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Oracle® Communications Calendar Server System Administrator's Guide
Release 7.0.5

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17 Calendar Server Configuration Parameters

Table 17-1 describes the configuration parameters and descriptions for Calendar Server. See "davadmin config" for information on how to update or change configuration parameters.

Table 17-1 Calendar Server Configuration Parameters

Parameter Description


Size of the LDAP Authentication cache.

Syntax: integer

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 1000000

Default: 1000


Time to live (in seconds) of cached LDAP Authentication info.

Syntax: integer

Unit: seconds

Minimum: 1

Maximum: Maximum int value

Default: 60


Root of DC tree (Schema 1) or of the domain and users tree (Schema 2) in Directory Server

Syntax: string

Default: o=isp


Default domain

Syntax: string



Space separated list of LDAP attributes to use when retrieving domain information.

Syntax: string

Default: icsStatus icsDomainNames icsDomainAcl externalAuthPreUrlTemplate externalAuthPostUrlTemplate corpDirectoryUrl


Character(s) to be used as login separator (between user ID and domain)

Syntax: string

Default: @


Schema level.

Syntax: integer

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 2

Default: 2


This is the search filter used to look up users during authentication when one is not specified in the inetDomainSearchFilter for the domain. The syntax is the same as inetDomainSearchFilter . See Communications Suite Schema Reference for more information.

Syntax: string

Default: (uid=%U)


Distinguished name of single administrator in LDAP in absence of admin group.

Syntax: string

Default: None.


Distinguished Name of service admins group in LDAP.

Syntax: string

Default: None.


Space-separated list of LDAP attributes to retrieve from user entries during the authentication phase.

Syntax: string

Default: mail ismemberof


Distinguished name to use when authenticating.

Syntax: string

Default: None.


Password to use when authenticating.

Syntax: password

Default: None


Space-delimited list of host names. Each host name may include a trailing colon and port number.

Syntax: string

Default: localhost:389


Length of elapsed time until the failover Directory Server host reverts back to the primary Directory Server host. If set to -1, does not refresh.

Syntax: integer

Unit: minutes

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 60

Default: 1


Maximum number of connections for this pool.

Syntax: integer

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 100

Default: 10


Port number to which to connect. Ignored for any host name which includes a colon and port number.

Syntax: integer

Minimum: 0

Maximum: 65535

Default: 389


Timeout for all LDAP operations.

Syntax: integer

Unit: seconds

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 3600

Default: 60


Use SSL to connect to the LDAP host.

Syntax: boolean

Default: false


Specifies a space-delimited list of the supported SSL protocols to communicate with the LDAP back-end service.

Syntax: string

Default: TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2


Distinguished name to use when authenticating.

Syntax: string

Default: None.


Password to use when authenticating.

Syntax: password

Default: None.


Space-delimited list of host names. Each host name may include a trailing colon and port number.

Syntax: string

Default: localhost:389


Length of elapsed time until the failover Directory Server host reverts back to the primary Directory Server host. If set to -1, do not refresh.

Syntax: integer

Unit: minutes

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 60

Default: 1


Maximum number of connections for this pool.

Syntax: integer

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 100

Default: 10


Port number to which to connect. Ignored for any host name that includes a colon and port number.

Syntax: integer

Minimum: 0

Maximum: 65535

Default: 389


Timeout for all LDAP operations.

Syntax: integer

Unit: seconds

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 3600

Default: 60


Use SSL to connect to the LDAP host.

Syntax: boolean

Default: false


Specifies a space-delimited list of the supported SSL protocols to communicate with the back-end LDAP service.

Syntax: string

Default: TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2


Distinguished name to use when authenticating.

Syntax: string

Default: None.


Password to use when authenticating.

Syntax: password

Default: None.


Space-delimited list of host names. Each host name may include a trailing colon and port number.

Syntax: string

Default: localhost:389


Length of elapsed time until the failover Directory Server host reverts back to the primary Directory Server host. If set to -1, do not refresh.

Syntax: integer

Unit: minutes

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 60

Default: 1


Maximum number of connections for this pool.

Syntax: integer

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 100

Default: 10


Port number to which to connect. Ignored for any host name that includes a colon and port number.

Syntax: integer

Minimum: 0

Maximum: 65535

Default: 389


Timeout for all LDAP operations.

Syntax: integer

Unit: seconds

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 3600

Default: 60


Use SSL to connect to the LDAP host.

Syntax: boolean

Default: false


Specifies a space-delimited list of the supported SSL protocols for the LDAP pool to communicate with the back-end LDAP service.

Syntax: string

Default: TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2


Maximum number of ACL entries kept in cache. Entries are removed from the cache only when this maximum is reached or when any of the acl configuration parameters are changed. Can be set to 0, indicating no cache.

Syntax: integer

Minimum: 0

Maximum: Maximum int value

Default: 1000


Maximum amount of time (in seconds) that an ACL entry can be kept in cache.

Syntax: integer

Unit: seconds

Minimum: 1

Maximum: Maximum int value

Default: 60


Enables or disables Apple Private/Confidential Events extension support.

Syntax: boolean

Default: false


If true, map '@'(all) in calendar acls to authenticated and unathenticated users. If false, map '@'(all) in acl to just authenticated users.

Syntax: boolean

Default: true


ACL to set when creating a new calendar collection (using the WCAP format).

Syntax: string

Default: None.


ACL to set when creating a new calendar collection for a resource (using the WCAP format).

Syntax: string

Default: @:r


ACL for user permissions to be set when creating a new calendar inbox collection for a resource (using the WCAP format).

Syntax: string

Default: @:s


ACL for user permissions to be set when creating a new calendar inbox collection (using the WCAP format).

Syntax: string

Default: @:s


If true, map '@'(all) in scheduling ACLs to authenticated and unathenticated users. If false, map '@'(all) in acl to just authenticated users.

Syntax: boolean

Default: true


Enables or disables attachments.

Syntax: boolean

Default: true


Enables certificate-based client authentication.

Syntax: boolean

Default: false


Fallback to user name and password authentication.

Syntax: boolean

Default: true


Calendar attendant flags to set on resource scheduling inbox. Default setting used on autocreation.

This value can be altered by the presence of the icsAutoAccept and icsDoubleBooking attributes. The value is a bitmask of the following:

0 - No automatic accept, no booking conflict check, no recurrence check on invitations.

1 - Automatically accept invitations.

2 - Automatically declines if invitation results in booking conflict.

3 - Automatically accepts invitation and automatically declines on booking conflict.

4 - Automatically declines recurring meeting invitations.

5 - Automatically accepts invitations and automatically decline recurring meeting invitations.

6 - Automatically declines recurring invitations and invitations that cause a booking conflict.

7 - Automatically accepts invitations, automatically declines recurring invitations and invitations that cause a booking conflict.

Syntax: long

Minimum: 0

Maximum: 7

Default: 3


Calendar attendant flags to set on users scheduling inbox. Default setting used on autocreation.

This value can be altered by the presence of the icsAutoAccept and icsDoubleBooking attributes.

The value is a bitmask of the following:

0 - No automatic accept, no booking conflict check, no recurrence check on invitations.

1 - Automatically accepts invitations.

2 - Automatically declines if invitation results in booking conflict.

3 - Automatically accepts invitation and automatically declines on booking conflict.

4 - Automatically declines recurring meeting invitations.

5 - Automatically accepts invitations and automatically declines recurring meeting invitations.

6 - Automatically declines recurring invitations and invitations that cause a booking conflict.

7 - Automatically accepts invitations, automatically declines recurring invitations and invitations that cause a booking conflict.

Syntax: long

Minimum: 0

Maximum: 7

Default: 0


Supported calendar components set for a new user calendar on autocreation. Default setting used on autocreation.

Syntax: string



LDAP attribute, whose value is used to set Display Name, during autocreation. Default setting used on autocreation.

Syntax: string

Default: cn


LDAP attribute, whose value is used to set Email Notification address, during autocreation. Default setting used on autocreation.

Syntax: string

Default: mail


Enable autocreate operation. Default setting used on autocreation.

Syntax: boolean

Default: true


Enable email notification. Default setting used on autocreation.

Syntax: boolean

Default: true


Supported calendar components set for a new resource calendar on autocreation. Default setting used on autocreation.

Syntax: string

Default: VEVENT


Once it is determined that a URI matches the pattern, this backendid template is used to identify the back end server hosting this resource.

The template can reference the $1, $2,... variables saved during the pattern matching, as well as references to LDAP attributes of the subject matching the subjectfilter, using the ${attrname} syntax or the ${attrname,defaultvalue} syntax. If this parameter is not set, the uriinfo.backendidtemplate is used.

Syntax: string

Default: None.


When multiple URI patterns are configured, this value determines in which order those URI patterns are evaluated. A lower number indicates that this pattern should be evaluated first.

Syntax: integer

Minimum: 0

Maximum: Maximum int value

Default: 1


Once it is determined that a URI matches the pattern, this domain template is used to identify the subject owning with this resource.

The template can reference the $1, $2, and so variables saved during the pattern matching. For example, if the subjectdomain is set to $2, and using the URI in the uripattern example, the domain of the subject will be

Can be empty indicating the default domain.

Syntax: string

Default: $2


Once it is determined that a URI matches the pattern, this LDAP filter template is used to identify the subject owning with this resource.

The template can reference the $1, $2, and so on variables saved during the pattern matching. For example, if the subjectfilter is set to (mail=$1@$2), and using the URI in the uripattern example, the LDAP filter becomes (

Can be empty, indicating that this namespace is not associated with a particular subject.

Syntax: string

Default: (mail=$1@$2)


Regex pattern to be matched by the URI.

This pattern can contain regex groups (identified by () parenthesis) which will be saved into $1, $2, and so on.

The last regex group identifies the local path if there is any.

For example, if the pattern is ^/home/([^/]+)@([^/]+)(/\z|/.*), the URI /home/ matches that pattern. $1 will be set to the value john, $2 will be set to the value, and the local path will be /calendar.

Syntax: string

Default: ^/home/([^/]+)@([^/]+)(/\z|/.*)


Common name attribute.

Syntax: string

Default: cn


LDAP attribute to locate a custom external corporate directory for this domain.

Syntax: string

Default: corpDirectoryUrl


Logical back-end ID attribute.

Syntax: string

Default: davStore


Default CUTYPE value to use when the resource type LDAP attribute of a calendar resource is not present.

Syntax: string

Default: ROOM


Attributes for members in an LDAP group.

Syntax: string

Default: uniquemember


LDAP attribute to use to determine whether external authentication should do a post=auth lookup against this domain.

Syntax: string

Default: externalAuthPostUrlTemplate


LDAP attribute to use to determine whether external authentication should be used against this domain.

Syntax: string

Default: externalAuthPreUrlTemplate


Space separated list of object class values indicating an LDAP group.

Syntax: string

Default: groupofuniquenames groupofurls inetmailgroup


LDAP attribute to use to determine whether autoaccept should be enabled.

The attribute value can be 1 (autoaccept) or 0 (no autoaccept).

It is used only during autocreate.

Syntax: string

Default: icsAutoAccept


LDAP attribute to use to determine whether double booking is allowed.

The attribute value can be 1 (double booking allowed) or 0 (no double booking allowed).

It is used only during autocreate.

Syntax: string

Default: icsDoubleBooking


Calendar Service status attribute.

Syntax: string

Default: icsstatus


Mail attribute.

Syntax: string

Default: mail


Space-separated list of alternate mail attributes.

Syntax: string

Default: mailAlternateAddress


Attributes for members in an LDAP group.

Syntax: string

Default: mgrprfc822mailmember


LDAP attribute listing the groups of which the entry is a member.

Syntax: string

Default: ismemberof


Language attribute.

Syntax: string

Default: preferredLanguage


Space-separated list of object class values indicating an LDAP resource.

Syntax: string

Default: icsCalendarResource


LDAP attribute to use to determine the owner of a calendar resource (for example, conference room).

The attribute value must be a distinguished name.

It is used only during autocreate.

Syntax: string

Default: owner


LDAP attribute to use to determine the CUTYPE (ROOM versus RESOURCE) of a calendar resource.

The CUTYPE of users and groups is not based on this attribute.

The attribute value can take the following values:

  • Location and room are mapped to a CUTYPE of ROOM.

  • Thing and resource are mapped to a CUTYPE of RESOURCE.

  • Other values are mapped to RESOURCE.

Syntax: string

Default: kind


User ID attribute.

Syntax: string

Default: uid


Attributes for members in an LDAP group.

Syntax: string

Default: memberurl


Space separated list of object class values indicating a calendar user.

Syntax: strin

Default: None.


Once it is determined that a URI matches the pattern, this backendid template is used to identify the back end server hosting this resource.

The template can reference the $1, $2, and so on variables saved during the pattern matching, as well as refer to LDAP attributes of the subject matching the subjectfilter, using the ${attrname} syntax or the ${attrname,defaultvalue} syntax. If this parameter is not set, the uriinfo.backendidtemplate is used.

Syntax: string

Default: None.


When multiple URI patterns are configured, this value determines in which order those URI patterns should be evaluated. A lower number indicates that this pattern should be evaluated first.

Syntax: integer

Minimum: 0

Maximum: Maximum int value

Default: 1


Once it is determined that a URI matches the pattern, this domain template is used to identify the subject owning with this resource.

The template can reference the $1, $2, and so on variables saved during the pattern matching. For example, if the subjectdomain is set to $2, and using the URI in the uripattern example, the domain of the subject will be

Can be empty indicating the default domain.

Syntax: string

Default: $2


Once it is determined that a URI matches the pattern, this LDAP filter template is used to identify the subject owning with this resource.

The template can reference the $1, $2, and so on variables saved during the pattern matching. For example, if the subjectfilter is set to (mail=$1@$2), and using the URI in the uripattern example, the LDAP filter becomes (

Can be empty, indicating that this namespace is not associated with a particular subject.

Syntax: string

Default: (mail=$1@$2)


Regex pattern to be matched by the URI.

This pattern can contain regex groups (identified by () parenthesis) which is saved into $1, $2, and so on.

