42 Configuring Settings Objects

The settings object controls advanced settings for a VSP. These are properties that you typically would not need to modify.


Sets a variety of VSP parameters. These are advanced settings that do not typically need modification. You can configure basic VSP parameters using the vsp object.

Default Plan Types For SIP Messages

Each SIP message type uses, by default, either a dial-plan or a registration-plan or no plan to determine how to handle matching messages. You can overwrite most default plan types for a given message using the sip-message-plan property. The settings that you establish with this property take precedence over the settings in the apply-to-method property of the dial- or registration-plan. Note that you cannot change the plan types for REGISTER or INVITE messages.

The following table lists the default plan types

Table 42-1 Default Plan Types

SIP message type Plan type

































It is important to note that if you change the plan type for a message type, you must also update the applicable components of the plan through the apply-to-methods property. For example, NOTIFY uses a registration-plan by default. If you change it to use a dial-plan, you must modify the apply-to-methods property for normalization, source-normalization, arbiter, route, and/or source-route within the dial-plan to include NOTIFY as a method to which to apply the plan.


config vsp settings


accounting-anonymous-match: Specifies whether the system should modify the From header for accounting records. When accounting is enabled, if the From header of an INVITE message matches the specified regular expression, the system saves a different header URI value as the From header value in the Call Detail Record. This property works in conjunction with the remote-party-id-accounting property. If that property is enabled and there is a match to this property, the system uses the Remote-Party-ID as the From header; if disabled, the system uses the Contact header. Use this property in cases where some form of call blocking causes the From header to contain an anonymous or otherwise uninformative value.

Default: anonymous@localhost.^

Example: set accounting-anonymous-match *anonymous*

auto-server-failure-detection: Enables or disables automatic detection of server failure and failover using SIP signaling messages. If this setting is enabled, the system clones each SIP message for retransmission, supporting registration and call failover from one server to another. In addition, the success or failure of a transmission is dispatched to the server pool to update state information at each server. This overhead does limit call scalability. However, if this setting is disabled, the system cannot perform failover.

This setting is the master switch to enable this feature. You must also enable the feature for each intended server by setting the failover-detection property of the server object to auto, ping, or register.

Default: disabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set auto-server-failure-detection enabled

clear-binding-on-connection-broken: Specifies whether the system deletes bindings in the location cache when a TCP or TLS connection is not in a connected state. When enabled, the system removes the bindings; when disabled, the bindings remain.

Default: enabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set clear-binding-on-connection-broken disabled

connection-timeout: Sets the number of seconds that a SIP TLS or TCP connection can remain idle before the system closes it. Setting the value too low can cause the system to have to re-establish the connection frequently. A value of 0 disables the timeout function.

Default: 0 (disabled)
Values: Min: 0 / Max: 86400

Example: set connection-timeout 300

database-write: Sets whether data is written to the main database. If you disable this feature, the system writes nothing further to the database but previous records remain until they are cleaned out by the maintenance process. See the database object in Configuring Master Services Objects for more information on maintenance.

Default: enabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set database-write disabled

filter-mcs-authint-to-auth: Specifies whether the system changes the Quality of Protection (QOP) value, reducing the option to only auth (authentication). This value is used between Nortel clients and servers to define the level of authentication: auth and/or authentication with integrity (authint).

When enabled, the system replaces the authint value in the header with the value auth. If the header contained both auth and authint, the system simply removes authint. This allows the system to rewrite the message, which is necessary for anchoring calls. When disabled, the header is left unchanged, but the system cannot anchor calls.

Default: enabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set filter-mcs-authint-to-auth disabled

filter-mcs-force-IM-decrypt: Specifies whether the filter function modifies the Nortel header that specifies encryption. (Nortel encrypts all SIP payload by default.) When enabled, the system changes the header so that it informs the server not to re-encrypt the message when sending it to the far end. When disabled, the message is re-encrypted. However, the system cannot perform IM filtering on encrypted messages, so if you set it to disabled, IM filtering is disabled as a result.

Default: enabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set filter-mcs-force-IM-decrypt disabled

filter-mcs-independent-header-schemes: Determines how the system modifies the To and From headers of the SIP message to allow compatibility with MCS (which does not currently support SIPS). As a result, the system is required to convert the ”sips:” portion of header to ”sip:” before delivering to MCS and then must restore the scheme for messages (of all types) returned to SIP clients.

If this property is enabled, the system restores the scheme part of the URI in both the To: and From: headers from the state saved in the header parameters in the message itself. If disabled, the system restores the scheme based on the type of tunnel connecting it to the client (TLS or non-TLS).

Default: disabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set filter-mcs-independent-header-schemes enabled

filter-mcs-rewrite-ping-contact-hdr: Specifies whether the Nortel MCS filter in the system rewrites the PING contact header. When enabled, the system changes the contact header to report the client-visible public IP address instead of the client-side address of the system. This is useful if the client is behind a far-end NAT.

Default: disabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set filter-mcs-rewrite-ping-contact-hdr enabled

filter-mcs-site-failover-threshold: Sets the amount of time the system waits for a response to a SIP message before conducting a site failover. This property is used in network configurations that use redundant sites. When the system expects some activity from a site (for example, a response to a REGISTER), it allows this interval to pass before performing a DNS lookup to determine the new, redundant site.

Default: 240 seconds ( 4 minutes)

Example: set filter mcs-site-failover-threshold 300

filter-mcs-suppress-100rel: Specifies whether the system modifies the Nortel Supported Header field (requesting acknowledgement) in the SIP request. When enabled, the system removes the field, causing the far-end agent not to request a reliable response. When disabled, the system leaves the header field untouched.

Default: enabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set filter-mcs-suppress-100rel disabled

filter-lcs-input-remove-user-params: Enables or disables the LCS filter that strips User parameters from INVITES. By default (enabled), the system applies the LCS filter and strips the parameters. When disabled, the system leaves the user parameters in tact.

Default: enabled 
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set filter-lcs-input-remove-user-params disabled

filter-lcs-input-remove-record-route-hdrs: Specifies whether the system strips the Record-Route header from SIP messages. This setting is only applicable in configurations that are using messaging client tunnels (the system acts as a proxy between a messaging client and its native server). When enabled, the system strips the headers, when disabled, it leaves the message headers intact. Leave this setting at the default, enabled, for compatibility with LCS 2005.

Default: enabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set filter-lcs-input-remove-record-route-hdrs disabled

filter-lcs-input-remove-bye-ack-params: Sets the maximum number of days to store events in the external database. When the maximum number of days is reached, the local database is cleared and is restarted at the first day.

Default: enabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set filter-lcs-input-remove-bye-ack-params disabled

ignore-contact-on-ack: Specifies how the system updates call leg remote contact information. When enabled, the system does not update the call leg remote contact information from the contact header of the SIP message ACK. If disabled, the system uses information in the contact header of an ACK message to update the call leg remote contact field. Further, it uses that contact information when forwarding the future request message.

Default: disabled 
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set ignore-contact-on-ack enabled

location-cache-write-thru: Specifies when to flush modifications into the location database.

During the SIP process, location data is changed incrementally with each REGISTER and INVITE request. These incremental changes are saved in a location cache entry attached to the SIP message. If a new message has to access or modify the location data for the same AOR, the system transfers the cache copy, along with any previously modified data, to that new message. The cache copy persists from one message to another until a cache-holder message is destroyed. At that point, the cache copy is flushed into the location database.

When enabled, any modification to the location data is immediately flushed into the location database. When disabled, the system waits until the SIP message is destroyed.

Default: disabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set location-cache-write-thru enabled

sip-message-plan <sipMsgTypes>: Changes or assigns a plan type that the system uses for different SIP message types. These settings take precedence over the apply-to-method settings of the dial-plan or registration-plan. You can assign a plan type or no plan (none) to each message type. REGISTER requests always use the registration-plan and INVITEs always use the dial-plan; you cannot change these plan types. See Default Play Types for SIP Messages for a more complete explanation and important note.

Default: dial-plan
Values: none | dial-plan | registration

Example: set sip-message-plan NOTIFY dial-plan

request-line-routing: Determines whether message forwarding is done based on the To: header or the Request URI. If enabled, the system makes its forwarding decision based on the Request URI. If disabled, the system makes its forwarding decision based on the To: header.

Default: enabled 
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set request-line-routing disabled

calling-group-routing: Specifies whether to include calling-groups in the dial plan search criteria when determining how to forward a call. If enabled, the system applies the calling-group group match criteria. Incoming calls are checked to see if the IP address matches a calling group. If there is an IP match, the call is forwarded according to the routes configured under that calling group. If disabled, the system ignores any routes in the calling-groups configuration. Only the global dial-plan routes are searched when trying to route a call from a calling group.

Default: disabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set calling-group-routing enabled

resolve-routing-through-server-domain: For Technical Support use only. Do not enable this property without explicit instructions to do so.

max-options-retransmissions: Specifies the maximum number of times the system attempts to retransmit SIP OPTIONS messages at the transaction level. By default the system only transmits OPTIONS messages once, so that it can quickly detect failure. Set the value to a higher number of attempts to allow a longer time for successful OPTIONS response. Use the session config sip-settings > max-retransmission property to control retransmission of other message types.

Default: 1
Values: Min: 1 / Max: 32

Example: set max-options-retransmissions 20

max-udp-outbound-log: Sets the total number of log entries allowed. The system creates logs when you execute the sip > udp-log-on action. Use this option for debugging only.

Default: 30
Values: Min: 0 / Max: 30000

Example: set max-udp-outbound-log 150

options-forward: Specifies whether the system, when acting as a proxy, forwards OPTIONS messages to the UAS. When enabled, the system forwards the messages to the provider and returns the response to the SIP client (UAC). When disabled, the system does not forward OPTIONS messages.

Default: disabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set options-forward enabled

out-of-context-message-action <action>[resultCode][resultString]: Specifies the action to take upon receipt of a SIP message that is not affiliated with a current system session.

An out of context message is one that arrives at the system with a Call-ID different from that of any currently active session. If the arriving message is a request, and is of a method type that could start a new session (for example, INVITE, and in some cases MESSAGE, NOTIFY, SUBSCRIBE) then it is permitted. If the arriving message is a response message, or a request of a method type that can only occur within an already established session (for example, BYE, CANCEL, INFO), then it is labeled ”out of context” and the prescribed action is performed.

The result code can be 400-699.

Default: discard; if you select refuse, the default result code is 400
  • Values: Action options are:

  • allow: Allow the message to be processed, and possibly forwarded, by the system SIP stack.

  • discard: Discard out-of-context messages without a notification.

  • refuse: Discard the packet but send a response to indicate having done so. The response includes an error code and an optional description.

Example: set out-of-context-message-action refuse 481 ”bad callID”

out-of-context-message-media-cleanup: Specifies whether the system should tear down a media session that corresponds with an out of context message. When enabled, the system removes the session. See the out-of-context-message-action property for a description of that message type.

Default: enabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set out-of-context-message-media-cleanup disabled

preserve-3xx-contact: Specifies whether the NAT filter service on the system should modify the contact header in a 3xx response message when routing an outbound call. Normally (when disabled), the system resets the contact header to its own local IP address. When enabled, the NAT filter service makes no modification to the header. Note that the preserve-3xx-contact in the sip-settings object controls session-based change for the SIP stack.

Default: disabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set preserve-3xx-contact enabled

prune-associations: Specifies the event filter type and severity level for messages forwarded to the Tivoli server. Repeat the command to specify multiple event filters. See Using Filters with Event Log Messages for complete information.

Default: enabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set prune-associations disabled

pruning-interval: Specifies the frequency with which the system attempts to reclaim inactive associations.

Default: ­3600 (1 hour)
Values: Min: 1 / Max: 360000

Example: set pruning-interval 7200

read-header-max: Sets the maximum character length of the SIP header. This property provides buffer overflow control. If the maximum character length is exceeded, the message is discarded. Note that if the message arrived on a TCP or TLS socket (as opposed to UDP) the connection is also closed when the message is discarded.

