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Oracle® Communications Calendar Server System Administrator's Guide
Release 7.0.5

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5 Enabling Advanced Features

This chapter provides details on enabling advanced features in Oracle Communications Calendar Server.

Topics in this section:

Enabling Attachments

To enable or disable attachments:

  1. List the davcore.attachment.enable parameter value:

    ./davadmin config list -u admin -o davcore.attachment.enable
  2. Modify the parameter value:

    1. To enable attachments:

      ./davadmin config modify -u admin -o davcore.attachment.enable -v true
    2. To disable attachments:

      ./davadmin config modify -u admin -o davcore.attachment.enable -v false

You do not need to restart the Calendar Server process for a change in the davcore.attachment.enable parameter to take effect.

Enabling Apple iCal Private/Confidential Support

To enable Apple iCal private/confidential support, set the davcore.acl.appleprivateevent to true.

./davadmin config modify -u admin -o davcore.acl.appleprivateevent -v true

This triggers the sending of the DAV header with the value calendarserver-private-events to the iCal client. As a result, the iCal client includes a check box labeled "private" in the event creation and modification UI. When the private check box is checked, the iCal property X-CALENDARSERVER-ACCESS is set to CONFIDENTIAL. If the check box is unchecked, the X-CALENDARSERVER-ACCESS is set to PUBLIC. Apple iCal currently supports only these two values.

Enabling SMS Calendar Notifications in Convergence

You can enable SMS notifications for calendar event reminders (but not for calendar invitations) in Convergence. See "How Do I Turn on SMS Notifications for Calendar Event Reminders in Convergence?" at:

Enabling the iSchedule Channel to Handle iMIP Messages

The iSchedule database is used to manage external calendar invitations. The established standard for scheduling between two separate calendar servers is still only through iCalendar Message-Based Interoperability Protocol (iMIP), which sends calendar data over email. Previously, end users had to manually import such invitations and responses that arrived in email into their calendars. Starting with Messaging Server 7 Update 5, you can use an iSchedule channel that interprets such mail messages and posts them to the Calendar server directly. Thus, external invitations and responses get into users' calendars without any user intervention. See the topic on using the iSchedule channel to handle iMIP messages in Messaging Server Unified Configuration Administration Guide for instructions on how to set up Messaging Server. No special setup is required for Calendar server.

You can also use the service.dav.ischedulewhitelist configuration parameter to prevent denial of service attacks on the iSchedule port. The service.dav.ischedulewhitelist parameter lists the hosts from which iSchedule POST requests are allowed. The parameter takes a space separated list of single host IP addresses and/or Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) entries. A CIDR entry is a base IP address followed by a number indicating how many upper bits to mask. For example, specifying a CIDR of matches all addresses from the IP address to the IP address An entry of allows all requests. The default setting for the parameter is an empty list, which denies all requests except for those from localhost.

You can also secure the iSchedule port. For more information, see Calendar Server Security Guide.

Enabling CalDAV and CardDAV Autodiscovery

Calendar Server supports the .well-known URI concept to access the Principal URI without having to specify the entire URI. That is, access to / (root) or /.well-known/caldav/ is redirected to the /dav/principals/ URI.

To take full advantage of this functionality, see the IEFT Tools website for information about how to configure a corresponding DNS record at: