30 Configuring Preferences Objects

The preferences configuration object allows you to set operational preferences for the ME. The preferences object allows you to add user-defined enumeration strings to the selection of default strings that exist in the ME configuration file. When editing objects that use enumeration strings (policy predicates, for example), the ME presents both the default strings and those that you have added.


Although you can add enumeration strings in the CLI, they are only available through the ME Management System.


Opens the references configuration object from which you can set specific operations for the ME.


config preferences


gui-preferences: Allows you to configure user-defined enumeration strings to the selection of default strings that exist in the ME configuration file.

click-to-call: Configures click-to-call application profiles.


Adds user-defined enumeration strings to the selection of default strings that exist in the ME configuration file. When editing objects that use enumeration strings (policy predicates, for example), the ME presents both the default strings and those that you have added.

Use this object to add objects configured in other applications, for example in SIP extensions, to the ME configuration file. Often the extensions contain components that could be useful for defining policy rules. By adding the enumeration strings to the configuration file through this object, the system ”remembers” the string so that you can easily use it as a building block in your definitions.

Although you can add strings with this object, the strings will not be available for use from the CLI. They are only available from the GUI. You can confirm that the strings have been added, however, through the show object, as shown in the example. In addition, the action of this object occurs automatically in the GUI. If you enter a unique string in one of the categories, the ME Management System automatically retains that string in the configuration.


config preferences gui-preferences


enum-string: Adds an entry to the list of displayed entries of the specified type. Type a question mark at the command line to see a list of available types.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set enum-strings timezone homeDST

reverse-dns: Specifies whether the system should make reverse DNS lookups.

Default: false
Values: true | false

Example: set reverse-dns true

trap-poll-interval: Specifies how often the system checks for new traps. When a trap is detected, it is forward to the trap targets configured with the snmp object.

Default: 10
Values: Min: 1 / Max: 65535

Example: set trap-poll-interval 15

phone-path-map: Maps a phone type to the web configuration URL (if it has one). In the Tools section of the ME Management System, the Phone Registration allows you to click on the IP for a phone and the system dispatches to the vendor phone configuration URL.

This property configures the link to the web configuration URL, which is useful in cases where the configuration is not at the top most level. For example, if the phone IP address is, the web configuration application may be found at or it may be at

The phone path map allows the administrator to supply an additional path to the web configuration or turn it off completely. For example, if you have a specific Cisco phone of the type CSCO/7, you can add a map entry of type CSCO/7 and then either turn off the configuration altogether or provide an additional path so that the Configure Phone link will go to for that type of phone.

Enter a phone type, whether you want web configuration enabled (set to true if the phone type has management), and the URL for the web configuration page.

Default: There is no default setting
Values: phone-type true URL | phone-type false URL

Example: set phone-path-map csco/7 true

show-unlicensed-features: Sets whether the system displays all features or only those licensed for a system. If set to true, the system displays all features. For those that are not licensed, the system displays ”Available with upgrade.” When set to false, the unlicensed option is not displayed.

Default: true
Values: true | false

Example: set show-unlicensed-features false

more-than-one-session-in-call: Secondary property. Sets the system to group sessions in a call based on the call ID. When set to false, the default, the system does not group sessions and performance is improved. Set to true to configure the call logs sessions search in the ME to look for more than one session in a call.

Default: false
Values: true | false

Example: set more-than-one-session-in-call true

channel: Secondary property. Swaps the display of several visual elements within the ME. By selecting one of the preconfigured channels, you change the ME display of logo and certain text to reflect the changes implemented for that channel. The default is none, which displays the ME images. Do not change this property unless you have reason to display different channel indicators.

Default: none
Values: none | name

Example: set channel nortel

max-config-list-size: Secondary property. Specifies the maximum number of items to display in a configuration list (for example, lists of interfaces or configuration pool entries). When a list contains more items than the number set here, no items of that type are shown in the configuration tree. Instead, they can be displayed on a separate page with paging and search capabilities. The tree contains a link to that page.

Default: 100
Values: Min: 10 / Max: 1000

Example: set max-config-list-size 500

default-call-log-search: Secondary property. Controls the initial display that results from clicking the Call Logs tab in the ME Web. If enabled, when the tab is clicked the system displays the Sessions page, which lists all sessions in the database for all users. When disabled, the database entries are not loaded; the page is blank with the links available on the left. You can then click the Sessions link to display the database.

Default: enabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set default-call-log-search disabled

display-oem-documentation: Secondary property. When disabled, the Documentation link is not shown on the home page and the Web services portal display only shows a message indicating that no documentation is available. This property only works when the channel property is set to something other than none.

Default: disabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set display-oem-documentation enabled

display-home-page: Secondary property. When disabled, the home page links at the left side of the web UI page are not displayed. This property only works when the channel property is set to something other than none.

Default: enabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set display-home-page disabled

display-footer: Secondary property. When disabled, footers are not displayed when the Status, Call Logs, Event Logs, and Tools tabs are selected. This property only works when the channel property is set to something other than none.

Default: enabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set display-footer disabled


Sets the display page that appears when you either launch the ME or click on the Home tab from within the ME. You can set the summary display for both box and cluster displays.


config preferences gui-preferences summary-preferences




Sets the content of the summary page that displays in the ME when you choose ”Cluster” in the Get summary for: pull-down. By default, the ME displays status summary for all choices. When you set cluster-summary-preference, the ME overwrites the selection of all status summaries with only the cluster-summary-preference you entered. To add additional status summaries, re-execute the command. The order in which you enter the preferences is the order in which they are displayed on the ME status summary page. If you delete all your entries, the ME returns to the default and displays all cluster status summaries. If your box is not part of a cluster, only the box-addresses and box-summary choices are available.