Default: 4095
Values: Min: 64 / Max: 65535

Example: set read-header-max 1028

read-line-max: Sets the maximum character length for lines in the SIP message. This property provides buffer overflow control. If the maximum character length is exceeded, the entire message is discarded. If a message line has one or more continuation lines, the lengths of all these lines are added together.

Note that if the message arrived on a TCP or TLS socket (as opposed to UDP) the connection is also closed when the message is discarded.

Default: 2047
Values: Min: 64 / Max: 4095

Example: set read-line-max 800

read-message-max: Sets the maximum length of an entire message, including SIP header and SDP (Session Description Protocol) or other message body. This property provides buffer overflow control. If the maximum message length is exceeded, the message is discarded. Note that if the message arrived on a TCP or TLS socket (as opposed to UDP) the connection is also closed when the message is discarded.

Default: 32768
Values: Min: 64 / Max: 65535

Example: set read-message-max 65000

malformed-message-silent-drop: Specifies whether the system should drop malformed packets that arrive on a SIP port but do not pass SIP parsing. When enabled, the system drops messages identified by the kernel as malformed without sending them to the SIP process. When disabled, the malformed messages are sent to the SIP process, which may log a message, record the malformed message to the database for DOS pattern detection, or both, depending on other configuration settings.

Default: disabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set malformed-message-silent-drop enabled splittable-headers <header>: Specifies header handling when there are multiple instances of the same header type in a message. If you specify a header type with this property and multiple instances of that type are encountered in the message, the ME splits each instance onto a separate line. Multiple instances of a header type that is not specified here results in the ME combining all instances into a single, comma separated line. You can specify as many header types as necessary by re-executing the command. Note that the following headers are always split on to multiple lines, regardless of the configuration:

  • Contact

  • Record-Route

  • Route

  • Via

The following headers are always combined, regardless of the configuration:

  • Allow

  • Allow-Events

Default: disabled

Example: set splittable-headers Diversion

server-redirect-service: Specifies whether the system saves the per-AOR redirect state of a server to its location cache. The redirect server is an alternative server listed in the Contact field of a SIP response header. If this property is enabled, when the system delegates a REGISTER request to a server and gets a redirect response (301/302), it performs as follows:

  1. Saves the per-AOR redirect state of the server to the location cache for the AOR in concern.

  2. Changes the response to a 200OK and forwards it to the destination.

  3. Changes the expiration time for the register to a brief interval, causing the registering phone to reregister. When the REGISTER arrives, the system does a location cache lookup which reports the redirect state, and forwards the REGISTER to the new server.

If the system receives a call (instead of a REGISTER request) and either the To or From fields contain an AOR where the server known state is redirect, the system forwards the call to an alternative server if both of the following conditions are met:

  1. The ME has previously redirected the AOR associated with the From or To fields.

  2. A dial-plan lookup determines that the next-hop is a server whose state for the AOR is set to redirect.

If set to disabled, the system does not save the state information.

Default: disabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set server-redirect-service enabled

server-registration-balance: Sets registration load balancing on a global level. When enabled, all configured servers will participate in load-balancing of REGISTER requests. Balancing is done in proportion to the maximum number of requests allowed on each server (set by the server-pool-admission-control > max-number-of-registrations property).

Note that once a REGISTER has been forwarded to a particular server, all future messages intended for that AOR will be forwarded to the correct server.

Note that the registration-plan arbiter object, if it contains a registration-balance rule, takes precedence over this setting.

Default: disabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set server-registration-balance enabled

nnos-tunnel-creation: Specifies whether OC client-to-LCS server tunnels are configured via the sip interface or derived from the registration-plan. Set the property to registration-plan if you want to load balance across tunnels. See Configuring Load Balancing Across OC Client-to-LCX Server Tunnels for a complete description of the configuration requirements to complete tunnel load balancing.

