34 Configuring Routing Objects

The route object allows you to manually create static IP routes to destination networks and hosts (routers) connected to the Internet. A static route provide a constant route to a specific network or host router. This static route takes precedence over dynamically learned routes and is not overwritten by dynamic routing protocols (such as RIP and OSPF) running in your network.

ME uses a static route when its routing table does not have a route to other devices in the network. By defining a default route, the ME can send traffic to other devices in the network even if you do not define any other routes. You configure static routes for each IP interface that would benefit from the functionality.


Opens the routing configuration object for editing. The routing object allows you access to the object that creates one or more static routes that are added to the system routing table.


On a public IP interface:

config cluster box integer interface ethX ip name routing 
config cluster vrrp vinterface vxID ip name routing
config cluster box integer interface ethX vlan integer ip name routing 
config box interface ethX ip name routing 
config box interface ethX vlan integer ip name routing 




Adds to or edits a static route in the system routing table. These static routes provide a constant route to a destination host (router) or destination network that connects to the public Internet. Or, when creating a static route within a virtual firewall, you are creating entries that configure the ME to be able to reach subnets within the private network. For any static route you configure, you also define the local router or gateway as the next-hop router to the destination. You can also configure a gateway for a default route; this is the route the ME uses when no other entries match the destination.

The ME uses the route configuration to determine how to resolve destination addresses. The match is always on the most specific address available. Use the show routing command to display the ME routing table.

Enter a name for the route. This name appears in the routing table display. You can create as many static routes as you wish, but each must be created in an individual route object.


On a public IP interface:

config cluster box integer interface ethX ip name routing route name
config cluster box integer interface ethX vlan integer ip name routing route name
config cluster vrrp vinterface vxID ip name routing route name
config box interface ethX ip name routing route name
config box interface ethX vlan integer ip name routing route name


admin: Enables or disables this route configuration.

Default: enabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set admin disabled

destination: Identifies the destination address that this object represents. You must also configure a corresponding gateway for the route. The system resolves the destination to the gateway you specify. Destination network and host addresses are added to the system routing table.

If a destination does not match any other route in the routing table, the system uses the default route ( and its corresponding gateway. The default route directs any data addressed to any network numbers that are not explicitly contained in the routing table.

Without a gateway configured, this value is not functional.

Default: default
  • Values: network: An IP address and mask to match the destination network

  • host: A host IP address

  • default: Creates

Example: set destination network

gateway: Sets the gateway or next hop IP address for the packet.


Example: set gateway

metric: Associates a cost with the static route that the system adds to its services route and route DB tables. The lower the metric the more preferred the route. The system chooses the more preferred route when there are multiple interfaces available on the same network.

Default: 1
Values: Min: 0 / Max: 4294967295

Example: set metric 10