity. An operating system user must be authenticated before initiating an Oracle Loader for Hadoop job to run on a secure Hadoop cluster. For authentication, the user must log in to the operating system where the job will be submitted and use the standard Kerberos kinit utility.

For a user to authenticate using kinit:

  • A Hadoop administrator must register the operating system user and password in the Key Distribution Center (KDC) for the cluster.

  • A system administrator for the client system, where the operating system user will initiate an Oracle Loader for Hadoop job, must configure /etc/krb5.conf and add a domain definition that refers to the KDC managed by the secure cluster.

Typically, the kinit utility obtains an authentication ticket that lasts several days. Subsequent Oracle Loader for Hadoop jobs authenticate transparently using the unexpired ticket.


Oracle Big Data Appliance configures Kerberos security automatically as a configuration option. For details about setting up client systems for a secure Oracle Big Data Appliance cluster, see Oracle Big Data Appliance Software User's Guide.

1.6 Oracle Data Integrator Application Adapter for Hadoop Setup

Installation requirements for Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) Application Adapter for Hadoop are provided in these topics:

1.6.1 System Requirements and Certifications

To use Oracle Data Integrator Application Adapter for Hadoop, you must first have Oracle Data Integrator, which is licensed separately from Oracle Big Data Connectors. You can download ODI from the Oracle website at


Oracle Data Integrator Application Adapter for Hadoop requires a minimum version of Oracle Data Integrator

Before performing any installation, read the system requirements and certification documentation to ensure that your environment meets the minimum installation requirements for the products that you are installing.

The list of supported platforms and versions is available on Oracle Technology Network:


1.6.2 Technology-Specific Requirements

The list of supported technologies and versions is available on Oracle Technical Network:


1.6.3 Location of Oracle Data Integrator Application Adapter for Hadoop

Oracle Data Integrator Application Adapter for Hadoop is available in the xml-reference directory of the Oracle Data Integrator Companion CD.

1.6.4 Setting Up the Topology

To set up the topology, see Chapter 4, "Oracle Data Integrator Application Adapter for Hadoop."

1.7 Oracle XQuery for Hadoop Setup

You install and configure Oracle XQuery for Hadoop on the Hadoop cluster. If you are using Oracle Big Data Appliance, then the software is already installed.

The following topics describe the software installation:

1.7.1 Software Requirements

Oracle Big Data Appliance 2.6 meets the following software requirements. However, if you are installing Oracle XQuery for Hadoop on a third-party cluster, then you must ensure that these components are installed.

  • Java 7.x or 6.x

  • Cloudera's Distribution including Apache Hadoop Version 5 (CDH 5.0) or Version 4 (CDH 4.1.2 or above)

  • Oracle NoSQL Database 3.x or 2.x to support reading and writing to Oracle NoSQL Database

  • Oracle Loader for Hadoop 3.0 to support writing tables in Oracle databases

1.7.2 Installing Oracle XQuery for Hadoop

Take the following steps to install Oracle XQuery for Hadoop.

To install Oracle XQuery for Hadoop: 

  1. Unpack the contents of oxh-version.zip into the installation directory:

    $ unzip oxh-3.0.0-cdh-5.0.0.zip
    Archive:  oxh-3.0.0-cdh-5.0.0.zip
       creating: oxh-3.0.0-cdh5.0.0/
       creating: oxh-3.0.0-cdh5.0.0/lib/
       creating: oxh-3.0.0-cdh5.0.0/oozie/
       creating: oxh-3.0.0-cdh5.0.0/oozie/lib/
      inflating: oxh-3.0.0-cdh5.0.0/lib/ant-launcher.jar
      inflating: oxh-3.0.0-cdh5.0.0/lib/ant.jar
      inflating: oxh-3.0.0-cdh5.0.0/lib/apache-xmlbeans.jar

    You can now run Oracle XQuery for Hadoop.