Default: interface
Values: interface | registration-plan

Example: set nnos-tunnel-creation registration-plan

skip-via-transport-check: Specifies whether to ignore a mismatch in the Via header. Normally, the transport type (TCP, UDP, TLS) in the top Via header must match the transport protocol of the SIP message the system received. Use this property in cases where the client does not follow that structure. For example, the client message may have TCP in the top Via header, but actually the message was received from a TLS connection.

If set to disabled, when the system finds this kind of mismatch, it discards the message. If this property is enabled, the system does not perform the check, resulting in allowing the mismatch.

Default: disabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set skip-via-transport-check enabled

socket-receive-buffer-size: Specifies the kernel socket buffer size for the SIP stack: for receiving SIP messages. If the system reaches the buffer size, it informs the sender so that the sender can slow transmission.

Default: 1
Values: Min: 1 / Max: 64

Example: set socket-receive-buffer-size 2

sockets-idle-max: Sets the maximum number of seconds that a TCP connection can remain idle before closing the connection.

Every 10 seconds, the system scans all the open TCP connections. If idle TCP connections are found, and if those connections have been idle for at least the number of seconds specified by the sockets-idle-max parameter, the idle TCP connections are closed. If the value is set to 0 (the default), idle sockets can remain open indefinitely, as long as their resources are not needed for a new connection.

Default: 0
Values: Min: 0 / Max: 65535

Example: set lnp-record-directory /acme_common/lnp

sockets-idle-min: Sets the minimum number of seconds that can transpire before a TCP connection is officially declared idle and available for a new TCP connection (socket).

If a new TCP connection is opened, and if the total current open TCP connection count exceeds the limit specified by the sockets-per-box-max parameter setting, the system attempts to find an open connection that has been idle for at least the number of seconds specified by the sockets-idle-min property. If an idle TCP connection is found, the connection is closed and available for a new TCP connection.

If there are no TCP connections that have been idle for the specified number of seconds, none are closed. If the sockets-per-box limit is exceeded by more than 10, new connections are refused until some of the existing sessions have closed or have been declared idle.

Default: 5
Values: Min: 1 / Max: 65535

Example: set sockets-idle-min 10

sockets-initial-message-timeout: Sets the number of seconds the system waits for a valid SIP message, once a TCP or TLS connection is established. If the timer expires, the system disconnects the call.

Default: 5
Values: Min: 0 / Max: 600

Example: set sockets-initial-message-timeout 15

sockets-per-box-max: Sets the maximum number of open TCP sockets (connections) to allow on this VSP. If the maximum number of connections is reached, the system first attempts to find idle or invalid connections to shutdown before refusing to accept new connections.

Default: 1024
Values: Min: 1 / Max: 100000

Example: set sockets-per-box-max 1000

sockets-per-peer-max: Sets the maximum number of open TCP sockets (connections) one remote address (a VSP peer) can have open with the system at one time. If the maximum number of connections is reached, the system first attempts to find idle or invalid connections to shutdown before refusing to accept new connections.

Note that if the per-box and per-peer maximums are the same, a peer could potentially control all connections to the box, for example, in the case of a DOS attack.

Default: 256
Values: Min: 1 / Max: 100000

Example: set sockets-per-peer-max 1000

stack-message-queue-max: Specifies the maximum number of messages that the system can queue in the SIP worker threads. When the processing queue length reaches the value set with this property, the system stops reading new messages from the network, and instead works on clearing out the backlog. (These messages are not deleted but saved until read.) It remains in this mode until the queue length gets down to stack-message-queue-min. At that point, it resumes reading new messages from the network.

Default: 8192
Values: Min: 256 / Max: 65536

Example: set stack-message-queue-max 2048

stack-message-queue-min: Specifies the number of messages the message queue must be reduced to before the system can begin queuing new messages. See the description for stack-message-queue-max for a complete description.

Default: 7168
Values: Min: 0 / Max: 65535

Example: set stack-message-queue-min 256

stack-message-queue-reg-clip-threshold: Specifies the maximum number of messages allowed on the SIP stack transport processing queue before the system begins discarding incoming REGISTER messages. As long as the queue length is over this number, the system continues to discard new REGISTER requests, but still queues other traffic for processing. The system reads REGISTERs from the network, but then discards them because the system is too busy to process them.

