24 Configuring Master Services Objects

The master services objects allow you to enable services for directory, accounting, authentication, database, registration, media failover, and cluster services. Each master service can run on one box in the cluster. The host-box property within each master service object defines the primary box for that service. You can also configure backup boxes in the event of primary failure by re-executing the host-box configuration.

In the example below, the first host box listed in the configuration serves as the primary host for the directory service. Subsequent host boxes (2 and 3) serve as backup.

NNOS-E> config master-services
config master-services> config directory
config directory> set host-box cluster box 1
config directory> set host-box cluster box 2
config directory> set host-box cluster box 3

config directory> show
   admin enabled
   host-box[1] cluster\box 1
   host-box[2] cluster\box 2
   host-box[3] cluster\box 3

The first host-box property identifies which box runs the service. If that box does not perform, the other configured host boxes will perform in succession and attempt to boot the service.

Master Services in VRRP Configurations

Master services that are running in vrrp configurations can use the group property as an additional backup mechanism. The group property is an option to link the VRRP configuration with other services on the box, in this case the master services. If one interface of a VRRP pair is down, the group with which they are associated is considered down. If a service is associated with that group, the box hosting the downed VRRP pair stops the service, and the backup box then restarts it. (A vinterface can have more than one Ethernet interface for a given box. The ME does not bring the service down until all configured Ethernet interfaces have been established as ”unavailable.”)

This feature is illustrated in the following sample output. (Note that display of properties unrelated to this feature have been removed for clarity.) If either eth1 and eth4 or eth2 on box 1 lose link, the ME considers VRRP group 1 down. This causes both vinterface vx1 and vx2 on box 1 to go to their configured backups, resulting in box 2 becoming master for both of these VRRP interfaces.

In the master services configuration, the directory service is in group 1 but accounting is not associated with a VRRP group. This configuration results in the ME causing box 1 to stop the directory service and box 2, as backup, to restart it. The accounting service remains unchanged as it was not associated with the VRRP configuration.

config vrrp> show -v
    admin enabled
    vinterface vx1
      admin enabled
      group 1
      host-interface[1] cluster\box 1\interface eth1
      host-interface[2] cluster\box 1\interface eth4
      host-interface[3] cluster\box 2\interface eth1
    vinterface vx2
      admin enabled
      group 1
      host-interface[1] cluster\box 1\interface eth2
      host-interface[2] cluster\box 2\interface eth2 

config master-services> show -v
  admin enabled
  host-box[1] cluster\box 1
  host-box[2] cluster\box 2
  group 1
  admin enabled
  host-box[1] cluster\box 2
  host-box[2] cluster\box 1
  group 0


Opens the master-services configuration object.


config master-services


advertisement-interval: Secondary property. Sets the interval at which the master services broadcast their locations to boxes in the cluster. This setting applies to all master services.

Default: 60

Example: set advertisement-interval 90

boot-interval: Secondary property. For Oracle debugging only. Sets the wait time for restart of master services at system boot in a non-clustered network. In a clustered network, master-services start once the clustering is established (usually less than 30 seconds).

Default: 30

Example: set boot-interval 60


Configures the box that maintains the master configuration for the cluster. It pushes out configuration changes to other boxes in the cluster. If a different box becomes cluster-master, it would then start sending out its configuration to the other boxes.


config master-services cluster-master


admin: Enables and disables the configuration that selects a master directory service. Enabling the directory service provides a link to the system gateways.

Default: enabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set admin disabled

host-box: Specifies the box that acts as cluster master. You must select a box to serve as the cluster master using this property. See Master Services Description for more information.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set host-box cluster box 1

group: Associates the cluster master with a VRRP group. Enter the number of a previously configured vrrp group. See Master Services in VRRP Configurations for a complete explanation.

Default: 0 (no grouping association)

Example: set group 1

preempt: Secondary property. Specifies whether the master service should retake the mastership if it has gone down and then returned to operation. If set to true, the master resumes its position. If set to false, the backup service retains master control.

Default: false
Values: true | false

Example: set preempt true

takeover-timer-value: Secondary property. Specifies the number of milliseconds that the master service stays in ”awaiting takeover” mode at boot time. When a box boots, each hosted master service waits for this period of time to determine if any existing boxes in the cluster are already running that service before assuming mastership.

Default: 1000

Example: set takeover-timer-value 2000


Opens the ME directory services object on the master. Directory services is the function that allows communication between the ME and gateway services such as Active Directory, LCS, Sametime, etc. If this object is disabled, you can still configure the enterprise gateway services (through the directory object), but they do not become active until you enable this master service.

Note that if you have enabled the local-directory-based-user-services property for VSP settings, you must configure directory services on at least one box in the cluster.

See Configuring Enterprise Objects for information on enabling the directory service.


config master-services directory


admin: Enables and disables the system directory service. Enabling the directory service provides a link to the system gateways.

Default: enabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set admin disabled

host-box: Specifies the master box on which directory services run and, optionally, backup boxes. See Master Services Description for more information. If there is no host box specified, no directory services can run.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set host-box cluster box 2

group: Associates the directory service with a VRRP group. Enter the number of a previously configured vrrp group. See Master Services in VRRP Configurations for a complete explanation.

Default: 0 (no grouping association)

Example: set group 1

preempt: Secondary property. Specifies whether the master service should retake the mastership if it has gone down and then returned to operation. If set to true, the master resumes its position. If set to false, the backup service retains master control.

Default: false
Values: true | false

Example: set preempt true

takeover-timer-value: Secondary property. Specifies the number of milliseconds that the master service stays in ”awaiting takeover” mode at boot time. When a box boots, each hosted master service waits for this period of time to determine if any existing boxes in the cluster are already running that service before assuming mastership.