The last regex group identifies the local path if there is any.

For example, if the pattern is ^/home/([^/]+)@([^/]+)(/\z|/.*), the URI /home/ will match that pattern. $1 will be set to the value john, $2 will be set to the value and the local path will be /calendar.

Syntax: string

Default: ^/home/([^/]+)@([^/]+)(/\z|/.*)


Specifies the number of seconds in advance to trigger for presence update. That is, how long before event start/end is the made. Changes to this value do not affect existing event triggers.

Syntax: long

Unit: seconds

Minimum: 0

Maximum: Maximum long value

Default: 0


Enables or disables presence information publication.

Syntax: boolean

Default: true


Once it is determined that a URI matches the pattern, this backendid template is used to identify the back-end server hosting this resource.

The template can reference the $1, $2, and so on variables saved during the pattern matching, as well as refers to LDAP attributes of the subject matching the subjectfilter, using the ${attrname} syntax or the ${attrname,defaultvalue} syntax. If this parameter is not set, the uriinfo.backendidtemplate is used.

Syntax: string

Default: None.


When multiple URI patterns are configured, this value determines in which order those URI patterns should be evaluated. A lower number indicates that this pattern should be evaluated first.

Syntax: integer

Minimum: 0

Maximum: Maximum int value

Default: 1


Once it is determined that a URI matches the pattern, this domain template is used to identify the subject owning with this resource.

The template can reference the $1, $2, and so on variables saved during the pattern matching.

For example, if the subjectdomain is set to $2, and using the uri in the uripattern example, the domain of the subject will be

Can be empty indicating the default domain.

Syntax: string

Default: $2


Once it is determined that a URI matches the pattern, this LDAP filter template is used to identify the subject owning with this resource.

The template can reference the $1, $2, and so on variables saved during the pattern matching.

For example, if the subjectfilter is set to (mail=$1@$2), and using the URI in the uripattern example, the LDAP filter becomes (

Can be empty, indicating that this namespace is not associated with a particular subject.

Syntax: string

Default: (mail=$1@$2)


Regex pattern to be matched by the URI.

This pattern can contain regex groups (identified by () parenthesis) which will be saved into $1, $2, and so on.

The last regex group identifies the local path if there is any.

For example, if the pattern is ^/home/([^/]+)@([^/]+)(/\z|/.*), the URI /home/ will match that pattern. $1 will be set to the value john, $2 will be set to the value and the local path will be /calendar.

Syntax: string

Default: ^/home/([^/]+)@([^/]+)(/\z|/.*)


Back-end ID on which to apply this reverse mapping. There should be only one mapping per backend.

Syntax: string

Default: None.


Canonical form of the URI prefix for this back end.

This template should have a corresponding uripattern. It should not end with a slash.

The template can reference LDAP attributes of the subject, using the ${attrname} syntax or the ${attrname,defaultvalue} syntax. The ${domain} syntax can be used to reference the domain of the subject.

If no template is defined for a given back end, the uriinfo.defaulthomeuritemplate configuration parameter is used.

Syntax: string

Default: None.


If set, owners of resource calendars can double book even if the resource account prevents double booking.

Syntax: boolean

Default: false


Specifies the number of seconds after which the resources in calendar-inbox will be deleted.

Syntax: long

Unit: seconds

Minimum: 0

Maximum: Maximum long value

Default: 2592000


Specifies the number of seconds after which the resources in calendar outbox are deleted.

Syntax: long

Unit: seconds

Minimum: 0

Maximum: Maximum long value

Default: 604800


If set, scheduling messages would include the MEMBER=group attribute in the ATTENDEE property, where group is the LDAP group of which this attendee is a member. The default is set to false to accommodate compatibility with Leopard Apple iCal.

Syntax: boolean

Default: false


iSchedule back-end identifier. If not set, incoming iSchedule requests are disabled.

Syntax: string

Default: None.


Space separated list of iCalendar X- properties that are transmittable through iTIP.

All other X- properties are not transmitted between organizer and attendees.

Syntax: string



Local Calendar Server identifier attribute in LDAP. If not set, all users found in LDAP are considered local. For deployments with multiple servers, that can only partially interoperate, this option must be set to a valid LDAP attribute. (For example: davStore). Users with a valid value for that attribute in LDAP are considered local. Others are considered remote.

Make sure the same attribute is added to davcore.uriinfo.subjectattributes values.

Syntax: string

Default: None.


Above this limit of attendees, attendee's reply are only sent to the organizer and are no longer propagated to the other attendees.

Syntax: long

Minimum: 0

Maximum: Maximum long value

Default: 50


Specifies the number of days calendars that do not allow double booking can be booked in advance. A valid range is [0, 2G].

Syntax: integer

Unit: days

Minimum: 1

Maximum: Maximum int value - 1

Default: 365


Specifies maximum number of attempts to deliver a scheduling message (for example, when the SMTP server or remote iSchedule server is temporarily down).