Note that if the value set for this property is higher than the value of stack-message-queue-max, the system will never reach the clipping threshold.

Default: 0 (disabled)
Values: Min: 0 / Max: 65536

Example: set stack-message-queue-reg-clip-threshold 100

supported-extensions: Specifies the name of any extensions to SIP that the system should allow for processing. Some SIP REQUEST messages contain a field indicating that the endpoint must support particular extensions. By default, the system rejects those messages. To enable passage of those messages, enter the extension name(s) in this property. The system does not provide support for those extensions, but will recognize them and will not reject the message.

There is no default setting. The default action is for the system to reject messages containing supported extension requirements.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set supported-extensions ABCco-SIPvendor.extension

translate-sips-scheme: Specifies whether to change the sips: portion of the header to sip: in the REQUEST, TO, or FROM URI and the Contact and Via headers. If enabled, the system changes the secure SIP header (sips:) to plain sip. Use this in cases where the destination server does not support secure SIP (for example, most phones do not support sips).

Default: disabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set translate-sips-scheme enabled

tunnel-policy: Specifies whether matching policy modifies the SIP message when messaging client tunnels are configured. By default, policy does not change messages in this tunnel environment. When enabled, changes dictated by matching policy will edit the SIP message. See Configuring Messaging Client Tunnels in the sip object for more information.

Default: disabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set tunnel-policy enabled

udp-ignore-content-length: Specifies whether the system ignores the content length field of the SIP header for packets coming in over UDP. The setting only applies when the content length field shows a value greater than the actual content length of the SIP message body. When set to false, the system does not ignore the field, and therefore discards any packet arriving with an actual content length that does not match the value in the content length field. When set to true, the system forwards the packet.

Set this field to true in a case where a SIP proxy or user agent incorrectly calculates and rewrites the content length field. This may happen, for example, when a NAT device is in use.

Default: false
Values: true | false

Example: set udp-ignore-content-length true

udp-tunnel-reclaim: Specifies whether the system should scan for, and tear down, inactive UDP-to-UDP tunnels. When enabled, the system removes tunnels that are determined inactive by expiration of the time set with the static-stack-settings > max-udp-tunnel-inactivity property. Use the udp-tunnel-reclaim-scan-interval property to set the frequency with which the system checks for idle tunnels.

Default: enabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set udp-tunnel-reclaim disabled

udp-tunnel-reclaim-scan-interval: Sets the frequency in seconds with which the system checks for idle tunnels. The static-stack-settings > max-udp-tunnel-inactivity property defines the number of seconds that a tunnel can remain inactive before being deemed idle. When the udp-tunnel-reclaim property is enabled, the system tears down the idle tunnels found with each scan.

Default: 600
Values: Min: 60 / Max: 360000

Example: set udp-tunnel-reclaim-scan-interval 120

cisco-79xx-auto-ack: Specifies whether the system requires an ACK response from an INVITE challenge. Typically, when a system receives an INVITE that it must challenge, it sends a 401 challenge and awaits an ACK in response. The phone can then resend the INVITE with the appropriate Auth header information and the call can proceed.

This property is for use with Cisco phones models 7940 and 7960. These phones do not send an ACK, and instead just resend the INVITE. The system responds to the new INVITE with a 500 Server Internal Error. Set this to enabled if you have a Cisco 79xx model phone to signal the system to accept the new INVITE without the ACK.

Default: disabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set cisco-79xx-auto-ack enabled

lowercase-sip-addrs: Specifies whether the system changes case for SIP addresses before storing them in the database. By default (true), the system changes to lowercases all addresses before storage. However, in some instances of mixed case addresses, association lookups will fail if the address has been stored as lower case. Set this property to false to store addresses in the database as received: either lower or mixed case.

Default: true
Values: true | false

Example: set lowercase-sip-addrs false

sip-process-auto-restart: Specifies the action the system should take if it detects a fatal error (e.g., deadlock) in the SIP process. If enabled, the system will either restart the process or, if configured with vrrp, failover to the backup box. If disabled, the process remains down and the system sends a warning message to the error log.