  2. To support data loads into Oracle Database, install Oracle Loader for Hadoop as follows:

    1. Unpack the content of oraloader-version.x86_64.zip into a directory on your Hadoop cluster or on a system configured as a Hadoop client. This archive contains two archives (h1 and h2).

    2. Unzip the h2 archive into a directory on your Hadoop cluster:

      unzip oraloader-version-h2.x86_64.zip

      A directory named oraloader-version-h2 is created with the following subdirectories:

    3. Create an environment variable named OLH_HOME and set it to the installation directory. Do not set HADOOP_CLASSPATH.

  3. To support data loads into Oracle NoSQL Database, install it, and then set an environment variable named KVHOMEto the Oracle NoSQL Database installation directory.

  4. To support indexing by Apache Solr:

    1. Ensure that Solr is installed and configured in your Hadoop cluster. Solr is included in Cloudera Search, which is installed automatically on Oracle Big Data Appliance.

    2. Create a collection in your Solr installation into which you will load documents. To create a collection, use the solrctl utility.

    3. Configure Oracle XQuery for Hadoop to use your Solr installation by setting the OXH_SOLR_MR_HOME environment variable to the local directory containing search-mr-version.jar and search-mr-version-job.jar. For example:

      $ export OXH_SOLR_MR_HOME="/usr/lib/solr/contrib/mr"

1.7.3 Troubleshooting the File Paths

If Oracle XQuery for Hadoop fails to find its own or third-party libraries when running queries, then first ensure that the environment variables are set, as described in "Installing Oracle XQuery for Hadoop."

If they are set correctly, then you may need to edit lib/oxh-lib.xml. This file identifies the location of Oracle XQuery for Hadoop system JAR files and other libraries, such as Avro, Oracle Loader for Hadoop, and Oracle NoSQL Database.

If necessary, you can reference environment variables in this file as ${env.variable}, such as ${env.OLH_HOME}. You can also reference Hadoop properties as ${property}, such as ${mapred.output.dir}.

1.7.4 Configuring Oozie for the Oracle XQuery for Hadoop Action

You can use Apache Oozie workflows to run your queries, as described in "Running Queries from Apache Oozie". The software is already installed and configured on Oracle Big Data Appliance.

For other Hadoop clusters, you must first configure Oozie to use the Oracle XQuery for Hadoop action. These are the general steps to install the Oracle XQuery for Hadoop action:

  1. Modify the Oozie configuration. If you run CDH on third-party hardware, then use Cloudera Manager to change the Oozie server configuration. For other Hadoop installations, edit oozie-site.htm.

    • Add oracle.hadoop.xquery.oozie.OXHActionExecutor to the value of the oozie.service.ActionService.executor.ext.classes property.

    • Add oxh-action-v1.xsd to the value of the oozie.service.SchemaService.wf.ext.schemas property.

  2. Add oxh-oozie.jar to the Oozie server class path. For example, in a CDH5 installation, copy oxh-oozie.jar to /var/lib/oozie on the server.

  3. Add all Oracle XQuery for Hadoop dependencies to the Oozie shared library in a subdirectory named oxh. You can use the CLI -exportliboozie option. See "Oracle XQuery for Hadoop Options".

  4. Restart Oozie for the changes to take effect.

The specific steps depend on your Oozie installation, such as whether Oozie is already installed and which version you are using.

1.8 Oracle R Advanced Analytics for Hadoop Setup

Oracle R Advanced Analytics for Hadoop requires the installation of a software environment on the Hadoop side and on a client Linux system. These topics describe the installation:

1.8.1 Installing the Software on Hadoop

Oracle Big Data Appliance supports Oracle R Advanced Analytics for Hadoop without any additional software installation or configuration. However, to use Oracle R Advanced Analytics for Hadoop on a third-party Hadoop cluster, you must create the necessary environment. Software Requirements for a Third-Party Hadoop Cluster

You must install several software components on a third-party Hadoop cluster to support Oracle R Advanced Analytics for Hadoop.