Default: 1000

Example: set takeover-timer-value 2000


Secondary object. Configures total and minimum memory allowance for the directory, accounting, and/or database processes. Use these properties to fine-tine the default settings for applications that require additional memory.


config master-services directory settings
config master-services accounting settings
config master-services database settings
config master-services jtapi settings


heap-max: Specifies the total amount of memory that the system can allocate to the directory, accounting, or database processes.

Default: 128
Values: Min: 16 / Max: 2048

Example: set heap-max 256

heap-min: Specifies the minimum amount of memory that the system can allocate to the directory, accounting, or database processes.

Default: 32
Values: Min: 16 / Max: 2048

Example: set heap-min 96

argument: For Oracle Technical Support only.

thread-checker: Configures the system to check for blocked threads in current processes. If true, the system monitors for blocked threads at a regular interval. If a process is repeatedly blocked, the ME forces a restart of the process. It then writes a message to the event log, indicating the process name and ID, and recording a stack trace. This property is for Technical Support use only.

Default: false
Values: true | false

Example: set thread-checker true

association-min-lifetime: This is a secondary property. Controls the amount of time in seconds that ”association” information (data for a given to-from URI pair) is preserved.

Default: 300
Values: Min: 0 / Max: 360000

Example: set association-min-lifetime 25000

track-sip-messages: Specifies whether the ME tracks the response to SIP REGISTER and INVITE messages. When enabled, the show sip-register-responses and show sip-invite-responses status providers include data indicating the type and number of responses sent and received (e.g., the number of 200 OKs, 503s, etc.)

Default: disabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set track-sip-messages enabled

database-connection-memory-limit: Specifies the maximum memory, in kilobytes, allowed per database connection. The connection ends if this memory limit is exceeded.

Default: automatic
Values: automatic | integer (1000000-3000000)

Example: set database-connection-memory-limit 2000000

unclean-shutdown-recover: Specifies how the local database is handled during startup after an unclean shutdown. An unclean shutdown may cause corruption in the database and is usually caused by a crash.

Default: always-archive
  • Values: always-archive: Always archive data if unclean shutdown is detected. You must also enter the number of times for the ME to archive (from 1 to 20).

  • attempt-repair: Attempt corruption detection and repair and archive only if repair fails.

Example: set unclean-shutdown-recover attempt-repair

allow-route-set-duplicates: Secondary property. By default, the ME allows duplicate destination routes. When this property is disabled, duplicate entries are removed and the ME has only one entry in the route-set.

Default: enabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set allow-route-set-duplicates disabled

max-proxy-transactions-per-second: Secondary property. Sets the maximum number of concurrent proxy transactions that a session can have.

Default: 20
Values: Min: 1 / Max: 65535

Example: set max-proxy-transactions-per-session 30

unescape-header-params: Secondary property. When set to the default value true, the ME changes the To-tag parameter and messages can be ignored. To ensure the ME does not alter any of the tag parameters, set this parameter to false.

Default: true
Values: true | false

Example: set unescape-header-params false


Opens the ME accounting services object running on the master. Accounting services is the object that enables or disables all accounting functions on the ME, such as RADIUS and Diameter accounting services, system logging (syslog), the accounting database, and the accounting file system. If this object is disabled, you can still configure the accounting services, but they do not become active until you enable this master service. This setting overrides the setting of each individual accounting function.

See Configuring Accounting Objects for information on enabling and configuring accounting services. See settings for information on memory allowance settings.


config master-services accounting


admin: Enables or disables accounting services on the system.

Default: enabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set admin disabled

host-box: Specifies the master box on which accounting services run and, optionally, backup boxes. See Master Services Description for more information. If there is no host box specified, no accounting services can run.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set host-box cluster box 1

group: Associates the accounting service with a VRRP group. Enter the number of a previously configured vrrp group. See Master Services in VRRP Configurations for a complete explanation.

Default: 0 (no grouping association)

Example: set group 1

preempt: Secondary property. Specifies whether the master service should retake the mastership if it has gone down and then returned to operation. If set to true, the master resumes its position. If set to false, the backup service retains master control.

Default: false
Values: true | false

Example: set do-not-disturb enabled

takeover-timer-value: Secondary property. Specifies the number of milliseconds that the master service stays in ”awaiting takeover” mode at boot time. When a box boots, each hosted master service waits for this period of time to determine if any existing boxes in the cluster are already running that service before assuming mastership.

Default: 1000

Example: set takeover-timer-value 2000


Opens the ME authentication services object running on the master. This object enables or disables all authentication functions on the ME, such as RADIUS and Diameter authentication services, and local user profiles. If this object is disabled, you can still configure the authentication services, but they do not become active until you enable this master service. This setting overrides the setting of each individual authentication function.

See Configuring RADIUS-Group Objects and Configuring Diameter Client and Server Objects for information on enabling and configuring authentication services.


config master-services authentication


admin: Enables or disables authentication services on the system.

Default: enabled 
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set admin disabled

host-box: Specifies the master box on which authentication services run and, optionally, backup boxes. See Master Services Description for more information. If there is no host box specified, no authentication services can run.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set host-box cluster box 1

group: Associates the authentication service with a VRRP group. Enter the number of a previously configured vrrp group. See Master Services in VRRP Configurations for a complete explanation.

Default: 0

Example: set group 1

preempt: Secondary property. Specifies whether the master service should retake the mastership if it has gone down and then returned to operation. If set to true, the master resumes its position. If set to false, the backup service retains master control.

Default: false
Values: true | false

Example: set preempt true

takeover-timer-value: Secondary property. Specifies the number of milliseconds that the master service stays in ”awaiting takeover” mode at boot time. When a box boots, each hosted master service waits for this period of time to determine if any existing boxes in the cluster are already running that service before assuming mastership.

Default: 1000

Example: set takeover-timer-value 2000


Opens the ME database object running on the master. This is the system database that contains the traffic data that resulted from tracing all packets in and out of the ME. The system writes the header information from all TCP, UDP, and IP packets to the database, as well as all fields in the SIP header. This database is used by the system for DOS analysis, and in the ME Management System to display call details and call sequence.


The database-write property must be enabled in the vsp object for the ME to write data to the database.

From the database object you can also set up operations for cleaning the database. The maintenance operations are based on the SQL VACUUM command, which reclaims storage occupied by deleted entries. Maintenance purges the database of old entries at regularly scheduled intervals. An entry is considered ”old,” and is therefore purged, if it is older than the day limit for the history table. Use the database object database subobject to set the number of days worth of entries to keep, based on table type.

If you set the maintenance period to zero, you disable the function. You can execute an immediate database purge using the top-level database action. Note that you may still see indication of entries in the session table if the corresponding history table entries have not yet aged out.

See settings for information on memory allowance settings.


config master-services database


admin: Enables or disables the system database. If the database is disabled, the system cannot perform DOS analysis or record call details

Default: enabled 
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set admin disabled

host-box: Specifies the master box on which database services run and, optionally, backup boxes. See Master Services Description for more information. If there is no host box specified, no databases services can run.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set host-box cluster box 1

group: Associates the database service with a VRRP group. Enter the number of a previously configured vrrp group. See Master Services in VRRP Configurations for a complete explanation.

Default: 0

Example: set group 1

maintenance: Sets the time for or frequency of database purging. If a daily purge is not appropriate, use the period property to set the number of hours between executions. However, it is advisable to run maintenance at least every 24 hours.

Default: time-of-day 03:00
  • Values: period <hours>: The regularity with which maintenance should occur. Enter a number of hours. Entering 0 disables the maintenance function; this value should only be used for troubleshooting purposes.

  • time-of-day <hours:minutes>: The time at which the maintenance should occur. Enter a time in 24-hour format (for example, enter 17:00 for 5:00 p.m.). The system uses local time.

  • disabled: Turns off the database purging feature. Be aware that if you disable maintenance, the database files can get quite large. Use this option as a debugging tool and then re-enable maintenance.

Example: set maintenance time-of-day 0:00

media: Specifies whether the system writes media information to the database (to the media message table). The system does not create entries in the media message table if this property is not enabled. If it is enabled, use the show database-tables command to display the number of messages recorded in the table. Also, this property must be enabled to use the Play and Call-out links of the ME Call Logs tab. If disabled, there is some performance increase due to fewer writes to the database.

Default: disabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set media enabled

preempt: Secondary property. Specifies whether the master service should retake the mastership if it has gone down and then returned to operation. If set to true, the master resumes its position. If set to false, the backup service retains master control.

Default: false
Values: true | false

Example: set preempt-true

takeover-timer-value: Secondary property. Specifies the number of milliseconds that the master service stays in ”awaiting takeover” mode at boot time. When a box boots, each hosted master service waits for this period of time to determine if any existing boxes in the cluster are already running that service before assuming mastership.

Default: 1000

Example: set takeover-timer-value 2000

database-threads-max: Secondary property. Sets the number of threads dedicated to database operation and maintenance. The minimum number of threads is two: one for writing to the database, and a separate thread for database maintenance (e.g., purging old records). By increasing the number of threads, you can improve database write performance, allowing multiple threads to write to the database simultaneously.

Default: 2
Values: Min: 2 / Max: 4

Example: set database-threads-max 3

sip-cache-size: Secondary property. Sets the number of entries allowed in the cache for the SIP database. When the system reaches the configured limit, it begins dropping entries, oldest first.

Default: 1000
Values: Min: 100 / Max: 10000

Example: set sip-cache-size 3000

performance: Secondary property. Sets the point of optimization for calls

Default: call-details
  • Values: call-rate: The database cache works harder to increase call-rate, at the expense of call details. (This effects the ME Management System display of such things as call diagrams and the SIP Messages viewer.)

  • call-details: Causes the system to accurately write out individual records until the database reaches the configured queue-depth. (When reached, the system begins caching the records.)

Example: set performance call-rate

dos-tcp-connect-multiplier: Secondary property. Sets the number of ”hits” that the system should count for each connection (as opposed to data packets). With each data packet that matches a pattern, the system counts the match as an event; when the event count reaches a set threshold, it creates a DOS rule. Each connection, because it is more compute intensive, can count as more than one event. Set this multiplier to the number of events the system should count for each TCP connection.

Default: 5

Example: set dos-tcp-connect-multiplier 3

dos-tls-connect-multiplier: Secondary property. Sets the number of ”hits” that the system should count for each connection (as opposed to data packets). With each data packet that matches a pattern, the system counts the match as an event; when the event count reaches a set threshold, it creates a DOS rule. Each connection, because it is more compute intensive, can count as more than one event. Set this multiplier to the number of events the system should count for each TLS connection.

Default: 10

Example: set dos-tls-connect-multiplier 12

sip-registers: Secondary property. Specifies whether to cache SIP REGISTER messages in the SIP message database. By disabling these messages, you can experience some performance increase. When enabled, the system writes them to the database in real-time. When set to cached, the system writes them to the database once every 5 minutes. Note that a more efficient way to disable writing of SIP REGISTER messages is to set the message-logging property of the log-alert object to no-registers.