Default: enabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set sip-process-auto-restart disabled

prescan-media-types: Sets whether the system prescans SIP messages for media descriptions. When enabled, the system preprocesses messages for CODEC-based routing. When disabled, it forwards messages through. You must enable this property if you have set a dial plan or policy condition-list to match on the sip-message-condition media-types attribute. Otherwise, this property should be disabled to avoid unnecessary processing overhead.

Default: disabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set prescan-media-types enabled

backup-server: Assigns a backup server for use with the system hitless upgrade feature. There is a window of time between the beginning of the upgrade process and the point at which the system can no longer accept calls. During this time, the system redirects any calls that come in to it to the backup server specified. Therefore, a call is not started and then stranded.

Default: There is no default setting
Values: <ipAddress> <any | UDP | TCP | TLS>

Example: set backup-server 10 . tls

register-retransmit-detection: Specifies whether the system forwards request messages that were resent because the response to the original request message was dropped. When enabled, the system does not retransmit a client resent request message. When disabled, the system does resend the request.

Default: enabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set register-retransmit-detection disabled

remote-party-id-accounting: Specifies the header value that the system should replace the From header with in the Call Detail Record in certain configurations. If the From header of an INVITE message matches the regular expression specified in the accounting-anonymous-match property, and this property is enabled, the system uses the Remote-Party-ID as the From header. If disabled, the system uses the Contact header as the From header.

Default: disabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set remote-party-id-accounting enabled

apply-to-methods: Specifies the message type(s) that the system allows to be processed by an external policy server. When this message type is received by the system, if there is an external policy server configured, the system forwards a WSDL request to that server for the specific policy to apply to the session.

Default: INVITE

Example: set apply-to-methods INVITE+REFER

stack-socket-threads-max: Secondary property. Sets the number of SIP stack processing threads that should be used for TLS processing. A greater number of threads speeds up TLS connection establishment.

If you are not using TLS, set the threads to 1. If you are using TLS, set the value to 4.

Default: automatic
Values: automatic | threads

Example: set stack-socket-threads-max 4

stack-socket-event-threads-max: Secondary property. Sets the number of threads dedicated to servicing ”RX available” events on the SIP sockets. These threads read the data from the sockets (in the case of TLS, this data is already decrypted), complete parsing of the data into complete SIP messages, and queue these messages for the worker threads to process.

In setting this value, it is best to set it lower than the value set for the static-stack-settings > stack-worker-threads-max property.

See Using Automatic Values for more information

Default: automatic
Values: automatic | threads

Example: set stack-socket-event-threads-max 40

sip-socket-event-queue-max: Secondary property. Sets the maximum number of socket events that can be queued for a single socket at any given time. Do not change this property unless instructed to do so by Technical Support.

Default: 4

Example: set sip-socket-event-queue-max 5

local-directory-based-user-services: Secondary property. Toggles whether to perform policy and user services on this VSP (whether to use policy to secure and control SIP traffic). You should only set this to enabled if you need to perform directory-based user services (vsp/enterprise/directory) for your SIP traffic. If enabled, you can also select which SIP messages trigger the creation of associations and user group lookups. Note that if this property is enabled, you must set the directory services for the cluster.

Also, if you enable this without configuring the server > directory property (to assign a directory to a server), you must configure the server domain name in order to match user SIP addresses to the appropriate server (by use of the domain).

Default: disabled
Values: enabled msgType disabled

Example: set local-directory-based-user-services enabled invite+refer+register

session-list-enable: Secondary property. Specifies whether or not to maintain a session list (a list of all sessions to/from a given URI). This property must be enabled for tone insertion to work.

If the system receives a CSTA signaling message containing DTMF digits, it replaces1 second of audio with the DTMF RTP packets (normally 50 RTP packets) in the RTP media stream. In that way, both CSTA and non-CSTA endpoints can incorporate the tones.