Syntax: integer

Minimum: 0

Maximum: 999

Default: 24


Specifies the start of a booking window in days from the time of scheduling that a calendar can be booked in advance. A valid range is [0, 2G]. A negative integer value indicates minimum booking window is not honored during the free busy check.

Syntax: integer

Unit: days

Minimum: -1

Maximum: Maximum int value - 1

Default: -1


When set to true, recipients of scheduling messages who have their icsStatus set to inactive are treated as unknown recipients. Otherwise, those recipients are treated as iMIP recipients.

Syntax: boolean

Default: false


When set to true, users or groups that have icsstatus set to 'deleted' are treated as external addresses and an iMIP invitation is sent.

Syntax: boolean

Default: false


Specifies the number of seconds to wait between two attempts to deliver a scheduling message (for example, if the SMTP server or remote iSchedule server is temporarily down).

Syntax: long

Unit: seconds

Minimum: 0

Maximum: Maximum long value

Default: 3600


Space-separated list of specific user email addresses. Logging is done at a more detailed level for any user in this list who is the organizer or an attendee of an event used for scheduling.

Syntax: string

Default: None.


If set, scheduling messages (invitations, replies, cancel, and so on) are delivered synchronously on submit. Do not use this option during under normal operation.

Syntax: boolean

Default: false


Directory path for exported XSL transformation files.

Syntax: filepath

Default: config/export


Directory path for imported properties and translation files.

Syntax: filepath

Default: config/import


Default prefix to append to all JSON output.

Syntax: string

Default: &&


Specifies a space-delimited list of the supported SSL protocols as the default for the various back-end services' sslprotocols configuration. That is, if the specific sslprotocols parameter is not set, it is set to the value of davcore.serverdefaults.sslprotocols.

Syntax: string

Default: TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2


Default TZID to return when a calendar collection does not have one explicity set.

Syntax: string

Default: None.


HTTP connection timeout value (in milliseconds), when connecting to another server.

Syntax: integer

Minimum: 500

Maximum: 100000

Default: 5000


HTTP Socket timeout value (in milliseconds), when connecting to another server, and waiting for data.

Syntax: integer

Minimum: 500

Maximum: 100000

Default: 5000


Maximum size of an address book resource.

Syntax: long

Unit: bytes

Minimum: 0

Maximum: Maximum long value

Default: 10000000


Maximum number of ATTENDEE properties in any instance of a calendar object resource stored in a calendar collection.

Syntax: long

Minimum: 0

Maximum: Maximum long value

Default: 1000


Maximum size of a calendar resource.

Syntax: long Unit: bytes

Minimum: 0

Maximum: Maximum long value

Default: 10000000


Maximum size of a resource. Might be overwritten for certain types of content (for example, text/calendar).

Syntax: long

Unit: bytes

Minimum: 0

Maximum: Maximum long value

Default: 10000000


Maximum nested level of group expansion.

Syntax: integer

Minimum: 0

Maximum: -1

Default: 3


Maximum number of HTTP redirects to follow, when connecting to another server.

Syntax: integer

Minimum: 0

Maximum: 10

Default: 3


Maximum size when posting ischedule requests. This affects iSchedule freebusy and scheduling requests.

Syntax: long

Unit: bytes

Minimum: 0

Maximum: Maximum long value

Default: 10000000


Maximum number of threads to create when running migration.

Syntax: integer

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 20

Default: 2


Maximum number of resources allowed in a collection. A value of -1 means no limit.

Syntax: long

Unit: bytes

Minimum: -1

Maximum: Maximum long value

Default: 10000


Maximum number of resources returned by a single fetch operation (WebDAV PROPFIND, CalDAV Reports, WCAP fetch or export, and so on).

A value of 0 means no limit.

Admins are not affected by this limit.

Syntax: integer

Minimum: 0

Maximum: Maximum int value

Default: 10000


Maximum bounded search range in days.

Syntax: long

Unit: days

Minimum: 0

Maximum: 366000

Default: 3660


Maximum size when uploading data. This affects operations that let you create multiple resources in one request (for example, import). It does not affect a regular PUT command.

Syntax: long

Unit: bytes

Minimum: 0

Maximum: Maximum long value

Default: 20000000


Maximum number of hours to wait before terminating a migration.

Syntax: integer

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 100

Default: 8


Minimum number of characters allowed in a text filter search.

Syntax: integer

Minimum: 0

Maximum: 256

Default: 3


Maximum number of attempts to acquire a temporary lock when doing write operations.

Syntax: integer

Minimum: 1

Maximum: Maximum int value

Default: 20


Maximum amount of time to wait for a temporary lock when doing write operations.