The following table describes each cluster-summary-preference option:

Table 30-1 Cluster-Summary-Preference Options

Select... To display...


the IP address for each configured box in the cluster.


the IP address, administrative state, and build information for each configured (physical) box in the cluster.


the configured host, if applicable, for each master service.


the operational state and configuration of VRRP interfaces, helping to determine interface status to more easily troubleshooting cluster problems.


config preferences gui-preferences summary-preferences cluster-summary-preferences {box-addresses | box-summary | master-services | active-vrrp-interfaces}


Sets the content of status summary page that displays in the ME when you choose ”Box” in the Get summary for pull-down. By default, the ME displays status summary for all choices. When you set box-summary-preference, The ME overwrites the selection of all status summaries with only the box-summary-preference you entered. To add additional status summaries, re-execute the command. The order in which you enter the preferences is the order in which they are displayed on the The ME status summary page. If you delete all your entries, the ME returns to the default and displays all box status summaries.

The following table describes each box-summary-preference option:

Table 30-2 Box-Summary-Preference Options

Select... To display...


the IP address, administrative state, and build information for the box. Links on the page provide access to interface, process, and sensor information.


the list of master services hosted on the selected box.


system uptime since the last reboot.


CPU utilization statistics over the time frame specified for that status provider. Links on the page provide access to memory and alert data.


the total number of client bindings stored in the registration table, broken down into ignored, terminated, and declined registrations. A link on the page displays the total number of entries in the location cache.


the call counts of active, dropped, and total calls, as well as a link to display call trends.


the average and maximum call duration, as well as a link for a session duration trend graph.


a count of entries in the location cache and location bindings table.


config preferences gui-preferences summary-preferences box-summary-preferences {box-status | master-services | up-time | system-info | registration-info | call-info | call-duration | location-info}


Sets the values that will cause the display in the ME Web Call Logs' Monitored URIs link to display in red, highlighting that call performance has crossed the set threshold. The Monitored URIs link executes and then displays the results of the QoS loopback monitoring tests.


config preferences gui-preferences monitored-calls-thresholds


mos-threshold: Sets the value below which the Mean Opinion Score (MOS) result triggers notification. MOS is a subjective measurement and an ”opinion” of the audio quality heard by the listener on a phone. The MOS measurement reveals the call quality from 1 (pure noise) to 5 (pure fidelity).

Default: 4.0

Example: set mos-threshold 4.2

latency-threshold: Sets the value above which the result of the QoS loopback monitoring test triggers notification. Latency is defined as the delay in getting RTP packets from the system to the endpoint (e.g., phone).

Default: 400

Example: set latency-threshold 500

jitter-threshold: Sets the highest allowable packet variation (jitter) allowed on a call. When the jitter exceeds this configured threshold, the system highlights the results.

Default: 60

Example: set jitter-threshold 45

packets-dropped-percent-threshold: Sets the maximum percentage of dropped packets allowed. When the percentage of packets dropped exceeds the configured threshold, the system highlights the results. The number of packets sent is determined by the type and duration set in the loopback action.

Default: 20

Example: set packets-dropped-percent-threshold 15


Manages the display of the call detail record fields in the ME Web. See the Oracle Communications OS-E Session Services Configuration Guide for a description of each field.


config preferences gui-preferences accounting-calls-preference




Sets the fields to display on the Accounting Calls page of the ME Web Call Logs page. By default, fields are displayed in the order in which they are entered. To change the order, use the CLI move command or the arrows within the ME Web listing. If you do not configure this property, the ME displays Setup Time, Type, Method, From, To, Call ID, and the calculated MoS score on the source leg. To view all accounting fields for a call, click the Call Record link for the call on the Accounting Calls page.

To configure this object, re-execute the object for each column you want displayed.


config preferences gui-preferences accounting-calls-thresholds select columnName




Manages the display and/or order of tabs in the ME Web. See the ME: Using the Management Tools for a description of each tab.


config preferences gui-preferences tab-order




Sets the tabs to display in the ME Web. By default, and with full permissions, the following tabs are displayed:

  • Home

  • Configuration

  • Status

  • CallLogs

  • EventLogs

  • Actions

  • Service

  • Keys

  • Access

  • Tools

  • Portal

If you do not see all of these tabs, it is probably because access to that capability is turned off.

Note that you must re-execute this object for each tab you want displayed. For example, if you execute only once, supplying Actions as the tabName, the Actions tab will be the only tab visible after you save the configuration. To re-order the tabs put continue to display them all, you must execute the object 11 times.


config preferences gui-preferences tab-order web-tab tabName




Configures click-to-call application profiles. These profiles are then referenced with the web-services > application property. The click-to-call function is reserved for demonstration use only.


config preferences click-to-call


record: Specifies whether to record the transaction. If disabled, the system has a record of the call but does not retain the content. The system applies the session configuration referenced in the dont-record-entry property. When enabled, the system records the call, which you can then view through the ME Call Logs, and applies the session configuration referenced in the record-entry property.

Default: enabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set record disabled

phone-to-call: Specifies the address of record to which the system is dialing out.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set phone-to-call sip:5555555432@

record-entry: References a session configuration to apply if the record property is set to enabled.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set

dont-record-entry: References a session configuration to apply if the record property is set to disabled.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set dont-record-entry ”vsp session-config-pool-entry entry dont-record-click”