Default: enabled
Values: enabled | disabled | cached

Example: set sip-registers cached

max-queue-depth: Secondary property. Sets the maximum number of write requests allowed in the database queue. When this value is reached, the system begins dropping requests.

Default: 4000

Example: set max-queue-depth 4500

caching-threshold: Secondary property. Sets the point in the queue at which the system begins using cached entries instead of single writes to the database. When the queue depth reaches the threshold set with this property, the system uses the resource-efficient method of scanning the cache and writing all entries for a particular row at once.

Default: 3500

Example: set caching-threshold 4000

write-mode: Secondary property. Controls the way the system writes records to the database. Typically, the system inserts records into the database. When set to copy, the system activates an experimental database optimization method. Use this option only if instructed to do so by Technical Support.

Default: insert
Values: insert | copy

Example: set edp-ping-timeout 45


Configures the master service for the registration process. In a cluster, the registration database only runs on the specified master and the selected backups. The host-box property establishes the master and selective mirroring. The first box listed is the master, while subsequent boxes have mirrored databases. Boxes not configured via the host-box property do not run the registration database. Instead, they use a local location cache. This object must be enabled for load-balancing of SIP processing (across backing interfaces configured via the sip object) to function correctly.


config master-services registration


admin: Enables or disables registration services on the system. If disabled, the system cannot perform intracluster registration lookups. Also, you lose the persistence for registrations, which is what allows the system to perform rollover or failover operations.

Default: enabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set admin disabled

host-box: Specifies the master box on which the registration service runs and, optionally, backup boxes. See Master Services Description for more information. If there is no host box specified, the registration service is not available to the system.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set host-box cluster box 1

group: Associates the registration service with a VRRP group. Enter the number of a previously configured vrrp group. See Master Services in VRRP Configurations for a complete explanation.

Default: 0

Example: set group 1

mirror-all-entries: Specifies whether to mirror location cache entries to all boxes in the cluster. When enabled, all entries are mirrored to all boxes; when disabled, they are not.

Mirroring helps failover recovery. In addition, you must set this property to enabled when the route object alter-contact property is set to trunk-port-per-aor for port forwarding.

Default: enabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set mirror-all-entries disabled

mirror-location-cache: Specifies whether the ME mirrors the location cache to the other systems in the cluster. Disable this setting if the cluster is to handle up to one million SIP REGISTER requests. When enabled, the registration process mirrors the location cache entries from the cluster to each SIP process, giving a slight performance improvement while limiting the total cluster to 250,000 users.

Default: enabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set mirror-location-cache disabled

cache-poll-interval: Configures a timer that scans registration data and purges stale bindings and/or cache entries. This property controls how often the task repeats. To turn this feature off, set the cache-poll-interval to 0.

Default: 86400

Example: set cache-poll-interval 43200

max-poll-duration: Sets how long the database remains unlocked between polling of max-entries.

Default: 86400

Example: set max-poll-duration 1200

max-entries-per-poll: Sets the number of registration data entries that are scanned at a time. This is a performance optimization setting, which helps in preventing the database from being locked for excessive periods of time.

Default: 100

Example: set max-entries-per-poll 1200

preempt: Secondary property. Specifies whether the master service should retake the mastership if it has gone down and then returned to operation. If set to true, the master resumes its position. If set to false, the backup service retains master control.

Default: false
Values: true | false

Example: set preempt true

takeover-timer-value: Secondary property. Specifies the number of milliseconds that the master service stays in ”awaiting takeover” mode at boot time. When a box boots, each hosted master service waits for this period of time to determine if any existing boxes in the cluster are already running that service before assuming mastership.

Default: 100

Example: set takeover-timer-value 200

force-regdb-lookup: Secondary property. Sets whether the ME does a registration database lookup on every request. When enabled, the system does the lookup, ensuring that a cache entry always has cluster-wideup-to-date information. Use this when the bindings of an AOR are distributed on different backing boxes to ensure that the registration database has the complete list of bindings and the system can complete call forking in a failover scenario.

Default: disabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set force-regdb-lookup enabled

ignore-from-tag: When enabled, the ME uses the call ID only to associate the registration with a session. When disabled, the ME uses both the call ID and the From tag to associate the registration to a session.

Default: enabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set ignore-from-tag disabled

fatal-error-code: Enter the response code for a fatal error. The following are fatal errors:

  • No registration-plan

  • No proxy-contact allowed

  • DNS lookup failure

Default: 403
Values: Min: 400 / Max: 699

Example: set fatal-error-code 500

fatal-error-string: Enter the text to be used in the fatal error.

Default: Forbidden

Example: set fatal-error-string error1

temporary-failure-code: Enter the response code for the temporary failure.

The following are temporary failures:

  • Out of memory conditions

  • Next hop host is down

  • Unable to allocate trunk ports

Default: 403
Values: Min: 400 / Max: 699

Example: set temporary-failure-code 500

temporary-failure-string: Enter the text to be used in a temporary error.

Default: Forbidden

Example: set temporary-failure-string failure1


Configures the ME to calculate server load. This object must be enabled if your dial plan arbiter settings use least-load as the routing algorithm option. (The arbiter rules property sets the criteria by which the ME selects the server to which it forwards calls.)


config master-services server-load


admin: Enables or disables server load calculation on the system. If disabled, the dial plan arbiter cannot use the least-load routing arbitration rule.

Default: enabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set admin disabled

host-box: Specifies the master box on which the server load calculation runs and, optionally, backup boxes. See Master Services Description for more information. If there is no host box specified, the calculation service is not available to the system.