Syntax: integer

Unit: seconds

Minimum: 1

Maximum: Maximum int value

Default: 60


If true, temporary locks are ensured at the back-end level instead of staying local to a server instance.

Syntax: boolean

Default: false


The backendid template is used to identify the back-end server hosting the home of a given subject.

The template can reference LDAP attributes of the subject, using the ${attrname} syntax or the ${attrname,defaultvalue} syntax.

Syntax: string

Default: ${davStore,defaultbackend}


Canonical form of DAV URI prefix for WebDAV-based protocols.

This prefix corresponds to one of the the DavServlet specific path (for example, /dav) as defined in web.xml.

It should not end with a slash.

Syntax: string

Default: /dav


Canonical form of a subject home URI prefix.

This template should have a corresponding uripattern. It should not end with a slash

The template can reference LDAP attributes of the subject, using the ${attrname} syntax or the ${attrname,defaultvalue} syntax. The ${domain} syntax can be used to reference the domain of the subject.

Syntax: string

Default: /home/${mail}


Canonical form of a subject principal URI prefix.

This template should have a corresponding uripattern. It should not end with a slash.

The template can reference LDAP attributes of the subject, using the ${attrname} syntax or the ${attrname,defaultvalue} syntax. The ${domain} syntax can be used to reference the domain of the subject.

Syntax: string

Default: /principals/${mail}


Canonical form of REST URI prefix for WebDAV-based protocols.

This prefix corresponds to one of the RESTfulServlet specific path as defined in the web.xml file.

It should not end with a slash.

Syntax: string

Default: /rest


Defines the root collection of all directory collections (without any prefix).

Syntax: string

Default: /directory/


LDAP Filter used when searching a subject by email address. The %s token is replaced by the email value to search.

Syntax: string

Default: |(mail=%s)(mailalternateaddress=%s)


Full URL prefix to use wherever a full URL is required. It should not end with a slash.

This prefix is used to construct attachment URLs embedded in calendar resources.

Modifying this parameter does not change full URLs in already existing calendar resources.

If SSL is used, the host name part of this prefix should match the host name associated with the certificate.

Syntax: string

Default: http://localhost


Maximum number of subjects (LDAP users, resources and groups) kept in cache when mapping URIs and subjects. Entries are removed from the cache only when this maximum is reached or when any of the uriinfo configuration parameters are changed. Can be set to 0, indicating no cache.

Syntax: integer

Minimum: 0

Maximum: Maximum int value

Default: 1000


Maximum time (in seconds) that subjects (LDAP users, resources and groups) are kept in cache when mapping URIs and subjects.

Syntax: integer

Unit: seconds

Minimum: 1

Maximum: Maximum int value

Default: 60


Name of an LDAP attribute present in the LDAP entry of all subjects (users, groups, resources, and so on) that defines a permanent and unique identifier for each subject.

The attribute value is used internally to do the mapping between the subject LDAP entry and its repository. As such, it should remain constant for the lifetime of the subject LDAP entry and it should be unique (at least within the subject domain).

Warning: Changing this configuration parameter results in data loss once the user's repository has been created.

Syntax: string

Default: davuniqueid


Defines the root collection of all principals in their canonical form. (without any prefix). This parameter is used to return the WebDAV DAV:principal-collection-set property.

Syntax: string

Default: /principals/


Space-separated list of LDAP attribute names to retrieve when doing a search for users, group or resources.

Syntax: string

Default: cn davstore icsstatus mail mailalternateaddress nsuniqueid owner preferredlanguage uid objectclass ismemberof uniquemember memberurl mgrprfc822mailmember kind


LDAP filter used when a user is searching for other users. The %s token is replaced by the search string.

Syntax: string

Default: (|(uid=%s*)(cn=*%s*)(mail=*%s*))


The minimum number of characters allowed for the search string.

Syntax: integer

Minimum: -2147483648

Maximum: Maximum int value

Default: 3


Maximum number of resolved URIs kept in cache. Entries are removed from the cache only when this maximum is reached or when any of the uriinfo configuration parameters are changed.

Can be set to 0, indicating no cache.

Syntax: integer

Minimum: 0

Maximum: Maximum int value

Default: 10000


Maximum time (in seconds) that resolved URIs are kept in cache.

Syntax: integer

Unit: seconds

Minimum: 1

Maximum: Maximum int value

Default: 60


If set to true, uses proxy authorization for any LDAP search on behalf of a user. If set to false, uses administrator credentials for all LDAP searches.

Syntax: boolean

Default: true


The virus scan connection should use user and password authorization.

Syntax: boolean

Default: false


Action to be performed when a virus is detected during command-line operation. Value is empty or delete.

Syntax: string

Default: None.


Enables or disables debugging on the virus SMTP connection.

Syntax: boolean

Default: false


Email recipient address that the MTA is configured to use to trigger a custom virus scan. (Requires MTA configuration).

Syntax: string

Default: None.

MTA host name configured to accept virus scans.

Syntax: string

Default: None.


Enables or disables online virus scan.

Syntax: boolean

Default: false


Action to be performed when virus service fails during an online submission. Value is empty or reject.

Syntax: string

Default: None.


Action to be performed when a virus is detected during an online submission. Value is empty or reject.

Syntax: string

Default: None.


The SMTP authorization password for the SMTP virus scan connection.

Syntax: password

Default: None.


MTA host port configured to accept virus scans.

Syntax: string

Default: 25


The virus scan connection should use starttls.

Syntax: boolean

Default: false


Timeout value (in milliseconds) for the connection to the MTA during a virus scan operation.

Syntax: string

Default: 10000


The SMTP user authorized for the SMTP virus scan connection.

Syntax: string

Default: None.


The virus scan connection should use SSL.

Syntax: boolean

Default: false


Specifies the date format pattern for the log.

Syntax: logdateformat

Default: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ


Specifies the directory path for log files.

Syntax: filepath

Default: logs


Specifies the log level.

Valid levels are OFF (no information is logged), SEVERE, WARNING, INFO, CONFIG, FINE, FINER, FINEST, ALL (all information is logged).

The FINEST and ALL levels produce a large amount of data.

Syntax: loglevel

Default: INFO


Flag to enable logging to the GlassFish Server log file, in addition to the Calendar Server logs.

Syntax: boolean

Default: false


Maximum number of log files.

Syntax: integer

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 100

Default: 10


Maximum size of each log file.

Syntax: integer

Unit: bytes

Minimum: 2097152

Maximum: Maximum int value

Default: 2097152


Specifies the date format pattern for the log.

Syntax: logdateformat

Default: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ


Specifies the directory path for log files.

Syntax: filepath

Default: logs


Specifies the log level.

Valid levels are OFF (no information is logged), SEVERE, WARNING, INFO, CONFIG, FINE, FINER, FINEST, ALL (all information is logged).

The FINEST and ALL levels produce a large amount of data.

Syntax: loglevel

Default: INFO


Flag to enable logging to the GlassFish Server log file, in addition to the Calendar Server logs.

Syntax: boolean

Default: false


Maximum number of log files.

Syntax: integer

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 100

Default: 10


Maximum size of each log file.

Syntax: integer

Unit: bytes

Minimum: 2097152

Maximum: Maximum int value

Default: 2097152


Specifies the date format pattern for the log.

Syntax: logdateformat

Default: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ


Specifies the directory path for log files.

Syntax: filepath

Default: logs


Specifies the log level.

Valid levels are OFF (no information is logged), SEVERE, WARNING, INFO, CONFIG, FINE, FINER, FINEST, ALL (all information is logged).

The FINEST and ALL levels produce a large amount of data.

Syntax: loglevel

Default: INFO


Flag to enable logging to the GlassFish Server log file, in addition to the Calendar Server logs.

Syntax: boolean

Default: false


Maximum number of log files.

Syntax: integer

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 100

Default: 10


Maximum size of each log file.

Syntax: integer

Unit: bytes

Minimum: 2097152

Maximum: Maximum int value

Default: 2097152


Specifies the date format pattern for the log.

Syntax: logdateformat

Default: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ


Specifies the directory path for log files.

Syntax: filepath

Default: logs


Specifies the log level.

Valid levels are OFF (no information is logged), SEVERE, WARNING, INFO, CONFIG, FINE, FINER, FINEST, ALL (all information is logged).

The FINEST and ALL levels produce a large amount of data.

Syntax: loglevel

Default: INFO


Flag to enable logging to the GlassFish Server log file, in addition to the Calendar Server logs.

Syntax: boolean

Default: false


Maximum number of log files.

Syntax: integer

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 100

Default: 10


Maximum size of each log file.

Syntax: integer

Unit: bytes

Minimum: 2097152

Maximum: Maximum int value

Default: 2097152


Specifies the date format pattern for the log.

Syntax: logdateformat

Default: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ


Specifies the directory path for log files.

Syntax: filepath

Default: logs


Specifies the log level.

Valid levels are OFF (no information is logged), SEVERE, WARNING, INFO, CONFIG, FINE, FINER, FINEST, ALL (all information is logged).

The FINEST and ALL levels produce a large amount of data.

Syntax: loglevel

Default: INFO


Flag to enable logging to the GlassFish Server log file, in addition to the Calendar Server logs.

Syntax: boolean

Default: false


Maximum number of log files.

Syntax: integer

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 100

Default: 10


Maximum size of each log file.

Syntax: integer

Unit: bytes

Minimum: 2097152

Maximum: Maximum int value

Default: 2097152


Specifies the directory path for notification configuration files or format files.