Default: disabled
Values: enabled disabled

Example: set session-list-enable enabled

sip-process-overload-restart: Secondary property. Restarts the SIP process if the system detects an overload of the SIP stack. This causes a crash of the SIP process and creates a crash file for debugging purposes. Do not enable this property unless instructed to do so by Technical Support.

Default: disabled
Values: enabled disabled

Example: set sip-process-overload-restart enabled

check-sip-sockets: Secondary property. Determines whether the system should check the state of all the server sockets periodically and issue a RX event, if necessary. Enable this to run a troubleshooting check if you determine that packets are not coming through. When enabled, the system runs a check twice a second.

Default: disabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set check-sip-sockets enabled

timeout: Secondary property. Specifies the maximum amount of time an external server has to respond to a policy request. If the timer expires, the system aborts the request.

Default: 30000
Values: Min: 100 / Max: 30000

Example: set timeout 20000

max-queued-message: Secondary property. Specifies the maximum number of concurrent external policy requests allowed. When this value has been reached, the system cannot consult an external policy server to forward the SIP request. Instead, it forwards/processes requests using only the internal system policy. This condition remains until the queue drops below this limit.

Default: 0

Example: set max-queued-message 150

lnp-tracking: Secondary property. Provides a customer-specific application implementation and is not otherwise applicable.

Default: disabled

Example: set lnp-tracking enabled

lnp-timer: Secondary property. Provides a customer-specific application implementation and is otherwise not applicable.

Default: 15

lnp-removal: Secondary property. Provides a customer-specific application implementation and is otherwise not applicable.

Default: 1440

send-trying-before-stack: Secondary property. Determines at what point in processing the ME sends a ”100 Trying” response to an INVITE. When this property is enabled, the system sends the response when low-level processing is occurring, before SIP stack processing begins. When disabled, the system sends a response when the SIP stack processes the INVITE.

Default: enabled
Values: enabled disabled

Example: set send-trying-before-stack disabled

track-sip-messages: Secondary property. Specifies whether the ME tracks the responses to SIP REGISTER and INVITE messages. If enabled, the show sip-register-responses and show sip-invite-response status providers include data indicating the type and number of responses sent and received (e.g., the number of 200 OKs, 503s, etc.).

Default: disabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set track-sip-messages enabled

check-content-headers-method: This is a secondary property. Checks the incoming SIP message Content-Length and Content-Type headers to make sure they exist when the message body is not empty. This property determines which method type to do this check. By default, all the methods are subject to check. You can specify one of the following: INVITE, REFER, MESSAGE, INFO, OPTIONS, REGISTER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, PUBLISH, ACK, BYE, CANCEL, PRACK, UPDATE, SERVICE, or PING.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set check-content-headers-method refer+cancel

check-content-headers-level: This is a secondary property. Checks the incoming SIP message Content-Length and Content-Type headers to make sure they exist when the message body is not empty. This property determines which header to check.

Default: content-type
  • Values: -none: Do not check headers

  • -content-type: Check Content-Type header

  • Content-Type+Content-Length: Check both Content-Type and Content-Length headers.

Example: set check-content-headers-level none

strict-sip-parsing: Secondary property. When true, The ME performs stricter validation of parsed SIP data. Nothing is accepted that has any quirks or violates the specification in anyway.

Default: false
Values: true | false

Example: set strict-sip-parsing true

strict-sdp-parsing: Secondary property. When true, the ME performs stricter validation of parsed SDP data. Nothing is accepted that has any quirks or violates the specification in anyway.

Default: false
Values: true | false

Example: set strict-sdp-parsing true

match-existing-to-tag: Secondary property. Specifies whether the ME matches the existing To Tag of the old session leg with the To Tag of the new session leg.

Default: disabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set match-existing-to-tag enabled

use-rfc-2543-call-id: Secondary property. Specifies whether the ME generates legacy RFC 2543 style call IDs using an @host argument. When enabled, this property appends the configured @host to call-IDs for b2b, 3pcc, and proxy modes.

Default: disabled
Values: enabled | disabled 

Example: set use-rfc-2543-call-id enabled localhost