Box 1 is the default box. Your first entry overwrites that default. Subsequent entries are added to the list as backup boxes.

Default: box 1

Example: set host-box cluster box 2

group: Associates the calculation service with a VRRP group. Enter the number of a previously configured vrrp group. See Master Services in VRRP Configurations for a complete explanation.

Default: 0 (no grouping association)

Example: set group 1

preempt: Secondary property. Specifies whether the master service should retake the mastership if it has gone down and then returned to operation. If set to true, the master resumes its position. If set to false, the backup service retains master control.

Default: false
Values: true | false

Example: set preempt true

takeover-timer-value: Secondary property. Specifies the number of milliseconds that the master service stays in ”awaiting takeover” mode at boot time. When a box boots, each hosted master service waits for this period of time to determine if any existing boxes in the cluster are already running that service before assuming mastership.

Default: 1000

Example: set takeover-timer-value 2000

update-timer: Secondary property. Sets how often the server-load master updates the other boxes in the cluster.

Default: 5000

Example: set update-timer 3500


Configures failover for the media and signaling streams. As a master service, the configured host box distributes copies of the media and kernel rules to all backup boxes in a cluster. The ME uses the database on the host box, but enabling this master service ensures that there is an active copy of the database on another box in the cluster in the event of a failure.


config master-services call-failover


admin: Enables or disables failover for media services on the system. If disabled, the dial plan arbiter cannot use the least-load routing arbitration rule.

Default: enabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set admin disabled

host-box: Specifies the master box on which the media services database runs and, optionally, backup boxes. See Master Services Description for more information. If there is no host box specified, the calculation service is not available to the system.

Box 1 is the default box. Your first entry overwrites that default. Subsequent entries are added to the list as backup boxes.

Default: box 1

Example: set host-box cluster box 2

group: Associates the media service with a VRRP group. Enter the number of a previously configured vrrp group. See Master Services in VRRP Configurations for a complete explanation.

Default: 0 (no grouping association)

Example: set group 1

preempt: Secondary property. Specifies whether the master service should retake the mastership if it has gone down and then returned to operation. If set to true, the master resumes its position. If set to false, the backup service retains master control.

Default: false
Values: true | false

Example: set preempt true

takeover-timer-value: Secondary property. Specifies the number of milliseconds that the master service stays in ”awaiting takeover” mode at boot time. When a box boots, each hosted master service waits for this period of time to determine if any existing boxes in the cluster are already running that service before assuming mastership.

Default: 1000

Example: set takeover-timer-value 2000

server-load: When enabled, the ME calculates the server load and distributes traffic counters around the cluster. Based on these distribution counts, each ME in a cluster knows the fail-over status.

Default: disabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set server-load enabled


Configures boxes to host the load-balancing master service. These boxes are responsible for keeping the rule database up-to-date. They do not need to be the same boxes as the ones that host the head-end interfaces, although it is common to do so. (You can, for example, configure boxes in the cluster that only serve as host boxes, without any head-end interfaces or backing interfaces.)


config master-services load-balancing


admin: Enables or disables maintenance of the rule database for the purposes of load balancing. If disabled, the sip load-balancing configuration is not operational.

Default: enabled 
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set admin disabled

host-box: Specifies the master box on which the rule database runs and, optionally, backup boxes. See Master Services Description for more information. If there is no host box specified, the SIP-based load balancing is not available to the system.

Box 1 is the default box. Your first entry overwrites that default. Subsequent entries are added to the list as backup boxes.

Default: box 1

Example: set host-box cluster box 2

group: Associates the load balancing service with a VRRP group. Enter the number of a previously configured vrrp group. See Master Services in VRRP Configurations for a complete explanation.

Default: 0 (no grouping association)

Example: set group 1

preempt: Secondary property. Specifies whether the master service should retake the mastership if it has gone down and then returned to operation. If set to true, the master resumes its position. If set to false, the backup service retains master control.

Default: false
Values: true | false

Example: set preempt true

takeover-timer-value: Secondary property. Specifies the number of milliseconds that the master service stays in ”awaiting takeover” mode at boot time. When a box boots, each hosted master service waits for this period of time to determine if any existing boxes in the cluster are already running that service before assuming mastership.

Default: 1000

Example: set takeover-timer-value 2000


Sets all participating ME devices to share particular files (the types of files shared are preset in the ME operating system), such as media recordings, log files, etc. The file-mirror master-service distributes files to all devices listed as hosts for the service. It is used to make files highly available in the event that the box that created the file becomes unavailable. File mirroring includes keeping a record of each file in the file mirror database and also keeping a copy of each file on the local disk drive.

When configured, file mirroring works as follows:

  1. When a file gets saved to the master file system, a record of the file is saved to the master database.

  2. The master database then sends a message to all backup databases indicating a change and updating the backup.

  3. The backup box(es) then compare their own database to their file system to determine if any files are missing (the new file is missing).

  4. The backup then pulls the missing file(s) from the master file system.

Once the files are mirrored, you can play them back from any box that functions as a host. If accessing the file from a backup, the backup system first checks its database to make sure an entry is listed. It then checks its local disk for a copy of the file. If the file is not there (for example, an error during the pull operation) or is out of date, the backup again pulls the file from the master. File mirroring provides a secondary mechanism for assuring file availability. Non-host boxes also maintain a copy of the database and can pull files from the master as they are needed for processing. Use the file-mirror-service action to manage the mirrored files.


config master-services file-mirror


admin: Enables or disables file mirroring on the system.

