55 Configuring VRRP Objects

The VRRP objects allow you to configure the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) on ME. VRRP provides link-level failover capabilities and continued service between two or more (and up to 255) ME virtual interfaces should a network link go down in the network cluster.

Within VRRP each interface is assigned a master or backup responsibility. The priority of an interface is determined by the order in which you added the interface as a host (i.e., the first interface added has the highest priority).The VRRP interface with the highest priority is responsible for forwarding traffic and is the elected master. Other configured VRRP interfaces across the cluster with lower priorities serve as VRRP backup interfaces available to assume VRRP mastership, if necessary. You can change the order of the interfaces using the move command.

If the master VRRP interface becomes unavailable, the election protocol enables a backup VRRP interface to assume mastership using the next prioritized (added) interface. However, if the original master VRRP interface (the interface with the highest priority) should once again become available (and the preempt property is set to true), VRRP returns mastership to that interface.

Note that in addition to configuring VRRP for the cluster, you must also enable VRRP on one IP interface. Make sure that the parent physical interface is one that is always available, such as the management interface.

See RFC 2338, Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol, for detailed information about this protocol.


Sets the administrative status of VRRP on a cluster. On the ME, VRRP functions as virtual Ethernet redundancy protocol, setting up failover for Ethernet interfaces.

In order for VRRP to work effectively on a cluster, you must enable the share-registration-entries property in the cluster object.


config cluster vrrp


sip-fault-groups: Sets the system to initiate a VRRP failover to the backup the ME if there is a SIP crash. When you specify a group, the ME associates the SIP process with that group. (It is a good idea to apply this group to interfaces carrying SIP traffic.) In the event of a crash, the ME brings down the referenced VRRP group, causing the failover. VRRP groups are configured using the vinterface > group property. A value of 0 disables this function.

Default: 0
Values: Min: 1 / Max: 32

Example: set sip-fault-groups 5

sip-dead-groups: Sets the system to initiate a VRRP failover to the backup ME if the local SIP process goes dead. When you specify a group, the ME associates the SIP process with that group. (It is a good idea to apply this group to interfaces carrying SIP traffic.) In the event of a crash, the ME brings down the referenced VRRP group, causing the failover. VRRP groups are configured using the vinterface > group property. A value of 0 disables this function.

Default: 0
Values: Min: 1 / Max: 32

Example: set sip-dead-groups 5

media-fault-group: Secondary property. Sets the system to initiate a VRRP failover to the backup box if there is a media crash. When you specify a group, the system associates the SIP process with that group. (It is a good idea to apply this group to interfaces carrying SIP traffic.) In the event of a crash, the system brings down the referenced VRRP group, causing the failover. VRRP groups are configured using the vinterface > group property. A value of 0 disables this function.

Default: 0

Example: set media-fault-group 3


Configures a virtual interface in the cluster, for use by VRRP. A vinterface is a VRRP construction that allows a backup system for Ethernet interfaces. It does so by updating and advertising MAC-to-IP address mappings (using gratuitous ARP). A VRRP virtual router defines a MAC address for an interface. The ME loads that address onto the Ethernet interface acting as the master host. If that interface goes down, the ME moves that MAC address to the next priority interface, using ARP to broadcast the MAC-to-IP mapping.

To create or edit a vinterface, enter a virtual router interface ID in the range of vx0 to vx254.


config cluster vrrp vinterface vxID


admin: Enables and disables this VRRP virtual interface configuration. When enabled, the referenced interfaces participate in the failover features of VRRP. When disabled, the interfaces do not serve as link backup.

Default: enabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set admin disabled

group: Groups VRRP interfaces for failover purposes. If you assign a vinterface a group number of 0, it does not participate in grouping. Services that run on the box can use the VRRP grouping feature for failover as well. See Master Services in VRRP Configurations for more information.

Default: 0

Example: set group 10

host-interface: Sets the Ethernet interfaces to be used as part of the VRRP resources. Re-execute the command for each interface in the VRRP pool.

The order of priority is established by your order of entry (first is highest). You can configure two or more Ethernet interfaces on a box, but the boxes must be grouped. For example, all box 2 instances must occur in a row: you could configure box 2, box 2, box 1, box 3. A box must fail fully (all interfaces) before the system seeks connectivity with the next box in the configuration.

Note that each Ethernet interface should only be used once, as a master or backup. Do not re-use interfaces across a vinterface.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set host-interface cluster box 1 interface eth0

preempt: Secondary property. Specifies whether the configured master vinterface should retake the mastership if it has gone down and then returned to operation. If set to true, the master resumes its position. If set to false, the backup interface retains master control.

Default: false
Values: true | false

Example: set preempt true

gratuitous-arp-count: Secondary property. Specifies the number of gratuitous ARP packets to send. The system uses gratuitous ARP to keep other devices informed of the IP-to-MAC address mapping of the current master vinterface.

Default: 1
Values: Min: 1 / Max: 20

Example: set gratuitous-arp-count 3

gratuitous-arp-interval: Secondary property. Specifies the number of seconds between gratuitous ARP packets if the count is set to greater than 1.

Default: 1
Values: Min: 1 / Max: 20

Example: set gratuitous-arp-interval 10

gratuitous-arp-period: Secondary property. Specifies the number of seconds the system waits between completing the previous gratuitous ARP count/interval, and beginning the next. For example, if you set the count to 2, the interval to 3, and the period to 10, the system sends out a GARP, waits 3 seconds and then sends another. After 10 seconds, the system begins again. A value of 0 sets the system to only send out the first alerting GARP packets.

Default: 0
Values: Min: 0 / Max: 65535

Example: set gratuitous-arp-period 10

advertisement-timer-value: Secondary property. Specifies how often in milliseconds the master VRRP interface advertises itself to other interfaces in the pool. Do not change this value unless instructed to do so by technical support.

Default: 100

Example: set advertisement-timer-value 200

heartbeat-timer-value: Secondary property. Sets the basis of the value used by the system to determine how long to wait before failing over to the backup interface. Do not change this value unless instructed to do so by technical support.

Default: 600

Example: set heartbeat-timer-value 900

takeover-skew: Secondary property. Sets an internal value that influences the VRRP takeover timer calculation. Do not change this value unless instructed to do so by Technical Support.

Default: 1
Values: Min: 1 / Max: 3

Example: set takeover-skew 1


Sets the interface that the ME uses to send out VRRP advertisements. Enable this object on one IP interface per box.


config cluster box number interface ethX ip name vrrp-advertisements
config cluster box number interface ethX vlan number ip name vrrp-advertisements
config box interface ethX ip name vrrp-advertisements
config box interface ethX vlan number ip name vrrp-advertisements


admin: Sets the administrative state of VRRP advertisements on an interface. When enabled, the interface is used by the system to send out VRRP advertisements. When disabled, advertisements are not sent out over the interface. Enable this feature on only one interface per box.

Default: enabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set admin disabled