Syntax: filepath

Default: config/templates


Specifies the date format pattern for notification. For example, EEE MMMMM dd, yyyy.

Syntax: dateformat

Default: EEE MMMMM dd, yyyy


Enables or disables server-wide email notification.

Syntax: boolean

Default: true


Enables or disables server-wide iMIP scheduling.

Syntax: boolean

Default: true


Enables or disables server-wide scheduling email notification that contains iMIP data.

Syntax: boolean

Default: false


Enables or disables server-wide Java Message Service (JMS) notification.

Syntax: boolean

Default: true


Maximum payload size in bytes.

Syntax: integer

Minimum: -2147483648

Maximum: Maximum int value

Default: 10000000


SMTP-AUTH access control mechanism flag.

Syntax: string

Default: false


SMTP debug flag.

Syntax: string

Default: false


SMTP host.

Syntax: string

Default: None.


SMTP password.

Syntax: password

Default: None.


SMTP port.

Syntax: string

Default: 25


SMTP starttls flag.

Syntax: string

Default: true


SMTP user.

Syntax: string

Default: user


SMTP use SSL flag.

Syntax: string

Default: false


Specifies the time format pattern for notification. Use 'a' for AM/PM marker. For example, hh:mm:ss aaa.

Syntax: timeformat

Default: hh:mm:ss aaa


Specifies the time zone format pattern for notification. Use 'z' for general time zone, or 'Z' for RFC822 time zone.

Syntax: timezoneformat

Default: z


List of CalDAV clients to be denied of service, expressed as a space separated list of regular expressions. Any client whose User-Agent HTTP header contains any of the regex is denied access.

Syntax: string

Default: None.


List of hosts that are allowed to send iScheduling POST requests. Space-separated list of single host IP addresses and/or Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) entries. A CIDR entry is a base IP address followed by a number indicating how many upper bits to mask. For example, matches all addresses in the range - If the entry is, all requests are allowed. If the list is empty, all requests are denied, except for those from "localhost".

Syntax: string

Default: None


Value of the HTTP Dav header value to return in all PROPFIND responses.

Syntax: string

Default: 1, 3, access-control, calendar-proxy, calendarserver-principal-property-search, calendar-access, calendar-auto-schedule, addressbook


Space-separated list of request URIs that a particular request should match (start with) to be logged by telemetry (for example, /dav/home/jsmith/calendar/ /dav/home/jdoe/calendar/).

Syntax: string

Default: None.


Force telemetry for all users.

Warning: Setting this parameter to true generates a lot of data and should not be used on a production system.

Syntax: boolean

Default: false


List of WCAP clients to be denied of service, expressed as a space-separated list of regular expressions. Any client whose User-Agent HTTP header contains any of the regex is denied access.

Syntax: string

Default: None.


Maximum number of WCAP session IDs stored in the sessions cache. Entries are removed from the cache only when this maximum is reached, or when a logout command is executed against the sessionid, or the entry has been in the cache for as long as the session timeout allows.

Syntax: integer

Minimum: 0

Maximum: Maximum int value

Default: 10000


Number of seconds before expiring a session.

Syntax: integer

Unit: seconds

Minimum: 1

Maximum: Maximum int value

Default: 1800


Default corporate directory information to use when doing searches. Can be overwritten by domain specific information (corpDirectoryUrl LDAP attribute in the domain entry). If no baseDN is provided, the user's domain baseDN for users and group is used. The list of attributes to retrieve is ignored.

Syntax: string

Default: ldap://ugldap/??sub?(objectclass=*)


Enables or disables corporate directory lookups.

Syntax: boolean

Default: true


If set to true, uses LDAP proxy authorization to issue LDAP searches on behalf of the logged in user.

If set to false, uses the LDAP Pool credentials for all LDAP searches.

This parameter applies only to the default corporate directory configuration.

Syntax: boolean

Default: true


Document store host.

Syntax: string

Default: None.


Document store port.

Syntax: integer

Minimum: -2147483648

Maximum: Maximum int value

Default: 8008


Back-end identifier.

Syntax: string

Default: None.


Specifies the directory path for Calendar Server store.

Syntax: filepath

Default: data/db


JNDI name pointing to this back-end host's JDBC DataSource, as defined in the J2EE container (for example, jdbc/defaultbackend.

Syntax: string

Default: None.


Sets the delay between deletion of a resource and its actual removal (purge) from the back-end database. Setting this value too low may cause synchronization clients to do a full resynchronization too often.

Syntax: long

Unit: seconds

Minimum: 0

Maximum: Maximum long value

Default: 2592000


Password to use when authenticating to a remote document store server.

Syntax: password

Default: None.


The HTTP(S) connection and read timeout value.

Syntax: integer

Minimum: -2147483648

Maximum: Maximum int value

Default: 10000


Use SSL for communications with the remote document store server.

Syntax: boolean

Default: false