32 Configuring Processes Objects

The processes objects allow you to configure memory allocation settings on a per-process basis. The settings in these objects should not be modified unless specifically instructed to do so by Oracle Technical Support personnel.

When the system boots, the ME tallies the amount of physical memory in the system and scales each processes heap based on that total.


Opens the processes object, from where you specify memory configuration settings for each process.


config box processes
config cluster box number processes




Sets memory allocations for each specified process. When opening this object, specify the name of the process for which you would like to modify the parameters. Enter a process type to open this object. Type a question mark at the command line to display possible process types.


Do not change these settings without explicit instructions to do so from Technical Support.The process configuration settings are dynamic. If the ME runs out of memory in one of the heaps, you can change the configuration and the ME expands the heap. If you make a value smaller than the current heap size, the MEdoes not free any memory, but future allocation attempts fail.

When setting the heap sizes, you select either the default value, a maximum, or a specific value. You can display the current values with the show system-heap command.

The following table shows the available heap sizes:

Table 32-1 Available Heap Sizes

Setting Definition


The ME calculates default values at boot time, based on the total amount of memory available to the system.


There is no limit to the heap size; the ME is free to use all the memory available on the process.


The ME limits the heap size to the specific value you enter. Enter the keyword value and the number of megabytes to assign.


config box processes process processName
config cluster box number processes process processName


system-heap-init: Specifies the initial amount of memory that the system reserves for a process.

Default: default
Values: default | max | value megabytes 8-3072

Example: set system-heap-init value 2048

system-heap-locked: Do not modify this value unless told to do so by Technical Support. Specifies the amount of memory that should be locked. A value of 0 configures the system to lock no memory. Locked memory cannot be swapped out by the Linux kernel.

Default: disabled
Values: enabled | enabled megabytes

Example: set system-heap-locked enabled 128

system-heap-shring-interval: Specifies how often in minutes the system checks the system heap to see if any memory can be returned to the operating system. A value of 0, the default, specifies that the system not make that check.

Default: 60
Values: Min: 0 / Max: 1440

Example: set system-heap-shrink-interval 90

pools-shrink-interval: Specifies in minutes how often the system checks its memory pools to see if any memory can be returned to the system heap. A value of 0, the default, specifies that the system not make that check.

Default: 10
Values: Min: 0 / Max: 1440

Example: set pool-shrink-interval 45

tls-heap-max: Specifies the portion of the system-heap-max that is used for TLS processing. If set to default, the maximum TLS heap size is calculated based on the value of the max-number-of-tls property in the vsp configuration.

Default: There is no default setting
Values: default | max | value megabytes 8-3072

Example: set tls-heap-max 512