Install these components on third-party servers: 


Do not set HADOOP_HOME on the Hadoop cluster. CDH5 does not need it, and it interferes with Oracle R Advanced Analytics for Hadoop. If you must set HADOOP_HOME for another application, then also set HADOOP_LIBEXEC_DIR in the /etc/bashrc file. For example:
export HADOOP_LIBEXEC_DIR=/usr/lib/hadoop/libexec Installing Sqoop on a Third-Party Hadoop Cluster

Sqoop provides a SQL-like interface to Hadoop, which is a Java-based environment. Oracle R Advanced Analytics for Hadoop uses Sqoop for access to Oracle Database.


Sqoop is required even when using Oracle Loader for Hadoop as a driver for loading data into Oracle Database. Sqoop performs additional functions, such as copying data from a database to HDFS and sending free-form queries to a database. The driver also uses Sqoop to perform operations that Oracle Loader for Hadoop does not support.

To install and configure Sqoop for use with Oracle Database: 

  1. Install Sqoop if it is not already installed on the server.

    For Cloudera's Distribution including Apache Hadoop, see the Sqoop installation instructions in the CDH Installation Guide at


  2. Download the appropriate Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) driver for Oracle Database from Oracle Technology Network at


  3. Copy the driver JAR file to $SQOOP_HOME/lib, which is a directory such as /usr/lib/sqoop/lib.

  4. Provide Sqoop with the connection string to Oracle Database.

    $ sqoop import --connect jdbc_connection_string

    For example, sqoop import --connect jdbc:oracle:thin@myhost:1521/orcl. Installing Hive on a Third-Party Hadoop Cluster

Hive provides an alternative storage and retrieval mechanism to HDFS files through a querying language called HiveQL. Oracle R Advanced Analytics for Hadoop uses the data preparation and analysis features of HiveQL, while enabling you to use R language constructs.

To install Hive: 

  1. Follow the instructions provided by the distributor (Cloudera or Apache) for installing Hive.

  2. Verify that the installation is working correctly:

  3. $ hive -H
    usage: hive
     -d,--define <key=value>          Variable subsitution to apply to hive
                                      commands. e.g. -d A=B or --define A=B
  4. If the command fails or you see warnings in the output, then fix the Hive installation. Installing R on a Third-Party Hadoop Cluster

You can download Oracle R Distribution 3.0.1 and get the installation instructions from the website at

http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/database-technologies/r/r-distribution/downloads/index.html Installing the ORCH Package on a Third-Party Hadoop Cluster

ORCH is the name of the Oracle R Advanced Analytics for Hadoop package.

To install the ORCH package: 

  1. Log in as root to the first node of the cluster.

  2. Set the environment variables for the supporting software:

    $ export JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jdk7"
    $ export R_HOME="/usr/lib64/R"
    $ export SQOOP_HOME "/usr/lib/sqoop"
  3. Unzip the downloaded file:

    $ unzip orch-version.zip
    $ unzip orch-linux-x86_64-2.4.0.zip 
    Archive:  orch-linux-x86_64-2.4.0.zip
       creating: ORCH2.4.0/
     extracting: ORCH2.4.0/ORCH_2.4.0_R_x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz  
      inflating: ORCH2.4.0/ORCHcore_2.4.0_R_x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz  
  4. Change to the new directory:

    $ cd ORCH2.4.0
  5. Install the packages in the exact order shown here:

    R --vanilla CMD INSTALL OREbase_1.4_R_x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz
    R --vanilla CMD INSTALL OREstats_1.4_R_x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz
    R --vanilla CMD INSTALL OREmodels_1.4_R_x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz
    R --vanilla CMD INSTALL OREserver_1.4_R_x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz
    R --vanilla CMD INSTALL ORCHcore_2.4.0_R_x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz
    R --vanilla CMD INSTALL ORCHstats_2.4.0_R_x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz
    R --vanilla CMD INSTALL ORCH_2.4.0_R_x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz
  6. You must also install these packages on all other nodes of the cluster:

    • OREbase

    • OREmodels

    • OREserver

    • OREstats

    The following examples use the dcli utility, which is available on Oracle Big Data Appliance but not on third-party clusters, to copy and install the OREserver package:

    $ dcli -C -f OREserver_1.4_R_x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz -d /tmp/ OREserver_1.4_R_x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz
    $ dcli -C " R --vanilla CMD INSTALL /tmp/OREserver_1.4_R_x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz"

1.8.2 Installing Additional R Packages

Your Hadoop cluster must have libpng-devel installed on every node. If you are using a cluster running on commodity hardware, then you can follow the same basic procedures. However, you cannot use the dcli utility to replicate the commands across all nodes. See Oracle Big Data Appliance Owner's Guide for the syntax of the dcli utility.

To install libpng-devel: 

  1. Log in as root to any node in your Hadoop cluster.

  2. Check whether libpng-devel is already installed:

    # dcli rpm -qi libpng-devel
    bda1node01: package libpng-devel is not installed
    bda1node02: package libpng-devel is not installed

    If the package is already installed on all servers, then you can skip this procedure.

  3. If you need a proxy server to go outside a firewall, then set the HTTP_PROXY environment variable. This example uses dcli, which is available only on Oracle Big Data Appliance:

    # dcli export HTTP_PROXY="http://proxy.example.com"
  4. Change to the yum directory:

    # cd /etc/yum.repos.d
  5. Download and configure the appropriate configuration file for your version of Linux:

    For Enterprise Linux 5 (EL5): 

    1. Download the yum configuration file:

      # wget http://public-yum.oracle.com/public-yum-el5.repo
    2. Open public-yum-el5.repo in a text editor and make these changes:

      Under el5_latest, set enabled=1

      Under el5_addons, set enabled=1

    3. Save your changes and exit.

    4. Copy the file to the other Oracle Big Data Appliance servers:

      # dcli -d /etc/yum.repos.d -f public-yum-el5.repo

    For Oracle Linux 6 (OL6): 

    1. Download the yum configuration file:

      # wget http://public-yum.oracle.com/public-yum-ol6.repo
    2. Open public-yum-ol6.repo in a text editor and make these changes:

      Under ol6_latest, set enabled=1

      Under ol6_addons, set enabled=1

    3. Save your changes and exit.

    4. Copy the file to the other Oracle Big Data Appliance servers:

      # dcli -d /etc/yum.repos.d -f public-yum-ol6.repo
  6. Install the package on all servers:

    # dcli yum -y install libpng-devel
    bda1node01: Loaded plugins: rhnplugin, security
    bda1node01: Repository 'bda' is missing name in configuration, using id
    bda1node01: This system is not registered with ULN.
    bda1node01: ULN support will be disabled.
    bda1node01: http://bda1node01-master.us.oracle.com/bda/repodata/repomd.xml:
    bda1node01: [Errno 14] HTTP Error 502: notresolvable
    bda1node01: Trying other mirror.
    bda1node01: Running Transaction
    bda1node01: Installing     : libpng-devel                                 1/2
    bda1node01: Installing     : libpng-devel                                 2/2
    bda1node01: Installed:
    bda1node01: libpng-devel.i386 2:1.2.10-17.el5_8  ibpng-devel.x86_64 2:1.2.10-17.el5_8
    bda1node01: Complete!
    bda1node02: Loaded plugins: rhnplugin, security
  7. Verify that the installation was successful on all servers:

