4 WebRTC Session Controller Pre-Installation Tasks

This chapter describes pre-installation tasks for Oracle Communications WebRTC Session Controller.

About Pre-Installation Tasks

You must perform certain tasks before installing WebRTC Session Controller. Pre-installation tasks are broken down into the following categories:

  • General Pre-Installation Tasks: Tasks that are not specific to either the WebRTC Session Controller Media Engine (Media Engine) or WebRTC Session Controller Signaling Engine (Signaling Engine) components but that are required for a functioning installation.

  • Signaling Engine Pre-Installation Tasks: Tasks that you must perform before you install Signaling Engine.


Since Media Engine is a complete self-contained software stack, there are no required pre-installation tasks.

General Pre-Installation Tasks

Before continuing, you must complete the following general pre-installation tasks:

  • You should allocate IP addresses for Media Engine and Signaling Engine interfaces, including:

    • Public-facing external interfaces

    • Internal-facing interfaces

    • Intra-system interfaces for private signaling between Media Engine and Signaling engine nodes

    • If required by your organization, a separate systems management interface

  • You should determine which logical interfaces map to which physical interfaces on each server.

  • You should have access to a Domain Name Service (DNS) and Network Time Protocol (NTP) servers.

  • Optionally you can assign fully qualified domain names to each server.

  • You should make a note of any required static routes.

  • You should download the WebRTC Session Controller software.

    To obtain the WebRTC Session Controller Signaling Engine Software:

    1. Download the WebRTC Session Controller software from the Oracle software delivery Web site, located at:


      and save it to a temporary directory (temp_dir).

    2. Unzip the WebRTC Session Controller installation files.

Signaling Engine Pre-Installation Tasks

Before installing Signaling Engine software, you must complete the following pre-installation tasks:

Install a Java Development Kit

Install an Oracle Java Development Kit (JDK) 1.7 plus the latest security update, and add it to your PATH environment variable. The JRE is required for the installer process.

You can download a JDK from the Java SE Development Kit 7 Downloads page: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk7-downloads-1880260.html.

See "JDK 7 Installation for Linux Platforms" in the Oracle Java SE Documentation for instructions on installing a JDK.


Signaling Engine is not compatible with the OpenJDK installed by default in development installations of Oracle Linux 6, nor is it compatible with Oracle JDK 1.7.0_40.

Create the Signaling Engine User Account

Create the user account that is to be the primary user running Signaling Engine in your environment.

It is required that all machines have the same user name configured.

Note the user name; you will be required to specify the user name during the Signaling Engine installation process.

To create the user account:

  1. Log in to the driver machine.

  2. Enter the following command:

    useradd passwd user_name

    where user_name is the name of the user and passwd is the password for the user.

See the discussion in your Linux documentation for more information about the useradd command.

Choose an Installation Directory

When you install WebRTC Session Controller, you are prompted to specify a Middleware home directory. This directory serves as a repository for common files that are used by multiple Fusion Middleware products installed on the same machine. For this reason, the Middleware home directory can be considered a central support directory for all the Fusion Middleware products installed on your system.

The files in the Middleware home directory are essential to ensuring that WebRTC Session Controller and WebLogic Server operate correctly on your system. They facilitate checking of cross-product dependencies during installation.

For more information on choosing an installation directory, see "Understanding the Oracle WebLogic Server and Coherence Directory Structure" in Installing and Configuring Oracle WebLogic Server and Coherence.

Next Steps

After you have completed pre-installation tasks you can install Signaling Engine. See "Installing WebRTC Session Controller Signaling Engine" for instructions.