Default: enabled 
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set admin disabled

host-box: Specifies the master box on which file mirroring runs and, optionally, backup boxes. See Master Services Description for more information. If there is no host box specified, the SIP-based load balancing is not available to the system.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set host-box cluster box 1

group: Associates the file mirroring process with a VRRP group. Enter the number of a previously configured vrrp group. See Master Services in VRRP Configurations for a complete explanation.

Default: 0 (no grouping association)

Example: set group 1

file-mirror-directory: Identifies the location of the directory on the local disk to which the system writes the files. Supply an absolute path name.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set file-mirror-directory /cxc_common/mirror1

preempt: Secondary property. Specifies whether the master service should retake the mastership if it has gone down and then returned to operation. If set to true, the master resumes its position. If set to false, the backup service retains master control.

Default: false
Values: true | false

Example: set preempt true

takeover-timer-value: Secondary property. Specifies the number of milliseconds that the master service stays in ”awaiting takeover” mode at boot time. When a box boots, each hosted master service waits for this period of time to determine if any existing boxes in the cluster are already running that service before assuming mastership.

Default: 1000

Example: set takeover-timer-value 2000


Configures the system write all mirrored files to a backup server. With the specified frequency, the system writes all files contained in the file-mirror file-mirror-directory to the path specified. This is not a synchronization operation, it is strictly backup. Assuming the file transfer to the backup server was successful, the system does not attempt another transfer until the specified interval.


config master-services file-mirror external-backup


admin: Enables or disables the configuration for the off-box backup.

Default: enabled 
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set admin disabled

url: Identifies the location of the backup server to which the system backs up the files. Supply an absolute path name.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set file-mirror-directory /cxc_common/mirror1

refresh: Specifies the frequency with which the system writes files to the backup server. See Setting Time and Time Intervals for information on entry format requirements.

Default: 15 minutes
Values: Min: 1 minute / Max: 14 days

Example: set refresh 10:00


Sets the route server master service, which manages the server process. The master service handles requests from local or remote ME devices or route server definitions. When presented with a request from the SIP process, the master service responds as follows, depending on the configuration:

  • The master service retrieves one or more routes from the local (to the cluster) route server. This is the result if the session configuration authorization object is set to Local.

  • The master service sends a Diameter request to retrieve the route(s) from the configured remote route server. This is the result if the session configuration authorization object is set to Diameter.

  • The master service sends a request to an external policy service. This is the result if the session configuration authorization object is set to WSDL.

When multiple routes are returned, the dial-plan arbiter, if configured, resolves the best route.

The application can be configured in two ways: either intracluster or intercluster. Each has different configuration requirements, described below. Note that because the ME propagates route server rate table updates to backup boxes, you do not need to configure the file-mirror service for it.

See the Oracle Communications OS-E Session Services Configuration Guide for information on installing and implementing the route server import client, a web application that imports routes into the database.


config master-services route-server


admin: Enables or disables the route-server master service on the system.

Default: enabled 
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set admin disabled

host-box: Specifies the master box on which route server is run and, optionally, backup boxes. See Master Services Description for more information. If there is no host box specified, there is no route-server.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set host-box cluster box 1

group: Associates the route server process with a VRRP group. Enter the number of a previously configured vrrp group. See Master Services in VRRP Configurations for a complete explanation.

Default: 0 (no grouping association)

Example: set group 1

preempt: Secondary property. Specifies whether the master service should retake the mastership if it has gone down and then returned to operation. If set to true, the master resumes its position. If set to false, the backup service retains master control.

Default: false
Values: true | false

Example: set preempt true

takeover-timer-value: Secondary property. Specifies the number of milliseconds that the master service stays in ”awaiting takeover” mode at boot time. When a box boots, each hosted master service waits for this period of time to determine if any existing boxes in the cluster are already running that service before assuming mastership.

Default: 1000

Example: set takeover-timer-value 2000

max-routes: Secondary property. Specifies the maximum number of route entries that can be imported from the rate table to the route server database. The available range for this property is determined by license restrictions.

Default: automatic
Values: automatic | integer

Example: set max-routes 100000

client-request-sender: Describes who sends requests to the route-server.

Default: only-master
  • Values: only-master: The request goes from the route-server master in the client cluster.

  • local-host-box: The host must be listed as a host-box for route-server master-service.

Example: set client-request-sender local-host-max

simple-updates: This parameter allows users to run controlled updates only without the possibility of running a simple update accidentally. When disabled and a simple update is executed, the user receives the error, ”Only controlled updates are permitted by config.”

Default: enabled 
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set simple-updates disabled


This object configures route-server tables.


config master-services route-server table-config


table: Enter the name of the table you are creating.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set table table5

description: A brief description of the table you are creating.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set description 1000-1050

filename: Enter the name of the file containing the routes for this table.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set filename /routes


Opens the mechanism for setting the interval at which the ME samples operational aspects of the system for, either, display in the ME Management System or for sending to an IBM Tivoli server. By setting sampling for a status provider, you can view data for that provider over a specified period of time. The ME supports two sampling targets: a Postgres SQL database and an IBM tivoli server. Set the provider data sent to the target using the status and provider objects.

When you execute a status-provider command from the CLI, the system just displays the results of the request at the time it was issued. Once you have enabled sampling, the master service stores the samples in its local database. You can you can select a status provider underneath Trends in the Status tab when using the ME Management System. The GUI trends graphs pull data from the database on the sampling master service box to display a time series graph of the results. Changes to the interval setting in the sampling subobjects do not effect the CLI results.


If you have limited storage space, disable this feature if you are not using it. Otherwise, polling data is continuously written to the status database.

Configuring Summary Statistics for Display

There are certain status providers that require the sampling master service in order to report data.For example, the configuration required to display data for the show sip-summary-by-box (and related, show sip-summary-rates-by-box) involves the following:

  1. Enable this master service (sampling). This begins collection of the relevant data.

  2. Add a database target.

  3. Select the sip-summary-by-box provider. Set the interval for this provider to a very short period (minimum allowed is 30 seconds).


config master-services sampling


admin: Enables or disables status sampling on the system. In order to view the Trends graphs in the ME Management System, you must enable the sampling master service.

Default: enabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set admin disabled

host-box: Specifies the master box on which status sampling is run and, optionally, backup boxes. See Master Services Description for more information. If there is no host box specified, there is no sampling.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set host-box cluster box 1

group: Associates the status sampling process with a VRRP group. Enter the number of a previously configured vrrp group. See Master Services in VRRP Configurations for a complete explanation.

Default: 0 (no grouping association)

Example: set group 1

preempt: Secondary property. Specifies whether the master service should retake the mastership if it has gone down and then returned to operation. If set to true, the master resumes its position. If set to false, the backup service retains master control.

Default: false
Values: true | false

Example: set preempt true

takeover-timer-value: Secondary property. Specifies the number of milliseconds that the master service stays in ”awaiting takeover” mode at boot time. When a box boots, each hosted master service waits for this period of time to determine if any existing boxes in the cluster are already running that service before assuming mastership.

Default: 1000

Example: set takeover-timer-value 2000


Configures the ME to communicate with the IBM Tivoli server and to use it as a target for sampling data. (You can also send data to the local database.) The Tivoli server provide sampling status and event information to the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Manager. This information includes call information (e.g., call volumes and arrival rates, active calls, failed calls, etc.), network QoS (calculated Mean Opinion Score, Post-Dial Delay, Answer-Seize Ratio, Average Call Duration), and unit and cluster status (e.g., CPU usage, interface availability, etc.). The collected status and event information can be viewed and monitored using the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Portal desktop client.


config master-services sampling tivoli hostName


admin: Sets the administrative status of the IBM Tivoli server configuration.

Default: enabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set admin disabled

protocol: Specifies the protocol the Tivoli server uses to communicate with the system.

Default: tcp
Values: tcp | udp

Example: set protocol udp

port: Specifies the port number over which the system communicates with the Tivoli server.

Default: 7500

Example: set port 9650


Configures a database for status sampling collection. When enabled, the local database is a target for sampling data. Setting these properties has no effect on other database activities (i.e., log or system databases). This data is then available as a time-series graph in the Trends section of the ME Management System Status tab.


config master-services sampling database


admin: Sets the administrative status of the local status database. When enabled, the system collects data from all status providers configured under this object.

Default: enabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set admin disabled

duration: Specifies the number of days for which the system keeps collected provider data.

Default: 7

Example: set duration 5


Configures, through its subobjects, the status providers that report to the parent target. You can enable and disable the configuration through this object. There is one status object per target.


config master-services sampling tivoli hostName status
config master-services sampling database status




Selects which providers to collect data from and defines the time period for which the system displays status provider statistics. This data is then available as a time-series graph in the Trends section of the ME Management System Status tab (if the target is database) or sent to the tivoli server.

The following table describes each provider available for configuration through the status object and, if applicable, the Trend graph in which the system displays the information. The property options are the same for each.

Table 24-1 Available Providers

provider object (show command) Reports... Trend graph (database target only)


...packet and error rates for each configured Ethernet interface.



...interface throughput statistics over various time intervals.



...usage and failure rates for each process running on the box.



...carrier, exchange, server, trunk, as well as usage statistics.

tivoli only


...the peer, associated server, and aggregate load for each server that participates in load balancing.

tivoli only


...gateway(s) and associated swith(es), as well as configuration and usage statistics.

tivoli only


...CPU utilization statistics over various time intervals.



...the number of times each word list or URL list has triggered a policy.



....counters and values relevant to the SIP process. This is a base status class that is used by other status providers to calculate differential counters. See Configuring Summary Statistics for Display for configuration information.



...packets sent and received. Also displays total calls (both admitted and rejected) and active calls.




...current and peak calls, calls in flight, active calls dropped, and in-flight calls dropped.





...current TLS calls, as well as peak statistics for TLS calls, calls dropped, calls in-flight and, in-flight calls dropped.



...maximum and average session duration.



...total received and declined registrations.



...the number of registrations aborted (AORs challenged, those delegated to an upstream server due to lack of SIP server response, and those AORs initially unable to register because of too many concurrent requests).



...the number of registrations that were discarded, declined, or rejected.



...the number of times the DOS transport policy has been triggered.



...the number of times the DOS SIP policy has been triggered.



...the number of times the DOS URL policy has been triggered.



config master-services sampling tivoli hostName status provider
config master-services sampling database status provider


admin: Specifies whether CPU usage statistics are stored for the specified provider in the target.

Default: disabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set admin enabled

interval: Defines how often the system polls the status provider for data. Once queried, the system writes the data to the status database. The data is kept (and displayed) for the amount of time set in the duration property of the target configuration. The interval property is required.

The system interprets the interval you enter from right to left, allowing you to enter only part of the time string. For example:

  • 30=30 seconds

  • 1:30=90 seconds

  • 1:00:00=one hour

To enter a number of days, enter the number and the keyword days, and optionally, the time string. Enclose the entry in quotation marks.

