15 Upgrading WebRTC Session Controller Media Engine From an Earlier Version

This chapter provides instructions for upgrading to Oracle Communications WebRTC Session Controller Media Engine (ME) from an earlier version.


Oracle recommends you run this procedure from a local console so you do not lose connectivity during the procedure. If you choose to run the upgrade remotely over SSH or from the ME Management user interface Tools option, you are unable to monitor the progress of the upgrade process.

To upgrade the ME from an earlier version:

  1. From the current configuration, save the standard configuration using a unique file name of your choice with the .cfg extension. Preserve this file as a backup copy of your configuration in the event you need to revert to the earlier release.

    config save standard cxcbackup.cfg
  2. Copy or run SCP to copy the <release_filename>.tar.gz file to the /cxc directory on the ME.


    When logged in using the ME Management user interface, you can use the Tools/Upload File option to browse for the file on your local PC or network location to obtain the file to upload to the ME.
  3. At the prompt, run the install action.

    install file <release_filename>.tar.gz
    Are you sure (y or n)?y
    Installing: <release_filename>.tar.gz
    Success! Rebooting Session Manager
  4. Perform a restart warm to boot with the new configuration.

    restart warm


    When logged in using the CMS Web to perform the upgrade remotely, use the CMS Tools/Update Software option with Install the Update checked off to run the upgrade.