26 Configuring Messaging Objects

Messaging is the mechanism NN2600 uses to communicate among boxes. By configuring messaging, you are setting up a listening socket on an interface. This enables the interface to receive messaging traffic and participate in clustering and media partnering.

In clustering, the master box in a cluster looks through the configurations of all drones to find which interface each drone is using for messaging. (If multiple interfaces are configured, the master only communicates with one: the first it finds.) The master then communicates with the identified interface to share configuration and data. See Configuring Cluster, Box, and Interface Objects for more information.

In media partnering, you configure a specific IP address (on a different box) as a partner. On the box that houses that address, you would need to configure and enable messaging in order for partnering to work. See the cluster media-partners object for more information.


Configures and enables messaging for the specified interface. Messaging provides the mechanism for the ME media partners and clustering capabilities.


The protocol, port, and certificate set within this object must match the values set for these properties in the cluster>media-partner>partner object. If they do not match, the systems will not be able to communicate.


config cluster box number interface ethX ip name messaging
config cluster box number interface ethX vlan number ip name messaging
config box interface ethX ip name messaging
config box interface ethX vlan number ip name messaging


admin: Sets the administrative state of the messaging configuration. When disabled, the parameters of messaging can still be configured, but the interface cannot participate in media partnering or clustering.

Default: enabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set admin disabled

protocol: Specifies the protocol the interface uses to communicate between systems.

Default: tcp
Values: tcp | tls

Example: set protocol tls

port: Identifies the Ethernet port through which the system listens for messaging sessions.

Default: 5132
Values: Min: 1 / Max: 65535

Example: set port 13333

certificate: Assigns the certificate that must be presented to participate in message exchanges if TLS is used as the protocol. Enter a reference to a previously configured certificate.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set certificate vsp tls certificate nnos-e.companyA.com