Default: 1:00:00 (one hour)

Example: set interval ”5 days 12:00:00”


Enables integration between Microsoft OCS and third-party call control (3PCC) servers (e.g., BroadWorks, Cisco Call Manager and Avaya AES). The ME communicates with OCS using CSTA-over-SIP. (CSTA is a protocol used by OCS to communicate call state information, which can then be reflected in user presence status.) The ME communicates with the 3PCC servers using OCI (BroadWorks) or JTAPI (Cisco and Avaya). See Configuring Third-Party Call Control Server Objects, for information on configuring the servers.


config master-services jtapi


admin: Enables and disables the system third-party call control master service.

Default: enabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set admin disabled

host-box: Specifies the master box on which 3PCC services run and, optionally, backup boxes. See Master Services Description for more information. If there is no host box specified, no directory services can run.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set host-box cluster box 1

group: Associates the 3PCC service with a VRRP group. Enter the number of a previously configured vrrp group. See Master Services in VRRP Configurations for a complete explanation.

Default: 0 (no grouping association)

Example: set group 1

preempt: Secondary property. Specifies whether the master service should retake the mastership if it has gone down and then returned to operation. If set to true, the master resumes its position. If set to false, the backup service retains master control.

Default: false
Values: true | false

Example: set preempt true

takeover-timer-value: Secondary property. Specifies the number of milliseconds that the master service stays in ”awaiting takeover” mode at boot time. When a box boots, each hosted master service waits for this period of time to determine if any existing boxes in the cluster are already running that service before assuming mastership.

Default: 1000

Example: set takeover-timer-value 2000


The available-memory object allows you to enable a sampling interval for the ME to check the available memory.


config master-services sampling database status available-memory


admin: Enables or disables the ME checking the available memory.

Default: enabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set admin disabled

interval: Defines how often the ME polls the status provider for data.

Default: 1:00:00 (one hour)
Values: Min : 30 / Max: 1036800

Example: set interval 100


Configures sampling for the SIP server load status.


config master-services sampling database status cluster-server-load


admin: Enables or disables the status sampling configuration.

Default: enabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set admin disabled

interval: Defines how often the ME polls the status provider for data. The minimum polling time is 30 seconds.

Default: 1:00:00 (one hour)

Example: set interval 1:45:00


Configures sampling for currently active calls.


config master-services sampling database status active-calls


admin: Enables or disables the status sampling configuration.

Default: enabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set admin disabled

interval: Defines how often the ME polls the status provider for data. The minimum polling time is 30 seconds.

Default: 1:00:00 (one hour)

Example: set interval 1:30:00


Configures event service settings for the event core. The event core manages the distribution of events emitted from the ME. The event core sorts events into their specified channels and into a queue so they can be replayed by clients as needed.

Within the event core, there is a process known as garbage collection. Based on the configuration, garbage collection periodically scans all event channels and reclaims the oldest forwarded events, moving them back to available system memory.


config master-services events


admin: Enables or disables the configuration that selects a master directory service.

Default: enabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set admin disabled

host-box: Defines the primary ME for the service. This references the cluster > box object. You can configure this property for as many box objects you have set to configure backup MEs in the event that the primary ME fails. The first host-box listed in the configuration serves as the primary host for the directory service.

Default: cluster box 1

Example: set host-box cluster box 2

group: Associates the master service with a VRRP group. If one interface of a VRRP pair is down, the group is considered down. If a service is associated with that group, the box hosted the downed VRRP pair stops the service and the backup box then restarts it. Enter the number of a previously configured VRRP group.

Default: 0
Values: Min: 0 / Max: 32

Example: set group 5

preempt: Secondary property. Specifies whether this master service should retake the mastership if it has gone down and then returned to operation. When true, the master resumes its position. When false, the backup service retains master control The setting applies to all master services, although only affects a service if that service becomes unavailable.

Default: false
Values: true | false

Example: set preempt true

takeover-timer-value: Secondary property. Specifies the number of milliseconds that this master service stays in ”awaiting takeover” mode at boot time. When an ME boots, each hosted master service waits for this period of time to determine if any existing MEs in the cluster are already running that service before assuming mastership.

Default: 1000
Values: Min: 0 / Max: 4294967296

Example: set takeover-timer-value 2000

settings: Secondary property. Configures the settings for starting this process.


Configures the settings for starting the event core process.


config master-services events settings


channel-queue-size: Indicates the maximum number of events the ME can store for each channel.

Default: 256
Values: Min: 16 / Max: 2048

Example: set channel-queue-size 350

channel-queue-high-water: Secondary property. Enter the maximum number of worker threads all allotted to reclaim forwarded events.

Default: 224
Values: Min: 16 / Max: 2048

Example: set channel-queue-high-water 250

legacy-event-queue-size: Secondary property. Enter the maximum number of events lacking an associated channel held by the ME for forwarding.

Default: 2048
Values: Min: 32 / Max: 32768

Example: set legacy-event-queue-size 3045

max-channels: Enter the maximum number or active channels allowed at any given time.

Default: 32768
Values: Min: 1024 / Max: 54288

Example: set max-channels 50000

garbage-collection-interval: Enter the number of seconds the ME waits between garbage collection sweeps.

Default: 60
Values: Min: 0 / Max: 86400

Example: set garbage-collection-interval 75

gargabe-collection-reclaim: Secondary property. Enter the maximum percent of channel-queue-size the ME can reclaim per sweep.

Default: 25
Values: Min: 10 / Max: 100

Example: set garbage-collection-reclaim 50

garbage-collection-channel-min-idle: Secondary property. Enter the minimum time, in seconds, before an empty channel is reclaimed.

Default: 0 (the channel is reclaimed immediately)
Values: Min: 0 / Max: 3600

Example: set garbage-collection-channel-min-idle 150