16 Configuring DTMF Generation Objects

The ME, if configured to do so with the auto-conference property of the session config media object, strips conference codes (DTMF strings) from an INVITE request and injects them into the RTP stream (the established call). This allows the ME to play the DTMF tone digits to a conference server on behalf of the client calling the server. Through this object, you can control the length of play and pause time and volume for the digits that the ME plays.


Sets parameters for the conference codes derived using the auto-conference property of the session config media object. The ME applies these parameter settings to the conference codes found in INVITEs, and injects them into the RTP stream.


config vsp dtmf-generation


digit-volume: Specifies the volume setting for the conference code tones. The digit volume is measured in decibel (dB) of the measured power referenced to one milliwatt, measured at a zero transmission level point. The smaller the dBm0, the louder the volume.

Default: 20
Values: Min: 1 / Max: 63

Example: set digit-volume 25

digit-duration: Specifies the length of time, in milliseconds, that the ME plays each digit of the conference code.

Default: 750
Values: Min: 100 / Max: 10000

Example: set digit-duration 500

inter-digit-duration: Specifies the length of time, in milliseconds, that the ME pauses between playing each digit in the conference code.

Default: 250
Values: Min: 0 / Max: 1000

Example: set inter-digit-duration 500

pause-duration: Specifies the number of milliseconds that the system pauses when it encounters a comma character in the conference code. The comma is a special character, written in to the conference code, that indicates the system must wait for the specified time before playing the next tone.

Default: 3000
Values: Min: 500 / Max: 10000

Example: set pause-duration 4500

as-audio: Specifies whether the system sends audio or DTMF packets, when representing conference code tones, to the conference server. When true, the system encodes the sound in the current CODEC (e.g., PCMU or IBC). When false, the system attempts to send DTMF packets.

Default: true
Values: true | false

Example: set as-audio false

min-digit-duration: Specifies the minimum length of time, in milliseconds, that the ME plays each DTMF digit. If a DTMF event has a duration less than this value, the digit-duration property overrides this value and is used to play the DTMF event.

Default: 60
Values: Min: 5 / Max: 100

Example: set min-digit-duration 75

max-digit-duration: Specifies the maximum length of time, in milliseconds, that the ME plays each DTMF digit. If a DTMF event has a duration greater than this value, the digit-duration property overrides this value and is used to play the DTMF event.

Default: 2000
Values: Min: 100 / fMax: 10000

Example: set

digit-duration-update: When the actual duration of a DTMF event is not known, the ME sends this value in the Call-Info header when Notify-based out-of-band DTMF is supported, or as the initial duration sent in a DTMF H.245 Signal message.

Default: 2000
Values: Min: 60 / Max: 10000

Example: set digit-duration-update 1500