45 Configuring Static Stack Settings Objects

The properties within the static-stack-settings object are all configuration settings that cannot be changed dynamically. Any changes to these properties do not take effect until you issue a vsp-reset action or restart the ME.


Modifies static properties of the VSP. Any changes to these properties do not take effect until you issue a vsp-reset action or restart the ME.

The ME uses the standard T1, T2, and T4 SIP timers, as described in RFC 3261, SIP: Session Initiation Protocol. These timers are the source for all other CXC timer settings in the SIP stack. There may be cases when you want to change the setting of these source times, for example to shorten connection times when memory is running low or to configure the ME to wait longer before initiating a retransmission.


config vsp static-stack-settings


domain-name: Sets the DNS domain name for the VSP. The registration service only accepts registration requests matching this domain name.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set domain-name company.com

domain-alias: Adds one or more aliases for the domain in which the system resides. This is useful in cases where a SIP server uses an address or other identifier instead of a domain name or where two interfaces on a CXC are configured to receive REGISTER requests. Adding an identifier: an IP address or a string: to the alias list allows the system to accept requests addressed to that identifier.

There is no limit to the number of aliases that can be added.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set domain-alias

location-lookup-pattern: Specifies what portion of the URI to use when doing location cache lookups. Because vendors can change the URI format, it is difficult to maintain a consistent location cache. The system creates a URI alias table, which indexes various URI formats to an AOR.

Note that you must execute the vsp-reset action if you change the lookup pattern. If you do not, the alias table will be corrupt.

Default: whole-uri
  • Values: whole-uri: The entire body of the URI. If the URI is a TEL URI, the system only considers the user portion.

  • user-host: The user and host portion of the URI.

  • user-only: The user portion of the URI.

Example: set location-lookup-pattern user-host

stack-worker-threads-max: Secondary property. Sets the number of SIP stack processing threads to create for this VSP. The system can support multiple execution threads, each concurrently working on a different SIP message. It is useful to configure extra threads to run, since some threads may occasionally block, for example while waiting for a response from an authentication server.

If you set the maximum to 0, the system executes a single thread.

See Using Automatic Values for more information.

Default: automatic
Values: automatic | threads

Example: set stack-worker-threads-max 60

max-number-of-sessions: Secondary property. Sets the maximum number of concurrent SIP sessions that the VSP can support. This value includes all REGISTER, SUBSCRIBE, INVITE, and other sessions.the system allocates resources at boot up based on this number. (The vsp > cac-max-number-of-calls property creates a dynamic value for call admission control.)

Default: automatic
Values: automatic | threads

Example: set max-number-of-sessions 1500

t1: Sets the value in milliseconds of the SIP T1 timer. The T1 timer, according to RFC 3261 is: ”For unreliable transports (such as UDP), the client transaction retransmits requests at an interval that starts at T1 seconds and doubles after every retransmission. T1 is an estimate of the round-trip time (RTT), and it defaults to 500 ms.” The T1 full timer description can be found in section of RFC 3261 RFC 3261.

Default: 2000
Values: Min: 10 / Max: 10000

Example: set t1 30

t2: Sets the value of the SIP T2 timer. The T2 timer, according to RFC 3261 is: ”... the amount of time a non-INVITE server transaction will take to respond to a request, if it does not respond immediately.” The T2 full timer description can be found in section of RFC 3261.

Default: 4000
Values: Min: 1000 / Max: 10000

Example: set t2 3000

t4: Sets the value of the SIP T4 timer. The T4 timer, according to RFC 3261 is: ”the amount of time the network will take to clear messages between client and server transactions.” The T4 full timer description can be found in section of RFC 3261.

Default: 5000
Values: Min: 1000 / Max: 10000

Example: set t4 4500

max-udp-session-linger: Sets the number of milliseconds that the system maintains the internal data structure for a SIP transaction after its apparent useful life is over. (Keeping a session live makes it available in the event that a retransmission arrives.) You may want to reduce the session linger time if, for example, you are low on memory.

A value of 0 sets the system to remove the session immediately on receipt/transmission of the first final response.

Default: 30000
Values: Min: 0 / Max: 60000

Example: set max-udp-session-linger 20000

max-udp-tunnel-inactivity: Specifies the number of seconds that a UDP-to-UDP tunnel can remain inactive before it becomes eligible to be torn down. Because UDP is a connectionless protocol, it does not provide the cleanup utilities for idle sessions that a protocol such as TCP provides. Instead, the system defines inactivity with this property, and configures tunnel reclamation in the settings object (udp-tunnel-reclaim and udp-tunnel-reclaim-scan interval properties).

Default: 3600
Values: Min: 300 / Max: 60000

Example: set max-udp-tunnel-inactivity 7200

max-proxy-transactions-per-vsp: Secondary property. Sets the maximum number of concurrent proxy transactions for the entire VSP. You can specify an integer or use the default, automatic, to use the platform specific factory value.

Default: automatic

Example: set max-proxy-transactions-per-vsp automatic

max-redirect-sessions: Secondary property. When configured, this property overrides the redirect session limit enforced on the ME.

Default: automatic (The WebRTC Session Controller Media Engine uses the platform-specific factory default value)
Values: automatic | <integer>

Example: set max-redirect-sessions 100