
システム・メッセージ: CMDTUXカタログ8000-8099

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ERROR: The PAKRMID parameter for the *RMS entry rmsname associated with an Application Package is not set in deployment plan.


If a GROUPS entry with PAKNAME parameter is specified, this group is associated with one Application Package instance. Every *RMS entry belongs to this group must have PAKRMID parameter specified to associate it with one *RMS entry in the corresponding Application Package instance. The value of PAKRMID parameter is the RMID of the *RMS entry in the Application Package.


Set the PAKRMID parameter for the specified rms entry in the *RMS section of the deployment plan file.


ERROR: The TMSNAME parameter for *RMS entry rmsname which is associated with an Application Package cannot be set in deployment plan.


If an *RMS entry which belong to a GROUPS entry with PAKNAME parameter specified, then the TMSNAME parameter can only be obtained from the corresponding Applicaton Package Properties.xml file if needed. It cannot be specified in the deployment plan file.


Remove TMSNAME parameter. Specify in the Applicaton Package Properties.xml file if needed.


ERROR: The PAKRMID parameter for *RMS entry rmsname which is not associated with any Application Packages cannot be set in deployment plan...


If a GROUPS entry does not have PAKNAME parameter specified, then this group is not associated with any Applicaton Packages. This group is a normal one. Similarly, any *RMS entry which belong to this group is a normal rms entry, and not associated to any *RMS entries in the Application Package, so no need to specify PAKRMID parameter.


Remove PAKRMID parameter.


ERROR: The PAKRMID parameter of *RMS entry is duplicated for group groupname in deployment plan.


One *RMS entry with PAKRMID parameter specified can only be associated with unique *RMS entry in an Application Package instance. A GROUPS entry with PAKNAME parameter specified is uniquely associated with one Application Package instance. So different *RMS entries belong to the same group cannot have the same PAKRMID parameter value.


Specify PAKRMID parameter with another RMID value appears in the corresponding Application Package instance which has not been associated with any *RMS entries in the deployment plan file.


ERROR: Server servername belongs to a server group with PAKNAME, but does notspecify PAKSRVID parameter in deployment plan.


If a GROUPS entry with PAKNAME parameter is specified, this group is associated with a group in the corresponding Application Package instance. All servers belonging to this group in the deployment plan file must be associated with a server in that Application Package instance using PAKSRVID parameter. The value is the Application Package server SRVID.


Specify the PAKNAME parameter with the SRVID value of the corresponding Application Package instance server.


ERROR: Server servername which belongs to a server group having PAKNAME specified cannot have ENVFILE, RCMD or CONV parameter specified in deployment plan


If a server belongs to a GROUPS entry where PAKNAME parameter is specified, ENVFILE RCMD and CONV parameters cannot be specified for this server entry in the deployment plan. If needed, they can only be obtained from the Properties.xml file of the Application Package specified by the PAKNAME parameter.


Remove this server entry's ENVFILE RCMD and CONV parameters.


ERROR: Cannot specify PAKSRVID parameter for server servername belonging to a server group that does not specify PAKNAME in deployment plan.


If a GROUPS entry does not have PAKNAME parameter specified, then this group is not associated with any Applicaton Packages. This group is a normal one. Similarly, any SERVERS entry belonging to this group is a normal server entry and not associated to any SERVERS entries in the Application Package, do not need to specify PAKSRVID parameter.


ERROR: PAKSRVID number is not unique among server group groupname in deployment plan.


One SERVERS entry with PAKSRVID parameter specified can only be associated with unique SERVERS entry in an Application Package instance. A GROUPS entry with PAKNAME parameter specified is uniquely associated with one Application Package instance. Different SERVERS entries belonging to the same group cannot have the same PAKSRVID parameter value.


Specify PAKSRVID parameter with another SRVID value appearing in the corresponding Application Package instance that has not been associated with any SERVERS entries in the deployment plan file.


ERROR: Service servicename belonging to a server group having PAKNAME specified cannot have BUFTYPE, BUFTYPECONV, SIGNATURE_REQUIRED or ENCRYPTION_REQUIRED parameter specified.


If a SERVICES entry belongs to a GROUPS entry that has PAKNAME parameter specified, BUFTYPE BUFTYPECONV SIGNATURE_REQUIRED and ENCRYPTION_REQUIRED parameters cannot be specified for this server entry in the deployment plan. If needed, they can only be obtained from the Properties.xml file of the Application Package specified by the PAKNAME parameter.



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