57 Configuring Web-Service Objects

The web services object enables the Web Services Definition Language (WSDL). WSDL is an XML-based language for describing Web services, and how to access them, in a platform-independent manner. Simple Object Access Protocol SOAP (SOAP) is the communication protocol used for communication between applications, based on XML.

A WSDL document is a set of definitions that describe how to access a web service and what operations it will perform. The ME uses it in combination with SOAP and XML Schema to allow a client program connecting to a web service to determine available server functions. The actions and data types required are embedded in the WSDL file, which then may be enclosed in a SOAP envelope. The SOAP protocol supports the exchange of XML-based messages, with the ME using HTTPS.

You can configure the ME as both a WSDL client and server. Use the external-services object to configure it as a client; use the web-service object to enable the interface, allowing the ME to function as a server.

See the Oracle Communications OS-E Management Tools guide for a complete description of the ME WSDL implementation.


Configures the ME as a web services server by enabling WSDL on the interface. Configuring the ME as a server allows clients to make calls and requests into the box to control and manage the platform. To configure the ME as a web service client, allowing it to make web service ”call outs” to get location and policy information from an external service endpoint, use the external-services object.


config cluster box number interface ethX ip name web-service
config cluster box number interface ethX vlan number ip name web-service
config box interface ethX ip name web-service
config box interface ethX vlan number ip name web-service


admin: Enables or disables the use of WSDL over the selected interface. If enabled, the system functions as a web services server.

Default: enabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set admin disabled

protocol: Sets the protocol to use for the ME Management System operations. After setting a protocol, you can select the web service listening port (or accept the default). This is the port the server listens on for HTTP(S) requests.

Default: https 443; the redirect port defaults to 0 which disables redirect; the default alias for the key is tomcat
  • Values: http: Sets an insecure (unencrypted) protocol for use in web transmission.

  • https: Provides secure transmission of web pages by using HTTP over SSL. Optionally, you can set:

  • A redirect port

  • A reference to a previously configured certificate (configured with the certificate object)

  • An alias for the key in the key store (named in the certificate configuration)

Example: set protocol https 443 0 ”vsp tls certificate nnos-e.company.com” certKey

authentication: Specifies whether the web service client needs a certificate to communicate with the system. Set the property to basic to require HTTP basic authentication for client connections. Set the property to certificate to require an HTTPS certificate for authentication of client connections.

Default: basic
Values: basic | certificate integer

Example: set authentication certificate ”vsp tls certificate ws_cert”

application: Identifies a click-to-call profile that the system web service server will host. Enter a reference to a previously configured application.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set application preferences click-to-call

max-threads: Specifies the maximum number of total worker threads, both active and spare (idle), allocated to the web service.

Default: 10
Values: Min: 1 / Max: 50

Example: set max-threads 15

min-spare-threads: Specifies the minimum number of inactive threads that the system must leave allocated to the web service. When the system removes idle threads, it must leave this number of spares available.

Default: 1
Values: Min: 0 / Max: 50

Example: set min-spare-threads 20

max-spare-threads: Specifies the maximum number of inactive threads the system can leave allocated to the web service. When the system detects idle threads, it can not maintain more than this number.

Default: 5
Values: Min: 0 / Max: 50

Example: set max-spare-threads 8

max-message-process-threads: The maximum number of messaging processing threads.

Default: 10
Values: Min: 10 / Max: 200

Example: set max-message-process-threads 50

max-http-connections: The maximum number of outbound HTTP connections.

Default: 100
Values: Min: 100 / Max: 300

Example: set max-http-connections 250

max-http-client-connections: The maximum number of outbound HTTP connections per host.

Default: 10
Values: Min: 5 / Max: 100

Example: set max-http-client-connections 75


The ME supports an embedded Tomcat web server which allows users to host some simple Java-based web applications directly on the ME.

The ME is able to do this by means of virtual hosting. A virtual host is simply an alternate DNS name for an IP address. The ME uses a Tomcat server to process requests on a per-domain basis. Based on the configuration, you can select which virtual hosts the ME responds to.


Because HTTP DNS-based virtual hosting requires distinct names, two names are needed for the virtual host to work properly. You need one name to map to the ME web services server and the other to map to the applications virtual host.

For example, ”ose.example.com” and ”oseapps.example.com both point to the same IP. Applications are available on the virtual host oseapps.example.com name, while the applications are configured to use the ME web services available on the asc.example.com name.

For the embedded web server to work, you must specify a directory in the virtual host configuration on which to copy Web Application Resource (WAR) files you want to deploy.


The directory onto which you copy WAR files is always under the cxc_common directory and cannot be changed.


config cluster box name interface eth ip address web-service virtual-host name


name: Specifies the host name for this virtual host.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set name vh1

admin: Enables or disables this virtual host.

Default: enabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set admin disabled

applications-directory: The directory you are placing WAR files for applications presented by this virtual host.

Default: webapps

Example: set applications /apps_directory

web-app-config: Configures the web application running on this virtual host. Enter a path.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set web-app-config /web_app_directory

role-mapping: Configures authentication and authorization for all web applications based on the access permissions configuration. Enter a name for the role to assign to this permission.

For information about roles, see http://docs.oracle.com/javee/6/tutorial/doc/gijrp.html.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set role-mapping admin

access-logging: Configure the access logging for this virtual host. This is a log file to record all requests and responses to and from this virtual host.


Configures the web application running on this virtual host.


config cluster box name interface eth ip address web-service virtual-host name web-app-config


context-parameter: Sets an application-level configuration property for this web application. Enter a name and a value.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set context-parameter param1 phone_app

servlets: Configures servlets within this web application. Enter a name.

For information about servlets, see http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/6/tutorial/doc/bnafd.html.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set servlets serv1


Configures servlets within this web application.


config cluster box name interface eth ip address web-service virtual-host name web-app-config


init-parameter: Sets the servlet configuration that overrides the configuration from the web application as it is deployed. Enter a name and a value.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set init-parameter init1 param2


Configures the access logging for this virtual host. This is a log file to record all requests and responses to and from this virtual host.


config cluster box name interface eth ip address web-service virtual-host name access-logging


admin: Enables or disables access logging on this virtual host.

Default: enabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set admin disabled

directory: Specifies the direcdtory on which to write the log files.

Default: /cxc_common/virtualhosts/logs

Example: set directory /webapps_log

prefix: Enter a prefix of the file name for the logging files.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set prefix wa

pattern: Set the format to use to log requests.

Default: combined
  • Values: common: A basic common format.

  • combined: A combined format that extends the common format.

Example: set pattern common

buffered: Indicates whether log messages should be buffered before writing.

Default: false
Values: true | false

Example: set buffered true

maximum-file-age: Enter the maximum number of days to keep the log in the directory before deleting.

Default: 7
Values: Min: 0 / Max: 4294967296

Example: set maximum-file-age 15