    # dcli rpm -qi libpng-devel
    bda1node01: Name        : libpng-devel                      Relocations: (not relocatable)
    bda1node01: Version     : 1.2.10                                 Vendor: Oracle America
    bda1node01: Release     : 17.el5_8                           Build Date: Wed 25 Apr 2012 06:51:15 AM PDT
    bda1node01: Install Date: Tue 05 Feb 2013 11:41:14 AM PST    Build Host: ca-build56.us.oracle.com
    bda1node01: Group       : Development/Libraries              Source RPM: libpng-1.2.10-17.el5_8.src.rpm
    bda1node01: Size        : 482483                                License: zlib
    bda1node01: Signature   : DSA/SHA1, Wed 25 Apr 2012 06:51:41 AM PDT, Key ID 66ced3de1e5e0159
    bda1node01: URL         : http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/
    bda1node01: Summary     : Development tools for programs to manipulate PNG image format files.
    bda1node01: Description :
    bda1node01: The libpng-devel package contains the header files and static
    bda1node01: libraries necessary for developing programs using the PNG (Portable
    bda1node01: Network Graphics) library.

1.8.3 Providing Remote Client Access to R Users

Whereas R users will run their programs as MapReduce jobs on the Hadoop cluster, they do not typically have individual accounts on that platform. Instead, an external Linux server provides remote access. Software Requirements for Remote Client Access

To provide access to a Hadoop cluster to R users, install these components on a Linux server:

  • The same version of Hadoop as your Hadoop cluster; otherwise, unexpected issues and failures can occur

  • The same version of Sqoop as your Hadoop cluster; required only to support copying data in and out of Oracle databases

  • Mahout; required only for the orch.ls function with the Mahout ALS-WS algorithm

  • The same version of the Java Development Kit (JDK) as your Hadoop cluster

  • Oracle R distribution 3.0.1 with all base libraries

  • ORCH R package

To provide access to database objects, you must have the Oracle Advanced Analytics option to Oracle Database. Then you can install this additional component on the Hadoop client:

  • Oracle R Enterprise Client Packages Configuring the Server as a Hadoop Client

You must install Hadoop on the client and minimally configure it for HDFS client use.

To install and configure Hadoop on the client system: 

  1. Install and configure CDH5 or Apache Hadoop 0.20.2 on the client system. This system can be the host for Oracle Database. If you are using Oracle Big Data Appliance, then complete the procedures for providing remote client access in the Oracle Big Data Appliance Software User's Guide. Otherwise, follow the installation instructions provided by the distributor (Cloudera or Apache).

  2. Log in to the client system as an R user.

  3. Open a Bash shell and enter this Hadoop file system command:

    $HADOOP_HOME/bin/hdfs dfs -ls /user
  4. If you see a list of files, then you are done. If not, then ensure that the Hadoop cluster is up and running. If that does not fix the problem, then you must debug your client Hadoop installation. Installing Sqoop on a Hadoop Client

Complete the same procedures on the client system for installing and configuring Sqoop as those provided in "Installing Sqoop on a Third-Party Hadoop Cluster". Installing R on a Hadoop Client

You can download R 2.13.2 and get the installation instructions from the Oracle R Distribution website at


When you are done, ensure that users have the necessary permissions to connect to the Linux server and run R.

You may also want to install RStudio Server to facilitate access by R users. See the RStudio website at

http://rstudio.org/ Installing the ORCH Package on a Hadoop Client

To install ORCH on your Hadoop client system:

  1. Download the ORCH package and unzip it on the client system.

  2. Change to the installation directory.

  3. Run the client script:

    # ./install-client.sh Installing the Oracle R Enterprise Client Packages (Optional)

To support full access to Oracle Database using R, install the Oracle R Enterprise Release 1.4 client packages. Without them, Oracle R Advanced Analytics for Hadoop does not have access to the advanced statistical algorithms provided by Oracle R Enterprise.

See Also:

Oracle R Enterprise User's Guide for information about installing R and Oracle R Enterprise

Footnote Legend

Footnote 1: Hadoop: The Definitive Guide, Third Edition by Tom White (O'Reilly Media Inc., 2012, 978-1449311520).